Tanya Volkov - biography, photo, personal life, news, songs, blog 2021



The potential star YouTube Tanya Volkova in two years reached the plank in a million channel subscribers. Uncomplicated Lifehaki, made with humor rollers on the subject of the typing of people, as well as parodies on colleagues continue to attract the interest of the audience to young Internet celebrities.

Tanya Volkov

Tatyana Volkova celebrates birthday on August 9. The girl hides her age, but in the video where she answers questions of fans, Tatiana claims that she has already been 18 years old. Since the material is posted on August 23, 2017, it is assumed that the future Internet Celabriti was born in 1999. Lives with parents in Odessa.


Tatiana Volkov is known, first of all, as the author of the Tanny Volkova channel on YouTube. Also spinning its accounts in social networks "VKontakte" and "Instagram". She brought a wide popularity by a roller parody to the blogger Marean Ro. Turning into the image of a colleague, Volkova made Diss on the face of Mariana on her ex-boyfriend, Blogger Ivanga. For a few seconds, Volkova appears in the frame naked, covering the chest with the hand. At May 2018, the clip on Youtube looked more than 18 million times.

The idea to take off the first video came spontaneously when Tatyana was photographed for a passport. As the girl tells, she could not focus and constantly laughed. Her young man removed what was happening on the video and put on his channel. For some time, the couple was having fun at that Pranki was shot on each other. Volkova itself calls this idea bad idea.

The start of the personal channel Tatiana became a roller about the types of behavior of girls in "Instagram". Now Volkova estimates the debut material as "primitive", but not bad for the first video. Initial content included experiments. Volkova loined and threw a hundred bobber in a bath, spinner twisted, cooking ice cream, decorated with an apartment, but soon refused the material in the spirit "checked on herself."

Blogger Tanya Volkova

Lifehaki came to replace for schoolchildren associated with studying, communicating, free time planning. There were videos based on the typing of people on behavior in a particular situation: "Types of girls in the soul", "Types of bloggers in the gym", "Types of girls on February 14," "Types of people during the disease", "Types of people in New Year's Eve " etc. Made with humor rollers in which each YouTube user will find, expanded the audience of the canal.

A good course was the content that uses the popularity of authors of other channels. Volkova released a parody of "Foreign" on the clip "Lzhuh 2.0" Maryana RO, and earlier, Nagu Buzov, reworked her song "Few Polovin". If the Hit ex-participating "House-2" was about relationships, then Volkov, reincarnated into the image of Buzova, asks a plastic surgeon to increase her brain, because "Few Polovine."

In the arsenal of the blogger there is a cover. Taking music from the song "Pink Wine" Ellice and Feduk, Volkova in the clip "Spoiled Compote" told about how hard to attend school. The excitement among Tatiana fans caused the nokia clip on the outdated phone model.

This is the joint creativity of a wicked and video unit known under the pseudonym Artur Carton. To stop disputes about the fee from the manufacturer of electronics, the author commented on the creation, saying that this is a joke, not advertising.

Tatiana does not forget about feedback, communicating with fans in social networks. On the channel there are several video taken at the time of call subscribers. The girl is not shy to make money on popularity. During a video relationship with fans, announcements sometimes appear with rates. For the money Tatiana is ready to put like in the social network, make a signet or sing in karaoke.

All of the listed led to the fact that in less than two years the channel audience oversteps the millionth front. In April 2018, Tatiana Volkova received an Award of YouTube for my achievement - a gold button in a metal rim. You can see the moment of receiving mail with Internet trophies in a video dedicated to the creation of the JRRU clip.

Personal life

Tatyana Volkova is found with a young man named Andrei. He is responsible for the technical side of the content of the content (shooting, installation), and also helps Tatiana organize shooting. According to the girl, they met on the street. Andrei showed focuses and chose Tanya as a volunteer from among the audience so that she pulled out a nail out of his nose. Neither marriage registration, nor children who often ask fans, there are no plans for lovers yet.

Tanya Volkov and her boyfriend Andrei

Tatiana loves soft toys. Traveling often enters Disney shops. On a trip to Italy, in the spring of 2018, a set of fairies from the Tinker Bell animation tape has acquired. Loves to watch cartoons, the childhood cartoon calls "Well, wait." Sometimes talks about viewed series; From among the impressive most - the series "Stay alive."

Often spends free time in stores and shopping centers, even if you do not need to buy anything. According to his own admission, love shopping. Findord prefers from desserts. He also loves a honeycomb, according to her, grandmother cooks this cake every fall.

Tanya Volkov in glasses

Tatiana has no 100% vision. Sometimes wearing glasses. Growth among the girl is small, what she often makes fun. On her channel is even placed comic video devoted to the problems of people of small growth.

Tatyana Volkova now

Blider continues to shoot video for the channel. Parodies remain the sheep rollers. The number of views of each of them exceeds the number of channel subscribers. Separately contens about what happened behind the scenes while the clip was created.

Tanya Volkov in 2018

Tatiana is not going to move from Odessa to another city, but notes: if the fans will be invited to the meeting, it will be happy to visit it. Expand the present on the Internet, the girl does not plan yet. Follow the news from the life of the Youtube star, except for the video hosting itself, you can vkontakte or in "Instagram". In both sources, Volkova regularly updates the news feed.

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