Jan Vermeer - biography, photo, personal life, paintings, death



Jan Vermeer is a talented Netherlands artist, whose life, like creativity, is surrounded by speculation and assumptions. The fact is that during the life of the Vermeer, as well as some time after his death, the masters did not cause an explicit interest, although they immediately bought. Many canvases were even lost. However, after some time, the attention of art historians attracted the creations of the forgotten genius, and now the name Yana Vermeer stands in one row with the names of the geniuses of painting Rembrandt Wang Raina, Jan Wang Eyka, Peter Bruegel.

Childhood and youth

Riddles appear directly from the beginning of the biography of Jan Vermeer Delft. The last nickname, the artist received the location of the alleged birth - the city of Delft. Where did the Vermeer come from (and the artist was born on October 31, 1632), it is not known for certain, but the information is preserved that the parents baptized the little Yana in Delft. The master loved this city, one of his paintings is called - "type of delfet." On the canvas, the artist managed to transfer the beauty and peace of this place.

Estimated portrait of Yana Vermeer

The father of the future artist owned his own innovative courtyard and restaurant, and also worked as a master of weaving on silk fabrics. In addition, this man knew the lot in works of art and even resold some of them merchants and collectors. Maybe why Yang Vermeer at some point and became interested in painting.

It is known that in 1653, a young man took the art guild of St. Luke. However, under the terms of membership in this society, before joining the guild, the artist should study at the experienced mentor within six years. Who became such for Jan Vermeer, is also not known.

Estimated self portrait Yana Vermeer

Versions vary: According to one of them, Vermeer "stuck his hand" under the leadership of Leonart Bramera, on the other purpose - a teacher of a young man was a more famous painter Gerard Terbor. Be that as it may, Vermeer was closely friends with both masters.

Another assumption that has good reasons, is the version that Karel Fabrichius became the teacher and mentor Jan Vermeer. There is information that this artist arrived in the city of Delft just at a time when the young painter allegedly passed training. Also on the style of the Vermeter paintings (especially early), the creativity of Peter de Hoha, whose work was liked to Janu.


When the father of Yana died, the young man had to do the affairs of the Tavern, who remained the main source of family earnings. Although Vermeer by that time he had already held an honorary position in the Art Guild of St. Luke (and on the fact he led it), it practically did not bring income.

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At the same time, the artist's paintings were loved by experts of art and quickly found buyers. Soon, Vermeer gained permanent patrons of patrons: Hendrik Wang Buyten, a local pecary, and Jacob Dissius, the owner of the printed workshop.

In the collections of these people, in different information, more than two dozen artist's works were kept. However, it remained unexplained, whether Vermeer wrote on the topics ordered, or simply provided Van Buuytin and Dyssyus the right to acquire new creations.

It is noteworthy that Jan Vermeer was famous for not only as a talented artist, but also as an expert and expert of art objects. They were treated to find out or confirm the authenticity of certain cloths. However, its own talent, the artist did not transfer anyone - historians and art historians converge on the versions that the student at Vermeer had never been.

A distinctive feature of the works of Yana Vermeer are carefully registered interiors and details of urban landscapes. But human images the artist preferred to prescribe only on portraits, if the figure of man appeared in the landscape, it was usually quite insignificant.

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One of the bright examples of the "interior" painting is considered to be the picture of the artist's workshop written by the master in 1666. This is a late work, on which Vermera managed to transfer the atmosphere of the Wizard's workplace. It is believed that the image of the artist Jan Vermeer wrote from himself. Also, an example of an excellent transmitted interior atmosphere, paintings "Girl reading a letter at the window" and "thrush" are considered.

In addition, Vermeer was the master of the so-called "love" painting. This feeling has become the main motive of many artist's paintings. Simple household scenes exceedly convey peace and harmony of characters and settings. Often the model and the muse for Jan Vermeter became his spouse, an example of this is the painting "Officer and Laming Girl".

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Drew the artist and their children: presumably the picture "Girl with pearl earrings" is a portrait of the artist's daughter. Also, work entitled "Portrait of a young girl" is considered another image of the Vermeer's daughter. It is noteworthy that both portraits (also exclusively for conventional scientists) The artist wrote with the help of a touchscreen.

Personal life

Family life Yana Vermeer was happy. In the 1653rd artist married a girl named Catarina Bnean. The situation complicated only the rejection by the mother of the bride of his beloved daughter. The fact is that the Catarina family adhered to Catholicism, Vermeer was a Protestant.

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But soon, seeing the attitude of Yana Vermeer to her daughter, the woman gave way and agreed to the wedding. Nevertheless, until the end of the life, Maria Bneeling, the mother of Vermeer, did not accept the choice of his daughter, counting Yana too soft and a non-small man. Catarina presented with a spouse of 15 children. Unfortunately, four died in infancy.


The last years of the life of Yana Vermeer was overshadowed by the need. The artist, until that time, who did not know the material problems, faced the need to take loans, ask for loans and reduce the ends with the ends. It did not slow down to affect the moral condition: the master began to root, the health of the Vermeer was strongly suggested. There is also a version that a considerable role was played and the divorce of Jan Vermeer with his beloved wife, but there is no confirmation of these assumptions.

Togil Jan Vermeer

The reasons for the death of the artist are still disputing: an accurate diagnosis or circumstances could not find out. Presumably, Jan Vermeer left life due to strong nervous exhaustion, finally undermined the health of the painter. It happened on December 15, 1675. The artist was only 43 years old. Vermeer rests in a family crypt in his native damft.

20 years after the death of Jan Vermeer, in the 1696th, auction took place, at which 21 work of the artist was exposed. Some of them were lost over time, and now scientists and art historians talk about 16 recognized paintings of the Vermeer. Another 5 canvases still remain the subject of disputes and are not officially recognized by the works of the master.

Falsifiers, imitating the work of Yana Vermeer, were enjoyed by a similar situation. The most famous "imitator" is called Khan Wang Megerene, who earned a name on fakes.

Vermeer's work presented inspiration and other talented people. Thus, a number of documentary and artistic films are devoted to his paintings, the Opera "Letters to Vermeler" of the composer Louis Andrissen, as well as the novel "Girl with Pearl Earrings", subsequently filmted by the director Peter Webber. In this picture, telling about the life of Yana Vermeer, Colin Firth starred, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Wilkinson, Killian Murphy.


  • About 1653-1654 - "Diana with companions"
  • About 1654-1656 - "Christ in the House of Martha and Mary"
  • 1656 - "Summinka"
  • About 1656-1657 - "Sleeping Girl"
  • About 1657-1659 - "Girl reading a letter by the window"
  • About 1657 - "Officer and laughing girl"
  • About 1660 - "thrush"
  • About 1663-1664 - "Woman holding scales"
  • About 1665-1667 - "Girl with pearl earrings"
  • 1668 - "Astronomer"

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