Anton Makarenko - biography, photo, personal life teacher, books



Anton Makarenko is a teacher who entered the four specialists who determined the method of pedagogical thinking in the XX century. True, the merits of men admitted after the death of a talented teacher. However, for Makarenko himself, it did not play a big role.

Portrait of Anton Makarenko

His own calling, Anton Semenovich devoted most of the life of the re-education of difficult teenagers. Former disciples that have experienced innovative methods of Makarenko, have achieved notable success and wrote a lot of books devoted to the teacher's activities.

Childhood and youth

On April 1, 1888, in the family of an employee of the railway station, located in the city of Belopol, Sumy County, was born firstborn. Happy parents called Anton's child. Soon after the Son, Makarenko's spouses appeared another boy and a girl. Alas, the youngest daughter died back in infancy.

Anton Makarenko in childhood

Senior Anton also rose painful. A sly boy did not participate in common yard fun, preferring time to spend time with books, which in the house Makarenko was enough. Despite the position of Handeller and Malar, the father of the future teacher loved to read and instill this feature to children.

The closedness and myopia, which makes the Anton wearing glasses, made the boy unpopular among the peers. Over the boy often and cruelly mocked. In 1895, parents gave a child to a two-class primary school, the study in which Anton was easy. The image of the beast did not add a child in the eyes of the opposite of the authority.

Anton Makarenko in youth

When the boy turned 13, the family moved to the city of Kryukov, so that the children of Makarenko could continue their education. Anton entered the Kremenchug 4-class urban school, which graduated with honors and commendable certificates.

In 1904, Anton for the first time thinks about the future profession and comes with a listener on pedagogical courses, after the end of which receives the right to teach in elementary school.


The first students of Makarenko became the children of the city of Kryukov. But almost immediately Anton realizes that knowledge for work is not enough. In 1914, the young man enters the Poltava teacher's institution. In parallel with the acquisition of new knowledge, Anton devotes a lot of time writing activities. The first story is "Stupid Day" - Makarenko sends Gorky.

Maxim Gorky and Anton Makarenko

In response, the writer sends the letter to Anton, where the work ruthlessly criticizes. After the failure of Makarenko, 13 years will not attempt to write a book. But the relationship with bitter teacher will support throughout life.

The man began to develop his own re-education system in the labor colony for minor offenders in the village of Kovalevka, located next to Poltava. Makarenko introduced a technique at which difficult teenagers were divided into groups and independently equipped life. A peculiar commune attracted the attention of the authorities, but the news of the beating of children (Makarenko once hit the pupil) deprived the teacher of his position.

Pedagogue Anton Makarenko

Find a new job as a teacher helped bitter. The writer highlighted the transition of Makarenko to the colony, located next to Kharkov, and advised again to try to create a literary work.

In the new institution, Anton Semenovich quickly established already proven order. Under the leadership of a man, hard teenagers began to make FED cameras. In parallel with the news about the innovative methods of Makarenko, three works of the teacher are published: "March 30," "FD - 1" and "Pedagogical Poem".

Anton Makarenko with pupils

And again representatives of the authorities, carefully follow the teacher, stopped teaching experiments. Makarenko was transferred to Kiev to the post of assistant chief of the department of labor colonies.

Realizing that it will not allow to return to your favorite case, Makarenko devotes himself to writing books. The sensational "pedagogical poem" provided a man in the Union of Soviet writers. A year later, anonymist comes to the name of the former teacher. Makarenko accused of criticizing Stalin. Anton Semenovich, warned by former colleagues, managed to move to Moscow.

Books Anton Makarenko

In the capital, a man continues to write books. In collaboration with his wife, Makarenko ends the "Book for Parents", where it describes in detail his own look at the raising of children. Anton Semenovich claims that the child needs a team that will help adapt in society. No less important for a person the possibility of free implementation.

Labor activity was the next condition of harmonious development - Makarenko's pupils independently earned their own needs. Later, the work, like many other creations of Anton Semenovich, shields. Already after the death of the teacher, the films "Poetic poem" will be released on the screens, "Flags on the towers" and "big and small".

Personal life

Makarenko's first love became Elizaveta Fedorovna Grigorovich. By the time of the meeting with Anton, the woman was already married to the priest. In addition, the beloved was the older chosen one for 8 years. Acquaintance of young people organized her husband Elizabeth.

Anton Makarenko and Elizaveta Grigorovich

At 20, Anton laid badly with peers and even thought about suicide. To save the soul of the young man, the priest led from Makarenko a long conversation and also attracted to the conversations Elizabeth. Soon young people realized that they were in love. The news stuck everyone. Senior Makarenko kicked the son from the house, but Anton did not throw his beloved.

Like Makarenko, Elizabeth received pedagogical education and, together with her beloved, worked in the colony of the name of Gorky (Colony in the village of Kovalevka). The novel lasted 20 years and ended at the initiative of Anton. In a letter, Brother, teacher stated that the "Atavisms of the Old Popovskaya family" woke up in Elizabeth.

Anton Makarenko and his wife Galina

Married Makarenko in 1935. With the future wife, the teacher met at work - Galina Stakhievna worked as an inspector of the Narkomadzor and came to the colony with the inspection. The woman brought up the son of Lion, who Anton Semenovich adopted after registration of marriage.

By giving all his time to pupils, Makarenko never became a father. But replaced the parent of Pasyanka and the niece of the Olympiad - the daughter of the younger brother. Vitaly Makarenko, from his youth served in the White Guard Regiment, was forced to flee from Russia. A pregnant wife remained in his homeland. After birth, the niece completely passed under the custody of the teacher.


Makarenko died on April 1, 1939 with strange circumstances. A man who returned from the recreation of writers in the suburbs was late for the train. Anton Semenovich was waiting in the publisher with new prepared articles on the principles of education. Having killed into the car, Makarenko fell to the floor and no longer woke up.

The grave of Anton Makarenko

The official cause of death is a heart attack. It was rumored that in Moscow Makarenko had to arrest, so the teacher could not stand the tension. An autopsy showed that the heart of the talented tutor is damaged in an unusual way. The body takes a similar appearance if a poison hit the body. But confirmation of poisoning was found not.

Makarenko buried on the Novodevichy cemetery. Soviet newspapers posted a necrologist on the pages, where Anton Semenovich was mentioned as a deserved writer. About pedagogical activities of a man did not printed a word.


  • 1932 - "Major"
  • 1932 - "March 30 years"
  • 1932 - "FD-1"
  • 1935 - "Pedagogical Poem"
  • 1936 - "Methods of organizing the educational process"
  • 1937 - "Book for parents"
  • 1938 - "Honor"
  • 1938 - "Flags on the towers"
  • 1939 - "Lecture on the upbringing of children"


Your own behavior is the most decisive thing. Do not think that you raise the child only when they talk to him, or teach him, or order him. You raise it at every moment of your life, even when you do not have a house. For education you need not a lot of time, but a reasonable use of a small time. If you cannot demand a lot from a person, it will not get a lot from it. Solkiv is not a crowd. The experience of collective life is not only the experience of the neighborhood with other people, through the team every member is included in society.

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