Boris Andreev - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



Good-natured, with rolling bass, Boris Andreev caused incredible sympathy and confidence in both spectators and colleagues in cinema. The great artist, deep soul and responsiveness of a person lived a bright, rich life. Now the actor remains a symbol of the worker and the great heroic, the image of which embodied on the screen.

Childhood and youth

Ilya Muromets of Soviet Cinema was born in the family of Saratov workers on February 9, 1915. In childhood, when the boy was five years old, the family moved into the small town of Volga region - Angarsk. There, Boris Andreev graduated from the seventels and went to Saratov to enroll in agricultural technical school.

Actor Boris Andreev

If at the time of Stakhanov, someone said Boris's parents, that the son will become a star of cinema, then they would most likely not believe. Together with the boy's friends, the little Boria loved to show the scenes of the worker. But then it did not come in.

Reaching Saratov, the young man met the builders of the Volga Combine Plant. Young, workers, friendly workers persuaded Boris Fedorovich to join the team. After the short-term courses, Andreev settled on the production of the electro recorder.

Boris Andreev in youth

In the Soviet years, the leadership of the factories also took care of the leisure of employees. Therefore, Boris Fedorovich came to the rehearsal of the drama, where a young colorful man noticed and appreciated the teacher, as well as a talented actor and director Ivan Artemyevich elephants.

It was the elephants that offered Andreev to enter the Saratov Theater School. At first, the young worker doubted, because combining classes and work at the plant seemed not the task of not the lungs. Then the guide went to meet the creative talent of Boris and reduced the workload on the shifts. In 1937, the actor passed the course and graduated from the school.

Immediately after receiving the formation of Andreev, I changed the working days on the Saratov Dramatic Theater. K. Marx (since 2003, the theater was assigned the name I. A. Zalonov). True, to play on the stage with a new artist for a long time did not have to. Soon in the biography of Andreev, cinema appears.


By the way, the first attempt to play the cinema ended for the artist failure. Boris Andreev was distinguished by a brutal mighty figure, the appearance of a truly Russian simple worker, a leaving of the people. Such a type has enjoyed tremendous demand from Soviet filmmakers. A.P. Dovzhenko invited the actor to the role of Peter Chija in the Chief Film. However, Boris Fedorovich's samples did not pass, although he played a tiny episodic role in the picture.

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Triumph overtook the artist in 1939 after entering the screens the paintings of Ivan Pyrhev "Tortanists". Accidentally, having received an invitation to the samples in 1938 during the tour of the Saratov Theater in Moscow, the loud rectilinear Andreev immediately liked the director. The role of the Lich Nazar of the Duma, one left lifting tractor, for many years determined the role of the actor.

In 1939, the actor played Shakhtar Hriton Balun in Drama Leonid Lukov "Big Life". The picture became the leader of the rental, and the character of Andreeva is a symbol of a simple worker with a wide heart and an open soul.

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Characters Andreev remained close to the people, however, as the artist himself. Over the years of life, the great talent of the Soviet cinema played more than 50 films. Among them, the military drama "Once at night", "Two Fighters", "Big Life", already post-the-catching pictures "First Flight", "Years are young."

The image of the Russian hero of Ilya Muromets, as anyone else, corresponded to the role of Andreeva. It is not surprising that it was he who played the epic hero in the film of Alexander Ptushko in the same name in 1956.

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The most successful in the Soviet years was considered the role of the actor "Optimistic tragedy", where young Vyacheslav Tikhonov appeared with the already legendary Andreev. Contemporaries said that in the plot the character Tikhonov should spit in the face of Andreeva's hero.

The young actor tested, and the scene did not work. Then the wise Boris Fedorovich with his inherent indignance advised the colleague to find the most opposed place on his face and spit.

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Shooting in cinema lasted for BEFE, as close friends were called to the end of life. Of course, the number of roles have dubbed. But even when health began to bring the actor, he still continued to work hard on the court.

So, while working on the film "Cruelty" (1959) artist Outarks infarction. From the last forces, gathering the will in the fist, Boris Fedorovich rewokes the scenes and only after that goes to the hospital. While working on the drama "My case" (1976), the artist often opens nose bleeding. Lucky during the attacks in the dressing room, Andreev does not interrupt the work.

Personal life

During the filming of the glorified artist, the paintings "Tractorsty" Andreev met Peter Aleinikov, who became the best friend for life. Together, dusty comrades Korotali leisure and walked side by side on the creative path.

Boris Andreev and Peter Aleinikov

With the wife of Galina Vasilyevna Andreev met, too, thanks to Aleinikov. Comrade has funned over BEFE, which is for such innocent rudeness, as he marry no one will go. Flash, Andreev replied that he marries the first girl who was entering public transport, in which they were driving. Galina turned out to be, immediately visiting Boris Fedorovich.

True, to win the heart of the girl was only a half business. The father of Galina was the Commissioner of the police, who categorically opposed marriage. In the opinion of the future test, the happy robust life of the daughter is impossible with the Alkash actor, as his strict commissioner called him.

Boris Andreev and his wife Galina

For the sake of fair to point out that the actors really loved "victory" and the adventures of buddies went legends. They rummed that they were falling asleep in the store showcase, they will appear in one lingerie, putting out in ink, on a banquet of cinematographers, without receiving an invitation there. That from the stories of truth, and that the myth is still not known.

The story remains about the favor of Stalin to the actor. In 1940, having accepted on the chest, Andreev allegedly allowed an impartially speaking about the leaders of the peoples, for which he drove into prison and even got into the execution list. However, according to the legend, Stalin itself struck out the surname of the artist, noting that "this one can still run, and it will always have time to shoot."

Son Boris Andreeva

It was undeniable only that with Galina Vasilyevna, who still became a wife of the actor, the star of Soviet cinema lived all his life. In 1952, a couple had a son who was also born, as a father, called Boris.

Despite the image of an innocent Russian man, Andreev remained well-inquired and erudite man. During his life, a aphoristic novel wrote in which sheath and accurate satirical statements, proverbs and sayings of their own essay. BEFE himself called them "ochenism." And the dream of life was the role of King Lear, which artist, unfortunately, could not play.


In the spring of 1982, returned with the tour, the actor unexpectedly felt bad. As the son of the artist recalled, doctors in the hospital referred to overwork. Andreeva's wife worried that his spouse sleeps a lot and turns. In fact, the great artist premeditated a quick care from life.

Grave Boris Andreeva

When loved ones visited him in the hospital for the last time, he thoughtfully asked why I saw myself on the square lying in the colors, and many people around. However, waving, noticed that, apparently, saw a bad dream.

On the same evening, the legend of Soviet cinema left his life. The cause of death was called an extensive heart attack.


  • 1939 - "TRANSFER"
  • 1939 - "Great life. Part 1"
  • 1943 - "Two Fighters"
  • 1944 - "Once at night"
  • 1954 - "Big Family"
  • 1956 - "Ilya Muromets"
  • 1958 - "Years are young"
  • 1963 - "Optimistic tragedy"
  • 1976 - "First Flight"
  • 1980 - "Sergey Ivanovich is retired"
  • 1982 - "Tears drip"

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