Gregory Aleksandrov - biography, photo, personal life, filmography, death



The Soviet director Gregory Alexandrov managed to overcome the ideological obstacles of the mid-30s and became famous in the global film industry. The favorite of the authorities and the husband of the legendary love of Orlova began his career as an actor, but in time realized that creating films much more interesting than to build in the proposed images.

Childhood and youth

Grigory Mormenko (real name of the director) was born on January 23, 1903 in Yekaterinburg. Information about the family of the future actor and director will differ. There is a version that Father Gregory worked in a handyman, other sources claim that Alexandrov is the son of the hotel owner and grew up in luxury.

Gregory Alexandrov in youth

It is known for certain that the Grigory began to work at 12 years. Starting a career in the Opera House for Handelring, Alexandrov reached the career ladder to the position of Assistant Director. In parallel with the exhausting service, the young man graduated from the music school and courses of the directors of the Workers' and Peasant Theater under the gummy.


Moving to Moscow took place thanks to the actors of the Art Theater, who came to Yekaterinburg on tour. Alexandrov was so impressed with the work of colleagues, which went to the capital to improve the qualifications.

In 1921, Gregory is taken to the first working theater. In a new team, a young man meets Sergei Eisenstein - a director who Alexandrov will help in creating theatrical performances and film "Stacket" and "Potemkin's armadiole".

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Grigory, who who who who who had a goal, constantly improve in the profession, goes to Hollywood. The official reason for the trip was the promotion of Soviet cinema, but Alexandrov did not miss the opportunity to get acquainted with the legendary artists, among whom Charlie Chaplin entered.

After returning from the trip, the Biography of the director changes strikingly. A close creative tandem with Eisenstein (so close that obscene rumors went among the cinemas) disintegrates. The reason - Gregory wanted more creative freedom. In addition, the director received an offer from Stalin to make a film about the revolution.

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Kinokartina was called "International" and went in cinemas with a noticeable success. The next order from the government was the comedy "Merry Guys", while working on which the director met with the love of Orlova. After the completion of the rental film was awarded the Special Prize of the Venetian Film Festival.

However, the success of the painting Alexandrov must Maxim Gorky. The comedy created by the director did not receive approval from the addict of the Enlightenment and was supposed to be in the archive. And only the impact of the playwright, insisted on watching the film Stalin, saved the case. Influential policies approved a comedy, despite the lack of party propaganda.

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Consign the success of the Soviet people and government representatives, Gregory helped the film "Circus". Initially, the authors of the scenario were the Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov. But Alexandrov, displeased with text, reworked the idea so much that the writers refused the authorship. To please Stalin, the director noticeably strengthened the storyline associated with the ideology of the Soviet person.

The first years of the Great Patriotic War Gregory spent in Alma-Ata (now Almaty), where all the employees of Mosfilm with families have been crossed. But already in 1943 the director returns to the capital. In Moscow, a man was waiting for a new position.

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From the post of average director, Alexandrov moves to the chair of the head of the film studio. From that moment on, Grigory Vasilyevich practically does not remove the cinema, more time giving the organizational issues.

In 1951, Alexandrov offer the position of teacher Vgika. A man of 6 years old led the course on director, in parallel studying new scenarios and participating in international filmonkursions as a invited star.

Personal life

Actress Olga Ivanova became the first wife of Alexandrov. The artist was famous thanks to the work in the draft "Blue Blouse". On the next speech, the girl noticed the admiring look of the young actor and fell in love. In 1925, the spouses had a child - her son called Douglas. Marriage broke up after the trip of Alexandrova to America. As the director was on a business trip, Ivanov started his lover.

Gregory Aleksandrov and Lyubov Orlova

The second wife of Alexandrova became another unknown actress Lyubov Orlov. It was Grigory who made a star from his wife, giving her main roles in most of his own films. For both artists, marriage has become the second on account.

Gregory Alexandrov and Son and Grandom

The surroundings were surprised by strange relationships. The spouses slept in different beds and houses communicated only with notes. On similar conditions, the Orlova was infused for personal reasons. The enviousness gled that the marriage is fictitious, but diaries and notes of spouses, preserved in their estates (so a country house called the director), confirm the opposite. Alexandrov lived with Orlova to the death of his beloved.


Shortly before your own death, the actor and director married again. Now the wife of the man became the widow of Douglas Alexandrova. Such an act shocked the public. Galina, so called the daughter-in-law, took care of the elderly man who was accustomed to female attention.

The young widow put in order the diaries of the mother-in-law, followed the taking of drugs and prepared the dishes that the director loved. Gregory Alexandrov in response made Galina heiress everything that was able to earn money.

The actor and director died on December 16, 1983. The elderly man has refused the kidneys affected by the infectious disease. Alexandrov died alone. Galina, who has built the last years, Grigory Vasilyevich was in a foreign business trip. They buried the director at the Novodevichy Cemetery, not far from the grave of the love of Orlova, which the man survived for 8 years.



  • 1923 - "Glue Diary", Gluma
  • 1925 - "Potemkin armadiole", senior officer Gilyarovsky
  • 1929 - "Old and New", Tractor Driver
  • 1938 - "Volga-Volga", the captain of the rescue tug
  • 1970 - "Skzorets and Lira", General


  • 1924 - "Starts"
  • 1927 - "October"
  • 1930 - "Sleeping Beauty"
  • 1932 - "Long live Mexico!"
  • 1934 - "Merry Guys"
  • 1936 - "Circus"
  • 1938 - "First May"
  • 1947 - "Spring"
  • 1953 - "Great Farewell"
  • 1967 - "Ten days shook the world"

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