Cynthia Nixon - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Husband, "Be Lady", Films 2021



Cynthia Nixon in the theater and cinema since childhood, but world fame came to actress only at the beginning of the second millennium. The executor glidained the role of feminists and a talented lawyer Miranda in the cult series "Sex in the Big City". Later, starting a political and public career, the artist confirmed that it became largely better to understand his character.

Childhood and youth

Cynthia was born in New York in a creative family. Mom Anna Noll was famous for the actress of the theater and movies, and Papa Walter Nixon made a name in radio journalistic. As a child, little Cynthia went to theatrical circles, was a member of the acting studios. When parents divorced, the mother took more seriously for the creative development of the child.

Mom was a bright person, the events of life reacted calmly, with a smile. Even reported Cynthia on cancer, as if something was happened. Anna Nolle was able to defeat cancer twice. This ease of perception of the surrounding world was transferred to the daughter.

For the first time the girl appeared before the public in 12 years. She got a role in the play, where the parent was involved. A little later, beginner actress trusted to play characters in Broadway musicals. The talent conquered the audience and critics, by 18 years old, the girl wore the epithet "Broadway Miracle."

Teenage of Cynthia Nixon has time to combine classes in the acting circles and the game on stage with school at school. Sciences were easy. In the Humanitarian College in Manhattan, the girl came from the first attempt, successfully finished him, receiving a bachelor's degree.

In the future, Nixon remained a faithful theater, played out the roles of roles and even made a co-founder of Drama Dept. troupe, uniting actors Sarah Jessica Parker, Dylan Baker, John Cameron Mitchell and Billy Krupp.


Cinema appeared in the biography of Cynthia in 14 years. The girl made his debut in the painting "Little Charming". After that, the directors showered the young actress by proposals, and in 1981 she starred immediately in three paintings. Thriller "Prince of the city" presented first fame.

In the 80s, the young artist "lit up" in the "Amadeus" films, "The Secret Adventure of Tom Soyer and Geclberry Finn", "Manhattan Project" and in the top ten pictures. The next decade has become no less saturated. In 1993, Nixon was lucky to join the acting of the tape "Values ​​of the Family Addams Family, which Barry Zonnenfeld has sends. True, the girl got a minor role, but she considered participating in the on-screen comics of Charles Addams a lot of luck.

Cynthia was reincarnated in the director of the hospice in the drama "Road of Marvin", met on the set of tape "Case about Pelicans" with Julia Roberts and Denzel Washington, and working in the comedy "visitors", met with Steve Martin and Goldi Houne.

Serious works filmography Actresses replenished in the new millennium. Critics celebrate the most important of them. Cynthia Nixon reincarnated in Eleonora Roosevelt in the film "Warm Sources" (2005). He entered the list of the main heroes of David Ross Dresses "Nyanki" (2007). In 2012, he played himself in the painting "Imogen", which tells about the young American writer who worries a heavy gap with the beloved.

In 2016, the screen of the screens was invited to a major role in the biographical film "Quiet Passion". Nixon tried the image of Emily Dickinson's poeses, whose talent was recognized only after death. Together in Sintia, the actors Jennifer El, Duncan Duff and Emma Bell are involved in the picture.

An impressive success of the actress also achieved on a television field, starring in a variety of serials. Red-haired beauty (height of synthy - 170 cm, weight - 65 kg) has always attracted the attention of the public. The visual love of the performer received after the release of a multi-sieu picture "This terrible letter R". The artist even in the "Doctor House" - as an invited star. And the role in the series "Law and Order: Special Corps" has replenished a piggy bank awards for the Cyntius of the First Award "Emmy".

And yet the very brightest role on television was the character of Miranda Hobbs - feminists, one of the four dusty friends "Sex in the Big City" series. Nixon spent 6 years of life who had become the cult of the famous film, found the army of the fans in every corner of the globe and painting of personal kinonagrad, including the second Emmy.

Interestingly, in this project, the red-haired diva could not be. A long-standing girlfriend Sarah Jessica Parker led to Casting Cynthia, which the main role was assigned to the TV series. For the approval of the candidacy, there was enough one short monologue. Nixon played a cynical lawyer Miranda, who, as well as his girlfriend, is trying to understand what female happiness is, and comprehend the science of communication with men.

Waying in the series, Quartet from Actresses Nixon, Parker, Christine Davis and Kim Kattroll later met in the full-length tapes-sites "Sex in the Big City" and "Sex in the Big City 2".

Cynthia believes that the success of the project is that a rich variety of female types is presented:

"We show different women with different life elections. This feminism in the best sense of the word: You have the right to work, and you have the right and not work, you have the right to be married, and you have the right and not to be - a choice for you. "

Woman continues to film. In 2017, the actress shone in three films. One of them is the "only living guy in New York," where Kallum Turner also play, Jeff Bridges Pier.

In the winter of 2018, the tape "This is a harassment" with the participation of Cynthia Nixon came to American screens. The film consists of six short sections, which show examples of sexual harassment at work. The picture was based on real events.

Personal life

Cynthia has lived with a civil husband, an English philologist Danny Moses. Their love story began in his youth. The couple had two children - Samantha's daughter and Son Charles. In 2003, the spouses decided to part, and after another 12 months of fans surprised the news that the actress is found with an activist, a member of the educational movement of Christine Marini. The news of the unconventional orientation of the actress and changes in her personal life surprised the public. The hype around the name of the artist lasted, according to her, 2 years, after which she subsided.

According to rumors, Nixon meets his chief during the share of parents who opposed the decrease in the budget for the content of schools. Cynthia with Christine was in the prison area. The couple lived 5 years before announced the engagement.

In 2012, women played a wedding, having a one-year-old son of Max, who received a double surname - Nixon Marini. Child gave birth to Christine, helped in this eco. Today, married couple with the heir often appears in the photo in the instagram account actress.

Nixon managed to cope with such a terrible disease as breast cancer, after which the actress joined the ranks of activists of the movement that helps women with oncological diseases. Within the framework of this work, Cynthia has created a number of documentary programs that came out on the NBC TV channel.

In 2018, it became known about changing the floor of the daughter of the actress Samantha. The performer supported the heiress in everything, although it was not easy for her. In an interview with Cynthia, he stated that he was proud of his son Samuel Joseph Moses. The guy has already graduated from college and participates in the shares of the TRANS Day of Action movement, protecting transgender rights.

Public and political activities

Nixon decided to diversify the acting career with politics. In March on the pages in Twitter and Instagram, the actress announced that it was ready to claim the post of Governor of New York. The candidate actress was supported in the social networks of Christine Davis and Sarah Jessica Parker.

In the election campaign, the actress helped her spouse - Christine Marini, who a few months before that went from the post from the city hall of New York, where she worked as a team of Democrat Bill de Blazio. Together they have developed a political program to improve the state legislative base. In addition, they told the changes in the educational system of the city and the redistribution of school financing. In the election, the artist could not be defeated: Andrew Kuomo went around.

Cynthia Nixon now

Now the actress promotes feminism, supports LGBT representatives, advocates for the legalization of same-sex marriages. In February 2020, she participated in the record of the video about the women, who was called "Be Lady, they said." The video was posted on the official website of the magazine Girls. Girls. Girls. The video speech has made about contradictory requirements that are presented daily to women.

In September 2020, the premiere of the 1st season of the Sister Ratched Sister, in which Nixon performed one of the leading roles was held on the Netflix platform. Sarah Poleson played the main heroine. Between the characters actresses are developing difficult relationships, developing into a novel. According to the artist themselves, a long-term friendship helped them in his work. The film was immediately extended in 2021 for the 2nd season.


  • 1980 - "Little Charming"
  • 1981 - "Prince of the city"
  • 1984 - "Amadeus"
  • 1986 - "Manhattan Project"
  • 1993 - "Family Values ​​of Addams"
  • 1993 - "Case of Pelicans"
  • 1996 - "Marvin Room"
  • 1998-2004 - Series "Sex in the Big City"
  • 1999 - "visiting"
  • 2005 - "Warm sources"
  • 2007 - "Nanniki"
  • 2008-2010 - "Sex in the Big City"
  • 2011 - "Bastion"
  • 2016 - "Quiet Passion"
  • 2017 - "The only living guy in New York"
  • 2018 - "This is a harassment"
  • 2019 - "Stray Dolls"
  • 2020 - Sister Ratched

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