Aid (God) - images, history, ancient Greece, the kingdom of the dead, description


Character History

Aid is the God of Olympus, reigning in the world of the dead. In his possessions are not able to penetrate the living souls, which, however, is often refuted by the same myths. Initially, Aid was an ominous deity, even whose name the Greeks were afraid to say out loud, but over time, his image softened - he was considered to be considered the lord of underground wealth capable of malery and generosity to people.

History of character appearance

In the mythology of ancient Greece AID has a double meaning: this is the name of the god of the underground kingdom of the dead, and the herself herself, where the souls fall after death. The kingdom of shadows in the ancient tradition is located in the West, immediately behind the ocean river. However, Homer can find two places where living beings are sent on peace: human shadows live in Aida, and the overall titans are in Tartar.

The meaning of the AID is definitely unknown. The name of his kingdom is associated with the word "meeting" (with ancestors). Another name of God, Pluto, comes from Latin pluto - "rich". Since Aid was a terrible, frightening deity, the Greeks were avoided to call him by name, replacing the epithets - cattle ("dark"), ADMET ("hemolated"), Assilai ("The one who leads people").

History and image of God Aida

Aid how God has a rich biography and plays a serious role in Divine History. Titanium (or god farming) krone and Titanides Rei Father's birth swallowed, like other children - Zeus, Poseidon, Gera, Demeter and Geastte. Later, Aid participated in the first war of the gods and titans on the side of the Olympians, and in the section of the world sat on the throne of the kingdom of the dead.

Later, Aida began to read as the Lord of Underground Wealth - he gave a crop from the middle of the earth. When it was given the features and the peculiarities of the god of wealth and fertility of the plutos, the image characteristic softened a little.

The ruthless, cunning and gloomy, underground zeus, as Homer called him, is sitting on people a tearing sense of hopelessness and doomed, with the help of a sword locks the souls in the kingdom of the dead. Another ability of God - the ability to revive the deceased, but he rarely uses this gift, because he considers it wrong to violate the laws of life.

In the pictures in AID books, it is often depicted similar to Zeus - a small man with a luxurious beard. The ancient images of God are distinguished by empty, dead eyes without pupils or turned back heads - the symbols of what he does not communicate with alive and does not meet with them. The weapon of God is a scepter decorated with a three-headed PSA figure, or two-room forks; Another attribute is a magical helmet that makes the owner invisible - a gift for cyclops for liberation from the underground world.

Aid in mythology

In mature Greek mythology in the kingdom of the dead, there are several trails. The souls go at least through three doors: the Tellar Cape (Laconium), from the Italian Lake Ambern and Plosh (in the West Peloponnes). Through the Aheron River, separating the world of the dead from the underworld, the aliens are transporting Gloomy Charon, and then Cerberus is welcoming the three-headed dog - he launches guests inside, but no one has already released.

Then the souls are to be submitted to Minos, Eak and Radamant, who are endowed with the authority to judge the actions of people. If grave sins are not found, the soul makes a sip from the Letya River, forever forgets the previous life and makes it hardened on an endless field, where asphoderelics bloom. Great sinners who have committed grave crimes are doomed to endure the torment on the banks of the Stix River. However, the martyrs are given the opportunity to pour for forgiveness from the victims and also settle in a meadow with asphodes: once a year the souls float on Lake Aherucia, where they encounter those who were offended.

AIs rules the kingdom of shadows along with his wife Persephone. The patroness of fertility God once kidnapped her mother demeters and forcibly took his wife. The parents submitted a mountain due to parting with his beloved daughter, so that the earth stopped frigues.

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In the despair, the goddess appealed to Zeus demanding to return Persefon, and the Supreme God ordered the brother to fulfill the request. Aid agreed, but went to the trick - he fed a grenade to his wife, so that was destined to return to the gloomy underground kingdom. Since then, the Persephone has lived on Earth for two thirds of the year, and the rest of the time helps the husband to rule Aid.

A description of the terrible God is in the myth of ORFEE. The musician and the poet in the hope of finding the dead beloved Evridik went down to the kingdom of the dead. Magic music of the harp man managed to conquer the heart of Aida, and the Lord of the Underworld allowed Euridic to return to Earth.

In AID leveches, interacts with the collaboration of characters. The main offenders of the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead entered Hercules and Teshev.

In some myths, it is said that Hercules wounded Aida in the shoulder during the battle for the city of Pilos. In others, the injury god received when a fearless hero, the son of Zeus, appeared to the gates of the underworld to steal for the Tsar Eurisfae of the terrible three-chapter Cerberian guard.

Tesche also demanded from Aida to give the pith, the king of the lapiphs, the spouse of Persephone. The angry lord of the underground kingdom did not show emotions, deciding the trick to defeat offenders: he suggested that the Tesheu and the Wardow would get comfortably on the throne. When they sat down, it was tight to it. Later, the Tereus saved Hercules, but the Tsar of Lapiphov remained stumping the eyelids in the gloomy dungeon.

Aid in culture

Cinematographers are glad to work with a material based on the ancient Greek myths, and Aid lit up in several films. With the participation of the character even released the cartoon and the series - "Hercules". The god of the afterlife plans to overthrow the brother of Zeus and seize the power in the world of living. The plans prevents the nephew of Hercules, whom the deity is trying to destroy all ways. In Russian doubles of the antagonist, actor Nikolay Burov is voiced.

One of the main roles of the Lord of the Kingdom of the Dead is given in the film "Wrath of Titans" (1981) and the remake of the "Battle of Titans" (2010). The first adventure fighter took off Jonathan Libesman, and the continuation created Louis Leaser. In the image of Aida appeared Raif Fayns.

In 2009, the audience saw the film adaptation of Ricka Riordan Riordan "Percy Jackson and a Lightning Thief." The villain of AID hunting Zeus lightning. The role of British Steve Kugan.

The authors of the TV series "Call of the Blood", which emerges in Canadian television since 2010, also also experimented with the image of Aida, turning it into the father of the main character named Bo - a supernatural being, an energy vampire, but girls with a good soul. Eric Roberts reincarnated in Aida.

The serial life of God continued in the work of Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitsa "Once in a fairy tale." In this imagination, the hero acts as an antagonist. Aida costume tried on American Greg Jermann.


  • VIII-VII centuries. BC NS. - "Theogony"
  • 1996 - "Mythology of Greeks and Romans"
  • 1991 - "Myths of Peoples of the World"
  • 2001 - "Real Dictionary of Classic Antiquities"


  • 1981 - "Grne Titans"
  • 1997 - "Hercules"
  • 2009 - "Percy Jackson and Lightning Thief"
  • 2010 - "Call of Blood"
  • 2010 - "Battle of Titans"
  • 2011 - "Once in a fairy tale"

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