Dmitry Kobylkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation 2021



Dmitry Nikolaevich Kobylkin is a Russian state and politician, a member of the Bureau of the Supreme Council of the United Russia party. He led the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, which is called storeroom natural fossil countries. Since May 2018, it works as Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

The man was born in Astrakhan in 1971. Dmitry Kobylkin's parents - geophysic engineers, worked in geophysical detachments and went to the expedition.

Brought up in a family, where the study of the subsoil and natural resources of the Earth became the main occupation of life, Dmitry chose the same path. After graduating from a secondary school, he became a student of the oil technical university in Ufa. In 1993, the graduate was awarded a diploma of higher education.

The labor biography of a graduate mining engineer-geophysics began in the resort town of the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus - Gelendzhik. Kobylkin took into the geophysical association "Shelf", where he worked for several months.

In the late 1993th, a young specialist was invited to Tarasovsky administration of geophysical works, which in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. Changes the hot gelendzhik to the stern extreme north, Dmitry Kobylkin did not lose: in the Polar Career, Geophysics rapidly went up.

Personal life

With the future wife, Dmitry Kobylkin met in Ufa: young people studied in the same group of the oil university.

Spouse Galia gave birth to her husband of three children. At the eldest daughter, Sofia, who lives in Tyumen, is already their family. Son Nikolai is studying in the city on the Neva, the daughter of Elizabeth - a schoolgirl.

Galia Kobylkina is headed by the Federation Figure Skating YanaA.

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In his free time, Dmitry Nikolayevich loves to go fishing or go on hunting.

At the end of 2017, the official's income amounted to 23 million rubles. With him, the Yamal Governor took the 7th line of the rating among heads of regions.

In the work and personal life, Dmitry Kobylkin does not use "Instagram", but the photo policy is found in the profiles of his colleagues and subordinates.

Career and politics

From November 1993 to March 1994, a young specialist worked by an engineer of a comprehensive geophysical party, then worked in Tyumen Region Tarco-Sale of the Oil and Gas Expedition Expedition Expedition Expedition Center.

In the fall of 1996, Dmitry Kobylkin was appointed Director of Human Resources, and then Deputy Director General of Purneftegazgeology Joint-Stock Company with the Central Office in Tarco-Sale. Kobylkin was introduced into the Board of Directors of 9 companies that are engaged in the extraction and processing of oil and gas.

In 2000, Dmitry Kobylkin entrusted the development of the development of the Khanichy oil and gas production field. In the spring of 2001, he became the general director of Khanchneftegaz LLC.

In zero, the rapid administrative career of Dmitry Nikolayevich began. For 10 years, he passed the steps from the district level, becoming the deputy head of the Purovsky district, to the right hand of the Governor of Yanao. In 2003, a 32-year-old official graduated from the Institute of Professional Retraining of the Ural Academy of Public Service, where he received knowledge of state and municipal management.

At the end of the summer of 2005, the head of the administration of the Purovsky district of Anatoly Ostricin went on an increase, becoming deputy governor of the Yamalo-Nenets district. He was replaced by Kobylkin. At the elections in October, Dmitry Nikolaevich won, gaining 77.24% of the votes. In 2009, the official was introduced into the personnel reserve of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the 2010 Governor of Autonomy, Yuri Neelova, who served in this position for 16 years, was appointed by Senator. Dmitry Kobylkin, which has proven effectiveness in the chair of the district chapter, took the liberated chair. His candidacy was submitted to the Legislative Assembly of the YNAO President Dmitry Medvedev.

Taking into the hands of the Brazda Board by the Autonomous District, Kobylkin demonstrated good results: As a result of 2014, he headed the effectiveness of the governors of the regions of the Russian Federation. In the fall of 2015, Dmitry Kobylkin was re-elected the governor of the region.

The autonomous district of which is one and a half times higher than the territory of France or Spain, Dmitry Kobylkin managed to keep the leadership of the YanaA among federal regions on fiscaling the budget treasury. In 2017, the incomes of the district budget exceeded the last year's performance by 20%.

Not dealt with the work of the governor and without scandals. Opponents accused official in love for excessive luxury. Management of autonomy government business rented 6 Canadian liners. To transport the governor and its subordinates, 2 aircraft were involved by 50 and 14 seats.

The merit policy is called the construction of the three largest bridges on the Yamal. With it, the modernization of the airport in Novy Urengoy has begun. At the end of 2017, the Yamal LNG plant was launched, which produces liquefied natural gas.

Analysts, speaking of the positive qualities of the official, point to the ability of Dmitry Nikolayevich to balance and find compromises with all groups of influence both in the district, which headed and at the highest government level of the country.

On March 18, 2018, the election of the President of Russia took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won again. Immediately after joining the position, he again offered the place of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, the new structure of the Russian government was voiced to journalists. Dmitry Medvedev offered Kobylkin's candidacy for the post of head of the Ministry of Injection.

According to Director of the Energy Development Foundation Sergei Pikin, the choice of the candidacy of Dmitry Kobylkin testifies to its competence in the oil and gas industry, which is useful for a new position.

Earlier, the information was leaked in the press that the official was planned after the end of the second governor's cadence in 2020 to leave the administrative work and to do business in Tyumen, where the eldest daughter lives and parents are buried. Therefore, a change could be changed from which it is impossible to refuse. Ranking, it sounded from President Vladimir Putin.

In the post of Minister of Natural Resources, Kobylkin began to implement the Program on a separate collection of garbage and its removal. By 2019, it was planned to master 2.5 billion rubles. Environmental collection, to develop a system of hazardous waste management and introduce additional benefits for industry investors.

The reason was the case of a "kita prison", in solving the problems of which Dmitry Kobylkin took part. The Minister and Governor of the Primorsky Territory was invited as an independent international expert Jean-Michel Kusto (Son Jacques-Iva Kusto). After the collected information, it was decided to create a TINRO-Center for Marine Mammals on the basis of CAMM.

Dmitry Kobylkin now

In 2020, the head of the Ministry of Environment announced the inclusion of new projects in the state program "Pure Country", one of which was the complete elimination of the shop of mercury production of Osolekhimprom OJSC. The cost of the event will be 1.257 billion rubles. 200 promotions located on the territory of 610 hectares are planned to be fully disassembled and take out in the near future.

The main news of January 2020 was the resignation of the government, which Dmitry Medvedev reported after Vladimir Putin's speech before the Federal Assembly. According to the Polittechnologist Anton Mikhalchuk, this decision for Dmitry Kobylkin became a surprise: he was less than two years for himself.

The fate of the head of the Ministry of Environment and its compatriot Vladimir Yakushev, according to political observers, depended on the actions of Sergey Sobyanin, who is expected to see in the State Council on one of the leading posts.

On January 22, 2020, a list of new Cabinet of Ministers was presented. Dmitry Kobylkin retained the post of head of the Ministry of Environment.


  • 2012 - the medal of the Order "For merit to the Fatherland of II degree"
  • 2015 - Medal "For Largendicity of the North"
  • 2015 - "Order of St. Blessed Prince Daniel Moscow" III degree
  • 2017 - Order of Honor

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