TV series "Kotatka" (2015) - release date, 2021, Russia-1, actors and roles, facts, trailer


The premiere of the detective series "Kotakka" took place in January 2015. In the summer, the tape is returned to the television screens: the release date in 2021 on the TV channel "Russia-1" - July 5. The main heroine of a multi-sieu film, the investigator Olga Kosykina, which possesses the analytical warehouse of the mind, is again taken for the most complex and tangled business, which virtuoso discloses thanks to professional and personal qualities. In her work, experienced detectives helps her who do not mind to fight with each other at the heart of the charming colleague.

In material 24cm - interesting facts about the actors who played key roles in the project, plot and film processing.

Plot and shooting

In the center of the plot of the 20-serial film - the Department of the Criminal Police of Kostroma, in which a new employee from St. Petersburg appears. This is Major Olga Kosykin, which has a spectacular appearance and analytical mental abilities, which contributes to the order of confusion in the order in the department.

Her colleagues are experienced detectives, who at first try to guess the reasons for its move to the province. The decision to make a career in St. Petersburg on the gray everyday life and the routine in Kostroma looks rather strange. However, Kosykina is not in a hurry to reveal to colleagues all the cards, not subparent to himself anyone from men. It gives rise to even greater suspicion and even hostility of others.

But as the investigator and her team show the brilliant results of the work, the trust in Olga is growing. Moreover, the difficult relationship of Cosäkin and its three assistants-investigators is confused increasingly day by day. There is a rivalry for the attention of the object of sympathy, and each understands that he is in love with Cosykin.

The production of a melodramatic criminal film was engaged in the "Motor Movie Studio". The director's chair in the project occupied Ilya Maximov, who also performed the operator work. Ekaterina Efanova, Maxim Stischov, Dmitry and Sergey Fix were produced by producers. The author of the musical accompaniment was the composer Ilya Spiritnoy, and Alexey Nazarov was engaged in decoration. Casting director chosen Olga Nesterov.

Actors and roles

The main roles in the painting were played:

  • Olga Lomonosova - Olga Evgenievna Kosykina, Major, Analyst, who comes to the city of his childhood, Kostroma, from St. Petersburg. In her personal life once there was a tragedy, and now she avoids communicating with his relatives who live here;
  • Vladimir Epifantsev - Ilya Samoilov, Major, Senior Opera Compact. A serious man who has a little daughter from the last marriage. Separation from her brings Ilya spiritual pain, but it's more likely to see a child who does not have the opportunity;
  • Sergey Astakhov - Max Kruglov Major, Head of the Operational Department. According to the character of the hero - Lovelace and the womanizer, who has a special card of personal life, where he celebrates victories and defeat on the love front;
  • Sergey Marin - Cyril Cherepanov, Captain, Opera Compact. In his dreams, the hero represents himself Sherlock Holmes and even started a dog named Watson. Personal life at Cherepanov does not fold: disappointment is followed by one after another;
  • Alexander Vorobiev - Valentin Ivanovich Koltsov, Major General, Head of Department;
  • Vyacheslav Robregaev - Igor Viktorovich Vinogradov, Colonel, Deputy Koltsova;
  • Daniel Neverov - Misha, Son Olga;
  • Veronica Lysakova - Katya, Soviet sister Olga;
  • Gennady Semenov - Evgeny Kosykin, Father Olga;
  • Elena Luschko - Anna, stepmother Olga;
  • Andrei Saley - Yuri Krasin, criminalist;
  • Maria Buravlava - Dana, the former wife of Kruglov.

Also in the TV series "Kotakka" starred : Varya Borovskaya (Dasha, adoptive daughter Ilya), Anastasia Savosina (Vera, former wife Ilya), Sergey Mukhin (Pasha, former husband Olga), Alexander Zhisova (Alena, wife of Bykov), Margarita Ivanova-Donskaya (Light Nikolaev), Margarita Ivanova (Natasha, Neighbor Olga) and other actors.

Interesting Facts

1. The director Ilya Maximov is known thanks to other of its own film stakes: "New Life of Masha Solenova", "Random Frame", "Explorer", "Hot Press". In addition, Maximov performed the producer "Crime will be disclosed", "be with me", "lawyer" and appeared in episodic roles in other multi-sieves ribbons. Also in his creative list the animation film "Smeshariki. New Adventures".

2. The shooting of the TV series "Kozatka" was held in 2014 Kostroma, where the tape occurs. It is noteworthy that the process was in the same locations and landscapes, where at one time they removed the legendary "cruel romance" of Eldar Ryazanov. Spectators saw familiar places: the quay of the Volga, merchant houses. The authors of the project noted that the city was struck by their beauty, romanticism and unique flavor, in which European and Russian features merged together.

3. According to the film crew, a romantic atmosphere reigned on the site, largely due to the executor of the leading role of Olga Lomonosova. Before the charms and charm, the actress did not have a director who began to call her his muse. Maximov noted that the script smoothly crossed: all men literally circled around Olga.

4. The director spoke about the difficulties that arose during work. Strong wind near the river often interfered with actors and film crew: helicopters-quadrocopters with cameras installed on them. So and it was carried out from the right place, and the hair from performers in the frame "I got up on end."

Otherwise, the process went smoothly and left the participants in the participants of the process exclusively positive emotions: the locals and managers of organizations and enterprises willingly let the film crew in the right places, welcome and helped in everything, and free. After work, a friendly team rested, enjoying the beauties of the city and the surrounding area.

5. Ilya Maximov in an interview noted that their project was easy, despite the fact that it was about crime. The main characters, according to the author, bright people, and the narrative itself is not dark. "You look at the movie - and I want to live," the director stressed.

6. The audience was rated the series "Kozatka", leaving a lot of opinions at the film films. Among the positive moments, commentators singled out the cast, exciting plot, humor and romantic component, as well as the nature of the main character. Some critics found a series of kinolar and the illogicality of the actions of individual characters. However, in general, the picture received enthusiastic reviews. Most viewers watched the series 2-3 times and recommend him to lovers of such a genre.

The series "Kozatka" - Trailer:

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