Yonddu - character biography, image and character, actors and quotes


Character History

Singing the leader of intergalactic bandits, whose deeds deserved the censure even among colleagues on the robbery shop, knows the price. Yondu Uluda from the Small years proves to himself and others, which has no weakness and does not suffer from affection. But for the mask of the brutal villain, the quotes of which are forced to tremble, a tender heart is hidden. It is a pity that the robber allowed to see the kindness only on the threshold of death.

History of creation

The creators of the future leader of the devastants were the employees "Marvel" Jin Poland and Arnold Drake. The first appearance of Jondu took place in the Marvel Super-Heroes No. 18 comic, released in January 1969.

The initial biography of the character, the responsibility for which Arnold Drake was responsible, did not imagine a man with a star Lord antagonist, rockets and a chop. Character together with Captain America and the creature defended the independence of the native planet.


Later in the Earth-616 series, Sam Hafrinson revived the lack of relevance of the character. Now Yonda presented to the comic fans of the comic, which is guided only by the survival instinct. A similar image hooked fans and became the basis for the hero of the full-length film.

"Guardians of the Galaxy"

When Yondu Udept was born - it is not known, the information has not been preserved about the parents of the man. However, judging by the fact that Yondu in childhood was sold to slavery, hardly the hero had time to worry because of the loss of relatives.

The young man was taken to the Empire Kriya from the planet Centauro-4, where the primitive tribe was inhabited. Yondu himself refers herself to the race of Centaurians, which includes several types of intergalactic creatures.

Jondu in full growth

Savior from the humiliating and difficult life of Yondu the leader of the clan of the devastants Stabar Ogord. Thanks to the friendship and care of an influential bandit, young Yondu and himself took the place of the leader of one of the existing robbery.

Trying to establish yourself on the site of the leader, the Udanta takes for an ungoltable business - a man named Ego paid a team for the delivery of a child from the ground to the distant planet of the Galaxy. Such a crime is prohibited not only by the governments of the planets, but also strictly denies the devastants themselves. Stabar learns about the order, so Yondu is deprived of a patron and place in grouping.

Well, Udota is not used to retreat. Rapating desperate thugs, Yondu creates its own team, which does not obey the rules and regulations. Stolen from the Earth, the boy named Peter remains on board the cosmic vessel of the villain. For unknown reasons, Yondu does not deliver the child to the customer.

Frame from the film

For almost 20 years, the hero travels in the Galaxy, manages his own detachment squad (a man decided not to change the name of the team) and brings up a teenager. During this time, Yondu, perfectly mastered the favorite yak-arrows.

Weapons invented on the native planet of the robber. A feature of such a means of attack is a metal from which the arrows are made. Yak-arrows are produced only on Centauro-4 and change the direction of flight from the master whistle. To improve the relationship with weapons, Yondu wears a special cerebral implant.

The main characters of the picture

Like weapons, UDONTA clothing rarely undergo changes. A man wears a stylized cloak of devastants, decorated with the official stripes of a gang. Almost all the outfit of the gangster is made in a dark purple color. Perhaps Yondu believes that this shade emphasizes the blue color of his skin.

Rough, since childhood deprived of love, a man raises a reception son in the same manner. A man does not show care or caress and with any misconduct the boy declares that raises his team members.

Realizing that Peter grew up, Yondu sends a pupil on the first independent matter. Confident that I completely replaced the boy of my father, Utonta does not expect that Peter (he also star Lord), tired of screaming and humiliation, will kidnap the necessary artifact and try to sell it on his own.

Star Lord.

Having learned about the misconduct, Yondu decides to punish Nahala. Before your own team, the robber is hot and threatens to kill apostate. In order not to lose credibility among the gang, Yondu is attempting to pick up the scope of life from Lord. As a result, Jondu himself remains deceived, but the pride of a man gives a hidden love for the receiving son. After all, the Udanta raised Peter bold and cunning.

Suddenly, an opportunity to be bought with Nahal, but during the disassembly between the star Lord and the head of the devastants of Yondu, the influence of people. Now the UDONT is in a deplorable position. The former leader is connected, the gun weapons lies without a case, and it remains long to live a robber.

Yonddu - Art.

Only united with enemies, Yondu is saved from the unpleasant situation. And, having received power back, immediately kills devastants who betrayed their own leader.

Death overtakes Yondu suddenly. Saving a reception son from danger, a cynical villain don ` Alas, in the last battle, Yondu did not survive, but he deserved the right to be called the father of Starl Lord.


The first on-screen appearance of Yondu UdoTa took place in 2014 in the film "Guardians of the Galaxy." The head of the devastants for unknown reasons abducts the young Peter Quille, and later brings up the future of Star Lord as a native son. The role of an ambiguous character was fulfilled by the actor Michael Roman.

Actor Michael Roman and Yondu

In 2015, the hero fans got acquainted with the drawing version of Yondu. The animated series "Guardians of the Galaxy" is not a continuation of the film francze, therefore it differs markedly from the main storyline. The voice of the chief of devastants and the kidnapper of children gave James Arnold Taylor.

In 2017, Michael Rukchet again recreated the image of Yondu in the full-length film "Guardians of the Galaxy 2". This time, fans will learn more about the fate of the hero and motivation, which moved the robber for a long time.

Interesting Facts

  • The fans of the "Guardians of the Galaxy" shocked the rumor that for filming the "Avengers: the war of infinity" is looking for Dubler, who will play Jondu. However, the director of the picture denied the participation of the hero in the new movie cinthine. The explanations were not forced to wait: the producers specifically launched a hearing, to add "Guards of the Galaxy 2" more intrigues and confuse future spectators.
  • In the comics "Earth-691", Yondu is one of the founders of the Galaxy Guardian Group.
  • The growth of the bandit is 216 cm, and the weight is 100 kg.
  • In one of the battles, Yondu lost my right hand. Instead of the limb, the robber has a bionic prosthesis. Therefore, Oton has ceased to use the onions and left only Yak-arrows as a weapon.


"Perhaps he was your father, Quill, but he was not your dad." "For the whole of my angelic appearance, I am the Devil." "Are you a professional asshole, or what?" "I do not use my head to drive an arrow, I use my heart." "I know that you pretend to you as if you are the most sad in the heart, but in fact you are just afraid of everything."

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