Alexander Litvinenko - biography, photo, personal life, poisoning, death



Ex-officer Alexander Litvinenko, who has served before the title of Lieutenant Colonel FSB, began to criticize the Russian authorities. The dissident was fired and accused of a number of crimes. As a result, Litvinenko was forced to fled to the UK. Biography and circumstances of his death still are of interest.

Childhood and youth

Litvinenko Alexander Valterovich was born on December 4, 1962 in the city of Voronezh. Nina Pavlovna, Mom, Education Economist, and Father Walter Aleksandrovich - Captain of Internal Forces.

Alexander Litvinenko in youth

When the boy was 2 years old, the parents decided to divorce, Alexander remained with his mother. They moved to the city of Nalchik to strengthen Sasha's health, he immediately lived his grandfather with a grandmother.

At the age of 18, Litvinenko goes into the army. After demobilization, it becomes a cadet of the Supreme Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city of Ordzhonikidze. When studying ends, a man begins to serve in the convoy forces.

Military service

When Alexander Litvinenko was 24 years old, he entered the service at the KGB, where he was engaged in issues of the embezzlement of weapons. After 2 years, the man graduated from the highest courses of counterintelligence. In the same period, Alexander moved to the appropriate department.

Alexander Litvinenko in military service

Being an operational employee of the Central Office of the FSB since 1991, his specialization was opposed to terrorism and crime. In 1997, Litvinenko was transferred to the post of deputy head of one of the URPO divisions.

In 1998, during a meeting with the press, he and the Colleagues group reported that they received an order to eliminate the Deputy Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation - Boris Berezovsky. These actions were outraged Putin, who at that time he served as the head of the FSB. As a result, this deed cost career staff.

Alexander Litvinenko

In 1999, Alexander Litvinenko was detained and sent to the SIZO of the FSB. In the future, the court will justify a man, but he will immediately enclose on the second charges. Nevertheless, in 2000, the case will be closed due to the lack of a crime.

A little later, new production is open, but this time Litvinenko was released on a subscription of the unseen. After that, the man fled from the country for security reasons. This entailed the opening of the 4th criminal case. The United Kingdom in 2001 provides an ex-Cheekist political asylum.

Alexander Litvinenko in London

Litvinenko emphasized that regarding the nature of the service he could not know and, as a result, to issue state secrets of Russia. In London, a former officer lived on a manual from the Berezovsky Foundation and the fees from the conclusion of trade transactions between Russian and British participants. In 2002, the court of the Russian Federation issued a correspondence sentence: 3.5 years conditionally.

The man gave numerous interviews and wrote articles, accusing the Russian regime in criminal acts.

Personal life

The former officer had 2 marriages. The first spouse is Natalia, he was familiar with her since childhood. When Alexander lived in Fryazino, he was friends with a cousin of the girl, so he often visited their house. But the connection was broken - Litvinenko had to go to Nalchik.

Alexander Litvinenko with the first wife of Natalia and Son

Young people got married when Natalia was 19, and Alexander - 20 years old, he still studied at the School. Joint Life has lasted a little over 10 years. During this period of time, the family traveled a lot around the country, they lived in Novosibirsk, and in Tver, and in Novomoskovsk. From the first marriage, Litvinenko born two children: Sofia and Alexander.

In the early 90s, the translation on Lubyanka became fatal for the family. The first task required a constant stay in the apartment of numerical spouses, who have extorted the money. It was the numerals who introduced Alexander with his second wife Marina. Litvinenko left the family when his daughter was not 2 more, and his son was almost 6 years old. However, the former spouse did not respond about Alexandra badly, calling him the death of a terrible tragedy.

Alexander Litvinenko and his wife Marina

In the second marriage, Alexander and Marina born the son of Anatoly. In the future, he studied at a university college by choosing an Eastern European policy as a specialization. The choice of the institution became a tribute to the memory of the father, who left in the ward of intensive therapy of the college clinic. In an interview, dating 2015, he noted that his dad tried to make Russia better.

Poisoning and death

November 2006 became the latter for an ex-employee of the special services, he was poisoned by radioactive poison. Based on the opinion of the investigation, intentional poisoning occurred at the Millennium Hotel during a meeting with the former colleague Andrei Lugov and businessman Dmitry Kovtun.

After poisoning, Litvinenko's condition worsened, and despite the attempts of toxicologists cope with the ailment, continued to worsen. On November 23, 2006, Alexander Litvinenko died, he was buried at the London Highgate Memorial Cemetery.

Andrei Lugovoy and Dmitry Kovtun

As a result of the opening, it became clear that death had occurred due to poisoning with radioactive substance called Polonium-210. Then followed the search for traces of this element throughout London. And those showed out in 3 places: Hotel Millennium, Male Abrakadabra Club and Emirates Stadium, where the meadow watched the match between the London Arsenal and Russian CSKA.

The consequence was established that on the day of poisoning the Litvinenko also had a meeting with Mario Scaramella, who is considered as an expert in security. At the meeting, according to Mario, he handed over Alexander documents regarding the murder of Anna Politkovskaya.

Alexander Litvinenko after poisoning

Footprints Polonia-210 were found in 2 airport airports in Heathrow, as well as in the apartment in Hamburg, which had attracted to Dmitry Kovtun. Approximately 700 people checked for radioactive poisoning, but there were no serious signs.

Before the death, the former Colonel FSB accepted Islam and bequeathed to bury him in accordance with Muslim customs. According to Berezovsky, this decision was a specific expression of solidarity with the Chechen people. This is analogy with how in the years of war in protest against the Nazis in relation to the Jews, people of other religions and nationalities wore an armband with a six-pointed star.

Alexander Litvinenko

In recent days, Alexander Litvinenko dictated a statement, where he announced the guilty of the Russian authorities and personally Vladimir Putin, who called the "ruthless barbarian." Also, the man wrote the will and asked Maria Litvinenko to make his photo.

Around this tragedy, an international scandal unfolded, worsened relations between Moscow and London. The opposition and representatives of the West accused the leader of Russia in the elimination of an officer who broke the oath. But Putin only expressed regret that the personal tragedy served as political provocations. The United Kingdom believed that Litvinenko was killed, but in the extradition of people who were suspected of a crime, Russia refused. In turn, they denied involvement in the murder.

Tomb of Alexander Litvinenko

In April 2018, the prosecutor's office of Hamburg found that Poloniy "was located in London before arriving there of Lugovoy and Kovtun." Here are the words of the adviser to the Prosecutor General of Russia:

  • "According to the conclusion conclusions, the maximum degree of infection was discovered in the London office of Berezovsky, as well as in the body of a citizen of Italy - Mario Scaramella."

Earlier, the investigation of Great Britain argued that Litvinenko's poisoning is the work of the hands of the Russian government. Moscow, in turn, rejected the charges, noting the political nature of the investigation.


  • In 2015, Alexander Litvinenko served as a prototype of one of the main characters (Alexander Volkov) of the 8-serial television feature film "Unfortunate". The role of Volkova performed the actor Kirill Pletno.
  • Silantyev R. A. 100 of the most famous "Russian Muslims". - Yekaterinburg: Yekaterinburg Diocese, Missionary Department, 2016. - 216 p. - 500 copies.
  • Litvinenko, Alexander - article in Lentapedia. year 2012.
  • Litvinenko's Justice Fund
Alexander Litvinenko - biography, photo, personal life, poisoning, death 14984_11
  • Who Was Mr. Litvinenko?
  • Alexander Litvinenko's memory site
  • "FSB explodes Russia" - the book of Alexander Litvinenko and Yuri Felshta, dedicated to the conspiracy version of the reasons and organizers of a series of terrorist acts - the explosions of residential buildings in Russia in the fall of 1999, including the role of the FSB in the incident in Ryazan on September 22, 1999.
  • Lubyanka Criminal Group is Alexander Litvinenko's book about the intended transformation of Russian security services to a criminal and terrorist organization.
  • Documentary film Andrei Nekrasova: Riot. Litvinenko case

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