Vasily Dark - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Board



Vasily II Dark - grandson of two rulers. One grandfather is the Grand Duke of the Moscow and Vladimir Dmitry Donskoy, who became the story first of all as a commander who won the Kulikovsky battle. The second, according to the mother, is the Grand Duke Lithuanian Vitovt. Vasily himself became famous for the fact that the last civil war on Rus occurred in his reign.

Childhood and youth

The future ruler, born on March 10, 1415, is the younger child in the family of Prince Vladimir and Moscow Vasily I. Sophia, nee Princess Lithuanian, gave birth to her husband five sons, four of whom were victims of Mora, without surviving up to mature years. Literally on the eve of the Decade of the boy, the Father died, before his death, he had time to ask for a test of help for a single heir.

Portrait of Vasily Dark

So in incomplete 10 years, Vasily became in 1425 the Grand Duke of Moscow. Of course, in fact, the ride princess Sofya in the company with Metropolitan Fotim and Boyarian Vsevolozhsky.

The prince's throne had the species of the young ruler, the sons of Don Yuri, Andrei, Peter and Konstantin. Yuri, Prince Zvenigorodsky, was convinced that he would be to become the ruler after Brother Vasily I - so you guessed their father.

Vasily Darkaya

However, with the support of Grandfather Vitovt, Yuni Vasily Vasilyevich managed to stream on the throne. The uncle admitted a relative with the main thing over him, but, ambitious and powerful, hid the offense. And I tried to take the top, barely waiting for the right case.

The case was introduced in 1430: Grandfather Vitovt died, and Vasily was defenseless before the misty of a senior relative. Not wanting to be a specific prince, Yuri threatened that he would go to Moscow war.

Governing body

In those days, Rurikovichs, to rule, was required by the permission of Tatar-Mongolian Khanov - a label to the reign. And in 1431, Vasily II and Yuri Zvenigorodsky went to the Horde for the resolution. Yuri has picked up the ancient law of the preclusion, according to which the power passed from his brother to his brother, and on the will of the Father. But the experienced connoisseurs who accompanied the young prince managed to find an approach to the heart and the mind of the then Khan Mahmeta, and he confirmed that the Prince of Moscow was right - Vasily.

Great Prince Vasily II Dark

In 1433, at the wedding of Vasily II and Mary Yaroslavna, the numerous princely relatives walked. Yuri Dmitrievich who, I had no appealed to the celebration, sent children - Dmitry Shemyaku and Vasily Kosovo.

What a wedding costs without a fight, in this case - without a loud scandal. The widowing princess noticed that Vasily Kosy's Obanisan is a gold belt, which allegedly belonged to her mother-in-law Don, but was stolen. Sorvail with a guy belt, the princess announced that this item of the toilet belongs to the family of Vasily on right. Remarking, cousins ​​of the groom immediately left the holiday.

Great Princess Sofia Vitovtna at the wedding of the Grand Duke Vasily Dark

The story with the belt became the last straw: after a few weeks, Yuri moved with war to the Moscow principality. By defeating the nephew in the battle of Klyazma, the Plusolubets sent himself into Kolomna. There, a boyars began to be gathered around the reference prince, whom Yuri had shortdied apart from bread posts, kicked out with warm places at the court. In 1434 with the support of Boyar, as well as thanks to the death of uncle, Vasily II returned to the throne.

Being in power, Yuri Zvenigorod widged the ruler's place to his own son Vasily oblique. He even managed to emphasize one month, but then it was forced to fade, not forgetting, however, to grab a treasury with him. Then Vasiliy Yuryevich arranged another interference, but in 1436 Vasily II took Cousin captured and blinded.

Vasily II rejects Florentine Ulya

After that, for several years Russia lived in the world, and suddenly a new attack - Tatars. The Golden Horde was already broken, and the most large part was the Kazan Khanate. In July 1445, the sons of Hana Makhmet, Mahmoud and Yakub, marked under Suzdal. A few Russian arrow lost at that time. Vasily II captured Tatars. To return freedom, Vasily Dark paid the ransom and gave the Kazan several Russian cities.

While the prince was in captivity, the Board of Moscow took upon himself Dmitry Shemyak. Not wanting to lose power with the return of the cousin, this grandson of Don organized a coup. In winter, 1446, with the help of traitors, Vasily Vasilyevich was captured in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Soon he was blinded, and since then, Vasily II began to wear a nickname dark.

Princes and Boyar are called to return Vasily Dark Big Throne

Prince's injury did not stop. War continued. From the coal, the places of the last reference, in 1447, Vasily, from the blessing of Hegumen, the Monastery of the monastery nominated to Moscow. This time, returning the throne, Vasily II dark rules to death.

Dmitry Shemyak died in 1453, and they rummed that they were poisoned by the people of Prince. This ended the history of internecine wars in Russia.

During the reign - from 1432 to 1462 - Vasily Dark made many mistakes. Nevertheless, by the end of his life, the Biography of the prince was decorated with significant results. It is almost all subordinated to small diets, and the rest have become more dependent on the principality of Moscow. In church affairs, the prince did everything so that the Russian Orthodox Church becomes independent of Byzantium.

Personal life

Marrying at 18 years old, all his life Vasily II lived with the only woman - Yaroslav's daughter, specific prince Borovsky. Maria Yaroslavna gave birth to her husband eight children. Two of them - Yuri Big and Simeon - died in childhood.

Wedding Vasily Dark

The sons of Yuriy Young, Andrei Big, Boris and Andrei Little printed in small diets. The Son of the Son of the Son Ivan, in view of the early death of the princely firstborn, inherited from the father of the grand-road throne, becoming Ivan III. And the only daughter Anna's only daughter was born in the family of Rurikovich.

If you believe the historian Evgeny Pchele, there were no children from Vasily dark, but ten. The last two - Dmitry and Maria - died more children.


Vasily Vasilyevich died in 1462. Sick at the sunset of the "dry shock", the same tuberculosis was treated by moxibust. Improper treatment led to gangrene.

Blind Vasily Darkaya

Tuberculosis with Gangrena and covered the prince in the grave when it was 47 years old. But 37 of them, he, even with breaks on links, captivity and other consequences of civil workers, was the Grand Duke of Moscow.

April 9 - the day of memory of the Grand Duke Vasily II of the Dark.

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