Vladimir Komarov - biography, photos, personal life of cosmonaut, death



Vladimir Komarov's biography is a clear example of the fact that with certain persistence, any human goals are feasible. The son of the Moscow janitor, who followed his own dream, visited the space twice. By 40 years old, a man acquired a family, built a dizzying career and won praise from Yuri Gagarin and Alexey Leonov.

Childhood and youth

On March 16, 1927, the future hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Komarov was born in Moscow. Parents of the boy - Mikhail Yakovlevich and Ksenia Ignatievna - lived on the third Meshchanskaya street.

Vladimir Komarov

Vladimir from his youth hit the sky. The child spent a lot of time on the roof of his native home, launched into the sky paper airplanes. It is possible that the passion for the flights was a consequence of an interesting acquaintance. Simultaneously with the mosquito in the same building, Boris Nikolayevich Yuriev (the creator of Helicopter) lived in the same building (the creator of Helicopter), who loved to talk to the teenager for distracted topics.

In 1943, the young man received a diploma of secondary education. The boy went to school №235, immediately after the end of which he entered the first Moscow special school of the Air Force. During training, the young man was finally convinced of his own choice, so 2 years later, Vladimir entered the Borisoglebsk military aviation school.


The first years of service in aviation Vladimir and did not think about space. After long-term training, Komarova was sent to Grozny, where the man began his military pilot career. Two years later, Vladimir, who had already received the title of senior military pilot, returns to Moscow. To get closer to the dream - to get the position of the test pilot - Komarov goes to study at the Zhukovsky Military Air Engineering Academy.

Flyer Vladimir Komarov

Perseverance with whom the Military sought to goal was noted by the management of the Institute. Immediately after receiving the diploma, Vladimir invites the State Red-Bed Research Institute of the Air Force. The ability to organize test processes attracted the attention of the Commission, selecting people for the first cosmonaut team.

Despite the fact that the staff was staffed, Vladimir was offered to work on a secret project. Komarov did not refuse and in June 1960 began to study new disciplines for himself. During the preparation and training of Vladimir closely converges with Yuri Gagarin. The friendship of the cosmonauts was so close that even after the death of Komarov, Gagarin did not leave the colleague family without attention and support.

Vladimir Komarov and Yuri Gagarin

Alas, despite the high indicators and a professional approach, mosquitoes do not pass into the selected six for the flight. To get into the group, which on the ship "Vostok" was to go to space, Vladimir has helped the case. Grigory Nelyubov has not been approved for the Mission, doctors not allowed to the final training.

However, the Komarov never happened on the East of Komosov on the East. In September 1963, the program was suspended. Simultaneously with this news, doctors revealed suspicious crashes in the work of the heart. Among the leadership began talking about the removal of Komarov from office, but the cosmonaut persuaded the authorities to give him a chance.

Cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov

The man went to the Cardiologist Vishnevsky, working in Leningrad. The doctor confirmed that the failures in the heart do not carry fatal consequences. Being at the examination, Vladimir paid a lot of time to the Little Patients of Vishnevsky. Cosmonaut as he could have encouraged the kids and told the children about the cosmos.

On October 12, 1964, Vladimir Komarov first went to space. Together with a man, Konstantin Feoktistov and Boris Egorov were located in a multi-seat vessel "Sunrise". Flight lasted 24 hours 17 minutes. In a small cabin there was no place for spaces and catapult.

After a successful completion of the flight, Vladimir was assigned the title Hero of the Soviet Union. The man was presented by the Golden Star, which is now exhibited at the Museum of the Russian Army.

Personal life

Cosmonaut met his future wife in Grozny in 1949. A man saw a portrait of a girl in a showcase photoeel. The charm of the beauties of Komarov has long tortured the photographer, who is shown in the picture. But the studios workers knew only that the girl was a student of the Pedagogical University. As a military will find out later, the beauty was called Valentine.

Vladimir Komarov with his wife and daughter

Together with each other, Vladimir spent his free time near the school, until he met a stranger from the photo. Instead of flowers bouquets, the future Hero of the USSR brought to meet the deficient chocolate tiles. Six months after the first date, young people got married.

At first, the newlyweds were born a son. The boy was named Eugene, and after another 8 years, the daughter of Irina appeared. After the death of the spouse, Valentine did not marry, making the center of his own life of the younger children.


Shortly up to 50 anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, authorities decided that the residents of the USSR should be pleased with another achievement in space. Responsible for the new record was delivered by the receiver Sergey Queen Vasily Mishina.

Vasily Mishin

It was decided to launch two ship into space and dock in the open space. After the completion of the first stage, the cosmonauts had to move from the "Union 2" (so called the second ship) in "Union 1", where mosquitoes were already located. In order to have time for a fixed period, the pre-flight checks conducted challenge. All 203 problems that revealed constructors during tests, chose to silence.

On April 24, 1967, Vladimir sent "Union 1" to orbit. Mechanical problems gave themselves to know almost immediately after the start of the flight. Realizing that the first ship does not cope with the assigned task, the leadership did not give permission to launch the Union 2.

Vladimir Komarov - biography, photos, personal life of cosmonaut, death 14980_7

Attempts to return Komarov to Earth continued for several hours. The ship rotated in space, Vladimir could not navigate and take any actions. Thanks to a considerable experience, the cosmonaut, which turned "Union 1" in the manual control mode, was able to start the braking process and start landing.

All involved in the operation sighed calmly. It seemed that the worst behind. Even mosquito himself reported to the flight control center, which feels fine and is in the chair of the catapult, fastened with belts. These were the last words of the cosmonaut.

The place of death of the cosmonaut Vladimir Komarov

7 km to the Earth began new issues. I did not work the brake parachute, and the spare copy due to the constant circle of the "Union 1" twisted the slings. Reduce the speed with which mosquitoes approached the Earth was impossible. Wreck occurred in the Orenburg region, not far from Orsk.

In the collision of "Union 1" entered the soil at a depth of 0.5 m and caught fire. The cause of the fire was carbon dioxide stored in the device. Framework and the following explosion were so strong that the remains of the cosmonaut could not be collected entirely.

Officially, the ashes of Vladimir Komarov is located in the Kremlin, but to bow the Hero of the USSR and come to a small holmik located in the open steppe of the Orenburg region. Find a place easy - cosmonaut colleagues landed near the place of the Berezovaya Grove tragedy.


  • To perpetuate the name of the cosmonaut, in honor of Komarov called the crater on the moon
  • The last name Vladimir is the streets in Leipzig, Schwerine, Zwickau, Frankfurt-on-Oder and Lyon Metropolis.
  • In honor of the cosmonaut, 4 bronze busts were established: a school where hero, in Moscow, in Schelkovo and Nizhny Novgorod studied.
  • The image of Vladimir Komarov is placed on 2 postage stamps of 1964 release.
  • Composer Dean Brett composed in honor of the famous cosmonaut, Komarov's Fall musical composition, which in 2006 was performed by the Berlin Symphony Orchestra.

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