Boris Strugatsky - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



Some writers, directors and musicians showed themselves due to the creative tandem. This includes the Cohen brothers who have removed the Fargo's dismise thriller, Sisters Vachovski, as well as Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov, who pleased the standards of book shops with works with the participation of Bender.

Boris Strugatsky and Arkady Strugatsky

It is also worth highlighting the Strugatsky brothers who know both adults and children. Writers became leaders in the world of fantastic Soviet literature. Surely lovers of books, where it tells about the technologies, the universe and scientific progress, they know such works as "hard to be God", "inhabited island", "Monday begins on Saturday," "Picnic on the side of the sideline", etc.

It is noteworthy that after the death of Brother Arkady Boris Strugatsky, whose biography is replete with interesting facts, continued to "cut a thick log literature with a two-handed saw, but without a partner."

Childhood and youth

The writer appeared in the spring, April 15, 1933. This event happened in Leningrad. The future of Boris Strugatsky was predetermined, because the writer was brought up in an intelligent and educated family. His father Nathan Zarmavolovch Strugatsky was in positions of art historian, bibliograph and iconograph. At the time of the birth of the son, the man was appointed a scientific employee of the museum.

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky with Mom

Love for literature Boris Nathanovich and his brother absorbed together with Mother's Milk: Alexander Ivanovna, in the Maiden Litvinchev, taught Russian literature at school. For their efforts, this woman was awarded the title of "Honored Teacher of the RSFSR" and was awarded the "Honor Sign".

The Strugatsky family was considered exemplary, and the Arkady and Boris brothers had a happy childhood. However, in the blink of an eye, the familiar existence has changed beyond recognition: with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, bright paints of life were blocked, and the joy was replaced by tears, depression and grief.

Boris Strugatsky in youth

Strugatsky found themselves in a deposited Leningrad, and in 1942 Nathan Zalmanovich went along with Arkady in evacuation together, as Boris was sick. Unfortunately, a tragedy occurred in the Strugatsky family: the head of the family died of hunger on the road, in Vologda.

In 1943, thanks to Arkadia Boris, together with his mother moved to the Chkalov region. After the end of the war, in 1945, the incomplete family returned to Leningrad, where the future writer graduated from school with a silver medal.

Boris Strugatsky

It is noteworthy that a person who pleased the books of works, tied his life with non-macatic paths. Boris was going to become a student of the Faculty of Physics, but was not enrolled. Next, the choice fell on the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty. In 1955, a young man received a diploma in which the specialty "astronomer" was.

After receiving higher education, Strugatsky continued the "untention path". He entered the graduate school of the Pulkovo observatory, and also worked as an engineer and was a member of the Astroclimatic Expedition in the Caucasus.


While alone believes that all writers were engaged in writing stories in childhood and knew their future vocation from a small age, the biography of the Strugatsky brothers proves the opposite.

Two geniuses of literature were born at the moment because of the bottle of champagne. This alcoholic drink was a prize that stood on the horse in the dispute: young scientists stated the spouse of Arcadia, Elena Ilinichna, which will be able to show their literary talent. That evening the subject of the discussion was the weakness of modern fiction.

Brothers Strugatsky

Thus, in 1959, the Strugatsky brothers left the first book called "Country of Baghrov Tuch": Chernovik was ready already in 1957, and the book itself entered the "World War" cycle.

The debut product of writers is dipping the reader in the era of the Union of Soviet Communist Republics. The main acting hero specialist in transport vehicles Alexey Bykov - receives an offer to participate in the expedition in Venus.

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The writers endowed their work by a detective element: in the plot of the book there is a mystery of the death of the geologist Tahmasiba, who, together with his team, died in the previous expedition. The novel considers not only technological progress, but also the relationship between public good and individual desires of a person.

Boris Nathanovich worked only over the final part of the novel, which is called "on Venus". The "Country of Bagrov Tuch" became the first work in the Strugatsky brothers' service list, which is written in parts. In the future, writers agreed on the Fabulus of the Roman or the story and constituted a certain storyline. Men are used to working in tandem, but they composed small works separately from each other.

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The booklers believe that most of the writings of the brothers are written in the genre of science fiction, but Boris preferred to talk about "realistic fiction." The writer tried to make the main characters not computing machines, robots and other technological innovations, but a person, revealing his character and fate: Cosmos, planets and technique of the future served as a scenery.

After the death of Brother Boris Nathanovich continued to engage in literature, taking the pseudonym S. Vititsky. From under Pen Strugatsky came out two full novels. The first "search for the destination, or the twenty-seventh theorem of ethics" (1994-1995) tells about the engineer programmer Stanislav Krasnogorov, who believes that fate protects it from an inevitable death and saves in various situations.

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Another work of Boris is called the "powerless world of this" (2003), which S. Bondarenko called the most difficult in the bibliography of Strugatsky. The book has three storylines that intersect with each other, and the names and nicknames of the main characters are intentionally mixed. All the events of the novel are stacked in one week of the winter month.

In addition, Strugatsky engaged in the transfer of foreign literature, introducing Russian readers with Andre Norton, Holly Clement and John Windem.

Personal life

Boris Nathanovich Strugatsky was a monochombus. Most of his time the writer spent with a woman who met, being a student. Adelaide Carpelyuk became the love of his life. In 1959, the happy spouses had a son Andrei.

Boris Strugatsky and his wife Adelaide

Outside the literary activities, Boris Strugatsky was interested in politics and had a clearly pronounced civil position: he voted for Yavlinsky and wanted to give his voice of the Apple party, as well as in 2010, about the ten-year-old Board of Vladimir Putin, calling Russia a "authoritarian country".

In addition, contemporaries recalled that Boris Strugatsky did not say under any circumstances, what he works, guided by the rule "Never Say - I do, always say - did." Otherwise, according to the writer, all the work goes to the pump.


The writer died in November 2012 from lymphoma. According to Boris Strugatsky's will, his body was cremated, and the dust was dispelled from the helicopter over the air over Pulkovsky heights. The writer's wife survived the spouse for one year, one month and one day. Adelaide Carpelyuk died of oncological disease.


In collaboration with brother:

  • 1959 - "Country of Bagrov Cloud"
  • 1960 - "From the outside"
  • 1960 - "Path to Amaltea"
  • 1962- "Trainees"
  • 1962 - "Attempt to escape"
  • 1963 - "Far Rainbow"
  • 1964 - "It's hard to be God"
  • 1965 - "Monday begins on Saturday"
  • 1969 - "Inhabited Island"
  • 1970 - "Hotel" at the deceased mountaineer ""
  • 1972 - "Picnic on the side of the road"
  • 1974 - "Guy from the Underworld"

Independent works:

  • 1994-1995 - "Search for the purpose, or twenty-seventh ethics theorem"
  • 2003 - "Impressive Peace of this"

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