Ninel Multi - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography, Death



Ninel Multiwow - the famous "Gadyuk" from the sensational military drama, Vasilisa and Marya-Skinnik from Magic Kinoskazok. The star of the Soviet cinema imitated the beautiful half of the population of the country, and the men were barelywatched with diagonal eyes and a radiant smile. Ninel Konstantinovna was a promptive woman, with a lot of friends, often helped the case of completely unfamiliar people. And she is one of the first actresses of the USSR, who made a circular suspender of the face in a solid age.

Childhood and youth

On May 8, 1926, Lieutenant General, the former officer of the royal army Konstantin Multi and his wife, the daughter, which Nilel called Nileli was born. The name of the parents chose no accident. The Father-revolutionary succumbed to fashion trends: Ninel is Lenin on the contrary. However, when the girl has grown, he asked to call her Eve, even his debut in the movies under this name.

Ninel muscle in youth

The family lived in Leningrad, but later the father was transferred to Moscow, where, at the personal disposal of Joseph Stalin, Musicov provided a three-room apartment on clean ponds. Konstantin Romanovich Heroic died under Stalingrad - the plane in which the man flew, fascist fighters shot.

Nilel grew up a real beauty, and also received good education and possessed beautiful manners. After school, the girl decided to associate life with the actor and entered the Schukinsky Theater School.


For the first time, the young actress appeared on the Soviet screen in 1947. The girl got the role in the military adventure drama "For those in the sea", filmed by the director Alexander Finzimmer. This picture in the creative biography almost did not leave the trail.

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But the All-Union Glory Actress brought the film "The house in which I live," where the muscle was reincarnated in Lida, the wife of the geologist Dmitry Kashirina (the role was performed by Mikhail Ulyanov). Working in the film about the life of neighbors in a communal film was noticed by other directors and began to actively invite Ninel Konstantinovna to new projects.

The audience admired the game of the actress in the tape "House with Mezonin", where she tried the image of a girl who served in love with Sergei Yakovleva and Larisa Gordeemer. A little later, a lot called for the role of Ol in the fantastic comedy "Man from nowhere" Eldar Ryazanov.

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Reinforced the popularity of the tape "Easy Life" with Yuri Yakovlev in the lead role. The director of Veniamin Dorman gathered on the set of Pleiad Stars - Fain Ranevskaya, Hope Rumyantsev, Lucien Ovchinnikov, Rostislav Kattat. Nilel entrusted the image of Olga girl.

The actress fans included not only adult kinomans. Nilel Muskoy adored and recognized the children on the streets, because the woman was filmed in place of fairy tales. For the first time, the suit of a fabulous character in 1952 was the director Alexander Ptushko handed the role of Ilmen-Tsarevna.

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And four years later, the body brightened already in the image of Vasilisa in the film based on the Russian epic "Ilya Muromets". At the end of the 60s, the guys ran through the streets already for the beautiful Marya-Skinger from the fairy tale of the same name, created in 1959.

The fabulous beauty of the artist endowed a special charm even social paintings where serious moral topics rose. According to the audience, the diagonal eyes and the accurate face softened, for example, the films "Male conversation" and "Tenth Step".

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The breakthrough in the creative biography of the muskoy became the filmmoremoremaster "Gadyuk". In 1965, on the film studio they. Dovzhenko In Kiev, they decided to screen the same name Alexei Tolstoy.

The drama tells about the daughter of the merchant who fought in the ranks of the Red Army and in peaceful life did not find themselves. Tens of actresses were claimed to the main role of Olga Zotov, but the director Viktor Ivchenko, just looking at Nilel who came to Samples, stopped the casting.

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Work on the embodiment of the character was not easy. The muscle had to ride a lot on a horse, which responded to wild pain in the unhealthy spine. However, the game cost the candle - the tape became the best in the creative path of the actress and the director. Ivchenko kept the state award in his hands. Shevchenko, and Ninel received a diploma at the All-Union Film Festival.

Victor Ivchenko gladly removed the actress and in the future, giving her the main characters. The couple worked together over the films "Falling Inay", "Sofia Grushko", "Path to Heart."

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However, other directors invited Ninel Music to their projects. The woman shone in the lead role in Mikhail Ptashuk in the film "Forest Swing", Boris Bushmelev in the tragicomedy "One hundred grams for courage". In 1979, the muscle joined the acting painting "Man Changes Skin", here she collaborated with Igor Kostoloshevsky, Larisa Udovichenko, Boris Khmelnitsky.

Personal life

Studying in the first year, Young Ninel twisted the romance with the teacher's assistant on acting by Vladimir Etcheh, who was over for four years older.

Ninel Multiwill and Vladimir Etush

The famous actor in Memoirs recalled that he did not resist the feelings of the student, who became his first woman. Over time, Vladimir Abramovich also loved the girl with all his heart, this moment I remember for all my life, the man wrote in memoirs:

"I woke up, opened my eyes, the window was flooded with sunlight. Nearby, on the pillow, lay the head of sleeping Eve. It was at this point that I realized that I love. "

Etush became the first husband of a muscular, the couple settled in the apartment on clean ponds. The first years were filled with happiness, the young wife did not hesitate to confess to the love of the spouse with strangers, Vladimir did not give the will of the feelings. As a result, the girl began to meet with the composer Antonio Spadavkki. Half a year, a legitimate husband did not know about the relationship, but Nilel still admitted.

Ninel Multivo and Konstantin Petrichenko

With the new chief, the Union also turned out to be short-lived, the actress had a new passion - the director of fairy tales Alexander Putushko. And during the shooting "Sadko", Ninel got acquainted with the future spouse, the operator Konstantin Petrichenko, from which the son of Constantine gave birth. There are no more children from the artist.

Ninel Multivo and Victor Ivchenko

In 1965, on the casting of the film "Gadyuk", the director Viktor Ivchenko said: "I drove!", I came home and admitted to my wife that he wanted to leave the family. Ninel Multivova answered the director of reciprocity, gathered things and moved along with her son to Kiev. The last marriage actress turned out to be very happy, waving six years and having broke with the death of the spouse, who struck the heart attack. The woman was seriously worried about the care of his loved one, they say, did not accept the loss.


By the end of the 70s, Ninel Konstantinovna was tormented by progressive sclerosis. The actress decided no longer to film, but in 1982 it was still an invitation to Alexander Muratov to participate in the creation of the tape "Racing vertical". This work has become the last in a creative biography, after the woman has already stopped learning people.

Tomb Ninel Muskova

Fate took the musical one more than two years of life. Near the son of Kostya, which became a successful diplomat. The man did not lose hope for the cure of the mother, drove it into foreign clinics, but the troubles were useless, sclerosis - the disease is incurable. The star of Soviet screens died at the beginning of the fall of 2003.


  • 1947 - "For those in the sea"
  • 1952 - Sadko
  • 1956 - "Ilya Muromets"
  • 1957 - "The house in which I live"
  • 1959 - "Marya-Skinnitsa"
  • 1960 - "House with mezzanine"
  • 1961 - "Man nowhere"
  • 1964 - "Easy Life"
  • 1965 - "Gadyuk"
  • 1967 - "Tenth Step"
  • 1968 - "Male conversation"
  • 1969 - "Falling Inay"
  • 1970 - "Path to Heart"
  • 1972 - Sophia Pereshko
  • 1975 - "Forest swings"
  • 1976 - "One hundred grams" for courage "
  • 1979 - "Man Changes Skin"
  • 1982 - "Vertical Racing"

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