Natalia Vyglog - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife Ivan Krako, children, "Instagram" 2021



Natalia Vygla is a woman whose biography has developed not easy. Natalia became famous thanks to the spouse - the actor Ivan Krasko, whose personal life is followed by fans and viewers. It seemed that this love story would be an example for all young beloved. But, unfortunately, the star marriage was not so happy as luck as possible.

Childhood and youth

About the early years of Natalia Vygl is not known much. She was born in 1977 in Leningrad. The magic of the theater scene since childhood attracted a girl, so she chose the profession of the artist in costumes.


Talent and impeccable taste helped Natalia find a job in the shower: at first she worked by the requisler in the notorious theater named after the faith of the Commissioner in St. Petersburg, and then in the same institution became the artist in the costumes.

The theater presented a professional implementation, and a beloved husband, in marriage with whom Vyal spent many years.

Personal life

Natalia's beloved became a popular actor Ivan Krasko, familiar to the audience on roles in the TV series "White Guard", "Personal circumstances", "Turkish March". This novel developed gradually. As Ivan Krako recalled in an interview, the bright beauty was constantly surrounded by the attention of young actors, some of them even liked the girl.

And then Ivan Ivanovich decided to act differently: the man began to write the beloved romantic notes. Such an old-fashioned, but a cute court manner did not leave a girl indifferent, and interest in other young people was replaced by a sympathy to Krako.

Gradually, epistolary communication passed into evening walks after performances, flowers bouquets and small surprises. And in 2001, Natalia Vyazha agreed to become the wife of Krako. And even half a century difference in years - 47 years old - did not embarrass the couple in love (Krako was born in 1930). For Ivan Krasko, this marriage was the third in the account: the actor had two spouses, from which he had three children.

At first, the marriage really turned out to be happy. Natalia presented the actor of two sons - Ivan and Fedor. But after ten years, misunderstandings began between the spouses. Ivan Ivanovich constantly seemed that Natalia cooled to him and began to look at young men. The woman, in turn, was offended by the permanent jealousy and quarrels of Krasko, who tried to limit the communication of Natalia with other people and even the exits of his wife for a walk or visit.

All quarrels and claims to each other gradually destroyed the marriage of Natalia and Ivan Ivanovich. In 2011, the spouses filed a divorce and again became free from bond marriage. After parting, Krako left the apartment in St. Petersburg Natalia and children, he himself temporarily settled with the former mother-in-law.

Natalia Vygloga long remained alone. Soon, her photos appeared in the press with a young man named Andrei Schepinsky. Andrei was the same age of Natalia, and the media had almost married a new couple, but before the wedding did not reach the wedding, and after a while former lovers broke up. According to rumors, Natalia is also not alone, but the name of the new satellite does not advertise.

I did not stay alone and Ivan Krasko, who in 2015 married a young beauty Natalia Shevel. The girl for 60 years younger than the actor, however, such a serious difference did not stop the man in love again. Photo from wedding Krako and Shevel was impressed by Ivan Ivanovich fans: there was a luxurious white dress on Natalia, the groom was closed in the marine uniform.

And although only close relatives and friends of the couple were present at the wedding of Krako, and no scandals were without scandals. The fact is that the mother of the bride demonstratively refused to be close to his daughter on this day. The woman was configured categorically against the wedding because of the age of the groom.

And in 2018, the history of the relationship of Natalia with a former husband again interested in the public. The scandal broke out due to the fact that the young wife Ivan Ivanovich accused the previous wife Natalia Vyglog in the treasures of Krasko. According to Shevel, the sons of sluggish and Krasko were actually born at all from the actor, but from the lover of Natalia.

Natalia Vyglit agreed to participate in unfair accusations to participate in the program "In fact", which Dmitry Shepelev leads. The meaning of this talk show is that the invited heroes answer questions on the lie detector, and Sabina Polygraph Expertures Sabina Pantus and Roman Ustyuzhanin endure the verdict of the truth of the words of a person or, on the contrary, find out what he hides.

Natalia Vygla with children

At various times, the heroes of the transfer became singer Danko, Prokhor Shalyapin, Actress Julia Zakharov and other popular personalities. Obviously, Natalia Shevel extended that the lie detector would confirm the infidelity of the former spouse Ivan Ivanovich. On such an outstanding step, young wife Krazko pushed jealousy: the girl is sure that letm is plans to return the location of the former husband and smash a new actor family. However, everything happened not as the Shevel thought.

Natalia Velm Velu himself reservedly and calmly responded to attacks. She assured the new spouse of Krazko in that she did not claim the love of Ivan Ivanovich and communicates with him exclusively as with the father of common children. In addition, sluggish even agreed to conduct a DNA test.

The results of medical research confirmed the truthfulness of Vyazh - Fyodor really turned out to be the son of Krasko. DNA of the second young man representatives of the program could not be taken, because the young man was resting at the sanatorium at that time.

Nevertheless, this story was engaged lively in "Instagram", "Vkontakte" and other social networks, and Natalia Shevel, apparently, was not satisfied with the results of DNA and began to prepare a new check of the former wife Ivan Krasko.

In October 2018, it became known that the actor was divorced with a young wife. There were differences between Ivan and Natalia. The artist wanted the young spouse to give him a long-awaited daughter, but she was not in a hurry to become a mother.

After the divorce with Shevel Krako left with anything, he had no place to live. Then he decided to return to Natalia Vygl. In 2019, the ex-wife Ivan Krako became the heroine of the program "Let them talk." On the air of a talk show, the former spouse actor told that he allowed him to live with her pity. Sloggl emphasized that she and Krako live as a "hostess and an apartment". In addition to the former husband, Alexander Bolshakov lived with Natalia. Theatrical figure has become a new beloved artist in the costumes. Also, the lady admitted on the air of a talk show that he never loved the famous spouse and married him "from hopelessness".

Natalia Vygl now

Now Natalia Vygl is supporting relations with the famous former spouse, who still has no housing. In the fall of 2020, Ivan Krasko fell ill with coronavirus, and after that, the artist suffered a stroke. Sons and former wife cared for a sick artist.

In January 2021, Ivan Krasko at the age of 90 became his father for the sixth time. He had a long-awaited daughter. The child gave birth to Julia Kichasov, which became pregnant by Eco. It turned out that Ivan Krako froze the biological material even at the time of marriage with Natalia Vyglog, since she did not want to give birth to a third child. At first, Julia tried to become pregnant in a natural way, and then turned to the procedure of artificial fertilization - only the fifth attempt was successful. The girl was born ahead of time.

Vyghat did not congratulate the former husband with replenishment. The artist is confident that Julia was not pregnant from Ivan, but from another person. Natalia explained that the kichasovoy moves mercenary thoughts - supposedly she claims to give the actor. The former wife of the artist appealed to the program "In fact" and insisted on a genetic examination.

It turned out that the doubts of sluggish are not unreasonable. Vladimir Kuznetsov came to the studio, who argued that Julia was his girl, and he was a father of born girl.

Then Timur Eremeev, a leading program, announced the results of DNA test. Genetic examination showed that the likelihood of paint paint is 0%.

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