Irwin Show - biography, photo, personal life, books, death



The American writer and playwright Irwin Shaw possess a truly unique ability to connect the depth and intense intrigue in the works. He skillfully built the plot, polished to the perfection of the dialogues, painted bright patterns of characters. The show is one of the few writers capable of climbing high meaning in a simple and fascinating shape. For his life, he wrote many exciting stories and novels that are not lost so far.

Childhood and youth

The real name of Irwin Show - Irwin Gilbert Shamforoff, was born in New York, in South Bronx. Grew in the family of Emigrant Jews from Russia. After a short time after the birth of Irvina, the family moves to Brooklyn. It is in this city that the childhood and the youthful years of the future writer passed.

Irwin Show in youth

Parents observed Jewish traditions, but sought to assimilation. Therefore, they changed the surname to the show when Irwin was 10 years old. The boy was proud of Jewish roots, so he refused to change the surname until graduation. Moreover, Irwin insisted on holding the ritual of Bar Mitzvah, although not different than special religiosity.

Will's father became a victim of the Great Depression and broke. Upon reaching 14 years, the young man worked in a factory and in stores, Irwin and his mother Rose were forced to contain a family. The young man graduated from Brooklyn College and received a bachelor's degree. At the age of 21, the show begins to write scripts for popular Radoshou, for example, "Dick Tracy". That is how his literary career began.


In 1936, the first play of Irvina Show was delivered - "betray the dead earth", the idea was held in New York. The work tells about the group of soldiers who fell in battle, protecting his homeland. The deafening success of the performance brought Irvina the ability to sign a profitable contract.

Writer Irwin Show

Thanks to this show, the short period of time worked as a screenwriter in Hollywood. He continued to write scenarios, but the prose attracted him significantly more. The writer literally immediately realized that the commercial cinema contradicts his personal literary aspirations. Nevertheless, continued to write scenarios for a movie to engage in serious literary work.

After that, the work of the show was considered to be a radical and the pacifist, but the idea that the evil should be resistant to his subsequent books and stories.

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When the writer returned to New York, his stories on social topics published in influential publications: "New Yorker" and "Esquins". In 1940, the show wrote scenarios for several films, the famous comedy became the "City". The work is devoted to the topic of civil liberties.

In the collections of the stories "Sailor from Bremen" and "Welcome to our city", social conflicts and ethnic heterogeneity of New York of the time are reflected. Jewish immigrants are described with witty observation and humor. These books highlight the topic of anti-Semitism shown as the highest degree of evil and injustice.

Irwin Show

As for the story "Residents of other cities", in it, the actions unfold in 1918 in the city of Kiev. The work is written on the face of the young Jewish artist. After the pogrom, he understands that creativity is not the most important thing in life. The artist rejects the humility of the Father and begins to revenge mercilessly.

Critics allocated in the first collections Irwin show a brilliant plot and stylistic saturation. The author was called a talented writer of the younger generation.

Marlon Brando and Irwin Show

The first novel of Irwin "Young Lions" was published in 1949. It is based on the real events that happened to the Writer in the War Years. The work turned out to be successful and in the future was fucked. The plot of the resulting shielding was very different from the original, so I did not like the work of the show.

The second Roman Irvine called "Invaler Ether", which describes the growth of McCarthyism, published in 1951.

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After false accusations in the Communist glances in the anti-communist publication "Red Channels", the show is listed by the head of the film companies in the Black List of Hollywood. In 1951, the Writer left the United States and moved to Europe, where he lived about 25 years. In the emigration of the show created several scenarios for cinema and novels, they literally immediately turned into bestsellers. Among them:

"Lucy Kraun" is a book for the first time published in 1956. The work describes a wife and mother in the same character. In the summer of 1937, a woman had a novel with a guy who was hired as a companion for a fragile son Tony.

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"Two weeks in another city", the work is written in 1960. The book makes you think and rethink life. The writer reflects that the time has come to change something and try to correct past failures, but at the same time doubts changes.

"Bogach, poor", created in 1970, to which the unsuccessful written is written, according to critics, the continuation is "beggar, thief." According to this, the novel in 1976 was removed the series, which deserved exceptional success. In 1982, Lithuanian film studio of the USSR also shielded "rich, poor man."

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Irwin Show - owner of a series of weighty awards. The writer received two Prizes O. Henry, which are issued for the best story. The show was awarded the award of the American Academy of Arts and Literature. He also received 3 playboy bonuses. In 1943, the Oscar was nominated for the best adapted scenario.

Personal life

During the Second World War, in 1942, the writer went to the front and served in the Army of America, was a warent officer. He served in a special division, which consisted of creative personalities telling about events at the front. The show fought in North Africa and Europe was one of the liberators of Paris.

Irwin Show and his wife Maryan Edwards

Irwin married the writer of romantic works. His wife Maryan Edwards gave birth to his son in 1950, he was named Adam. The boy is the only child in the family, there were no more children from the show. Subsequently, the son of Irwin became a journalist and writer.


In the early 80s, the show was diagnosed with prostate cancer, which was the cause of death. On May 16, 1984, he died in the Davos Hospital, after a useless course of treatment. The death of the writer at the age of 71.

Irwin Show in adulthood

The show was very popular: the edition of the writer's books exceeded 14 million. Its works are translated into 25 languages, many of them are specialized. Nevertheless, since the 50s, criticism treated Irwin disseminally. For example, L. Fidler called his books "Half-seeming." And only after the death of the writer, the biography and creativity of the show began to be seriously studied.


  • 1936 - "betray dead earth" (play)
  • 1937 - Osada (Piece)
  • 1937 - Brooklyn Idyll (Piece)
  • 1939 - "Sailor from Bremen" (Collection of stories)
  • 1941 - "Welcome to our city" (Collection of stories)
  • 1944 - "Killers" (play)
  • 1946 - "Act of Trust" (Collection of Story)
  • 1949 - "Young Lions"
  • 1950 - "Trust, but check" (Collection of stories)
  • 1951 - "Ravering Ether" / "Swimming Air" (Roman)
  • 1956 - Lucy Crown (Roman)
  • 1957 - "Stage on the Dead Jockey" (Collection of Story)
  • 1960 - "Two weeks in another city" (Roman)
  • 1965 - "Voice of the Summer Day" (Roman)
  • 1965 - "Love on the Dark Street" (Collection of Story)
  • 1970 - "Rich, Pozhnyak" (Roman)
  • 1973 - "Evening in Byzantium" (Roman)
  • 1973 - "God was here, but already gone" (Collection of stories)
  • 1975 - "Night Porter" (Roman)
  • 1977 - "Beggar, Thief" (Roman)
  • 1978 - "Five decades" (collector of stories)
  • 1979 - "Hill Top" (Roman)
  • 1981 - "Bread on the Waters" (Roman)
  • 1982 - "Valid Losses" (Roman)

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