Zhang Ziji - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, actress, "instagram", filmography, TV series 2021



The actress of the Chinese and American cinema Zhang Zizyi frankly declares that achieving world success thanks to luck and its own hard work. The actress admits that it is not afraid to be wrong, so it easily goes on insane experiments. For example, to get a role in the film "Memoirs of Geisha", Zhang, who almost did not know English came to the casting and endlessly told the phrase, which he managed to remember: "Hide me."

Childhood and youth

On February 9, 1979, a girl named Zhang Ziji was born in one of the Beijing clinic. The child became the firstborn with a young couple - economist and teacher of kindergarten. The girl from infancy was distinguished by a weak muscles and poor health, so in 11 years Ziji gave to the boarding school, where students were professionally taught dancing.

Despite the difficulties, at the age of 16, the girl graduated from school among the best student. Realizing that in this part of its own biography with dancing, it is time to stop, Zhang entered the Chinese College of Drama. Unlike the boarding school, there were no problems with enrollment. Tzii took their studies after the initial listening.


The first serious role in the movie Zhang Tzii received thanks to shampoo. The student was invited to the casting to advertisement, for the shooting of which the famous director Zhang Imouva answered. The role of the performer did not receive, but impressed the assembled film crew. After 2 years, Imou invited the actress to the project "Road home". Tzii played the main heroine in youth. The beauty of the fragile physique (the growth of the actress is 165 cm, the weight is 49.5 kg) received the status of the ascending star of the screen.

Success fastened the film "Crouching Tiger, Cutting Dragon". Scene of the fight from the film with the participation of Zhang Ziji and Michel Yoe is recognized as one of the most spectacular in cinema. Work on the militant demanded physical fitness, so even rehearsals were held for the actress in a large voltage.

The result exceeded expectations. After the premiere of the fantasy film castor Zhang Tzyi became interested in Hollywood. The girl was invited to a secondary role in the "Hour of Peak 2", but to participate in the project actress it was necessary to learn English.

As it turned out, the languages ​​are not the strongest part of Zhang. Therefore, by the time of filming, the producers decided that the actress is enough just to drive only their own replicas. Specifications of the director and film crew of the artist transferred a colleague on the Jackie Chan site.

Zhang Ziji - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, actress,

Another cooperation with Zhang Imou turned out to be fruitful. The Drama "House of Flying Daggers" was shown within the framework of the non-competitive program of the 57th Cannes Film Festival, and also hit the film list presented at the Oscar. In this film project, Tzii managed to shine with his technique Kunf. In an interview, the performer admitted that to master the martial arts began only before the shooting process and the choreographic preparation was largely helped.

The next challenge for Zhang Ziji was the work on the film "Warrior". The actress persuaded the creators of kinocartes to settle themselves with a blind neighbor and almost a day watched her. However, the stalking success of the project replaced the wave of rage, emanating from Chinese fans of the artist.

The public did not approve the desire for Zhang to play a Japanese woman in American cinema. But the artist did not pay attention to dissatisfied, instead plunged into the study of Japanese culture. The result is the film "Memoirs of Geisha" received nominations for the Golden Globe and other prestigious film chambers.

However, Sayuri's dance scene before guests with an umbrella in his hand became a stumbling block between the public and Asian countries. In Japan, a free interpretation of the image of a dancing geisha oriented on the Western viewer was indignant.

In 2013, the photo Zhang Tzii again decorated the covers of world magazines. This time, the film "The Great Master" was becoming the film, removed Wong Karalya. Kinokarttina became the second joint work of the actress and director. And both times the resulting films were positively marked by the audience, and critics.

Soon the premiere of the film "Ever-young", where the actress performed the main female role. The drama was filmed in China and narrates about four generations that grew up in this country at different times.

Later on the screens came the film "Particle of God" (another name "Paradox of Kloverfield"). Shooting a fantastic militant took place in the United States. Zhang Tzii appeared in the image of an astronaut named Tam.

Personal life and scandals

Since the ascent on the cinematic Olympus, Zhang Zizyi has connected with various men. The press stated that the actress met with the director Zhang Imou, for which he received a role in the film "Road Home", but it was not possible to confirm the information to journalists.

The next imaginary partner of the artist was Jackie Chan. And only in 2007, Zhang Tzii officially confirmed the novel, which was confronted with Aviv Nevo - a businessman from Israel. The relationships of the couple were successful, and soon close to engaged on the engagement.

Tzii and Aviv broke up after a scandal associated with the name of the actress. The familiar star star stated that the actress does not keep the beloved loyalty. Official comments from the pair did not arrive, but the engagement did not take place.

Two years later, in several major newspapers and online editions, information surfaceded that the artist provided escort services. Allegedly clients of famous beauty have influential married politicians, thanks to which the performer has managed to earn $ 100 million. Custom articles threw the shadow not only on the personal life of the star's stars, but also on her professional activities.

However, these gossip were not confirmed, and new assumptions appeared in the media that the information was distributed from filing another Chinese kinodius - Fan Binbin. True, these speculations remained unanswered.

Zhang was worth a big effort to protect her name from the attacks of the yellow press. The court stood on the side of Ziji, and the Internet edition of Boxun News paid an actress $ 250 thousand for slander and brought public apologies.

Family happiness Zhang Tsii found in 2015. During the celebration of the 36th birthday, the beloved actresses Wang Feng made her an offer. At the time of the engagement, the couple has emerged for several years. A month later, a modest traditional wedding ceremony took place in China. The performer's husband himself relates to creativity. In China, he is a famous rock musician.

In December 2015, Zhang Tzii became a mother. The actress gave birth to the daughter called Wang Syncin.

Spouses spend a lot of time together and now the common efforts are the personal account of the daughter in "Instagram". In 2019, the artist made official recognition that she was pregnant with the second child. After a few months, the second joyful event took place in the family: Zhang gave his chosen one. Son was born weighing 3600 g. The name of the boy Hollywood celebrity does not disclose.

Zhang Tzii now

Interestingly, in the popular Asian genre - Dorama - Zhang Tzii does not appear, but in 2021 it became a member of the filming of the Shang Yang FU series, telling about the Chinese rulers' dynasty.

The performer filmography was replenished with the long-awaited premiere - the project "Godzilla vs. Kong" Adam Wiggard. The picture dedicated to the confrontation of two fantastic heroes was used and the longest battle scene in the universe. Her timekeeper was 18 minutes.


  • 1999 - "Road Home"
  • 2000 - "Crouching Tiger, Taped Dragon"
  • 2001 - "Rush Hour 2"
  • 2001 - "Warrior"
  • 2004 - "House of Flying Daggers"
  • 2004 - "Jasmine Women"
  • 2005 - Memoirs Geisha
  • 2006 - "Kill the emperor"
  • 2009 - "Revenge Sophie"
  • 2012 - "Dangerous Communications"
  • 2013 - "Blick Master"
  • 2016 - "Incidentally spent time"
  • 2018 - "Eternally young"
  • 2018 - Klovertfield Paradox
  • 2019 - "Godzilla 2: Monsters King"
  • 2021 - "Godzilla vs. Kong"

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