Leather face - character biography, image and character, actors


Character History

Character of a series of horror films "Texas chainsaw massacre." The killer maniac, brought up by the cannibal family. In each film of the leather face, a group of young people is opposed. A leather facial has a prototype - an American serial killer, necrophil and a kidnapper of ED Gin's corpses.

History of origin

Movies are partially based on real events. The prototype of the leather face - the maniac Edward Gin, whose real story, of course, is different from the "cinema" version. Hin's father was an alcoholic and did not delay any work for a long time. The religious mother dragged the farm and did not divorce with the dad Gin, although he despised that.

Edward Gin

Religious fanaticism of the mother crippled the psyche to children. A woman saw a sin everywhere and lust, forbade sons to communicate with other people, did not let go anywhere from the farm, except for school, and pretty washed the brains about the fact that all women in the world, besides her, whores. For attempts to make friends guys cruelly punished.

Edward Gin, like a maniac in films, was physically ugly, because of what Gina teased classmates, and later they did not take into the army. Unlike the Kinheroya, Ed did not suffer dementia and studied well, but the signs of mental illness manifested itself in adolescent years. The guy experienced sexual excitement when he looked like pigs cut.

Edward Gin

The first victim of Gin was his own brother Henry, who critically expressed his mother and was going to move to a woman with whom he had a novel. However, the police did not put forward the accusation of a lack of evidence. After the death of Mother ED Gin remained on the farm in full solitude. Neighbors considered Gin a quiet eccentric, while he had fallen to dig and dismember the corpses in the cemetery.

Soon, having resurrected by the dead, the Gin finished off the hostess of the local rigging shop ... The police quickly caught the maniac, so make multiple murders, as in films, Gin did not have time.


In the original series, the character carries the name of the Sawyer Bubb. This is the role without words, and the viewer never sees the face of the hero without a mask. Took Hooper, the creator of the character, confessed in the documentary film that the image of the maniac's leather face was conceived as a "big child", whose will is completely subordinated to the elders in the family of cannibals-coayrs.

Directed by Tomb Hooper

The hero is familiar to the chainsaw, because he worked on the slaughterhouse before the start of events. When strangers appear in the house of Sawers, the maniac feels fear and emanating from an extraneous threat, and therefore spreads with those familiar to itself. Also, the leather face is afraid of his own family and does what the elders will be ordered.

Dad Sawyer is a cook, holds a snack room at the petrol station "the last chance". In this diner visitors are fed by meat killed by the cannibal family of people. The coasters themselves arrange a barbecue from a man, and from the bones of the dishes. A leather face is a whole bunch of brothers, an unimaginable old grandfather and mother, which is chained to a wheelchair, but this does not prevent her from refilling the family. The maniac also had a daughter, a little girl without behalf, which also appears at times in movies.

Leather face, Michael Myers, Jason Vurhis and Freddie Kruger

In remakes, the maniac is named Thomas Hewitt, and the history of the cannibal family is somewhat different from the original. Thomas's biological mother gave birth to a baby directly at work and died after childbirth. The baby was already incredibly ugly at birth, so there was no mask in the future. The woman worked on a meat factory, and the boss after her death pulled the baby on the garbage.

There, the future maniac picked up a beggar, who delivered a hero in Hewitt's house, where Thomas and grown. Hewittes worked on the slaughterhouse, and after the slaughterhouse closed, switched to human flesh. They began to catch people and deal with them, which became familiar during the years working with meat shops. Mamas Hewitt as well as in the original series, sells meat victims in the store at the gas station.

Leather face with saw

Because of the external deformity over Thomas, they mock school, and hero himself sews a leather mask for himself to hide her face under it. In addition, the guy shows signs of mental disorder - does not say, inadequately behaves, he has a turbulent thrust for membership.

When the meat factory is closed, Thomas in the rustling of rage kills the director. Uncle Maniac after that kills Sheriff - the only representative of the law in the district. And the surroundings are in the authorities of the killer-cannibals.


The first film series came out in 1974. The film was filmed by the director with a heuker, the role of a leather face was performed by Icelandets Gunnar Hansen. A group of young people rides on a van in Texas. Unknown vandals open the graves throughout the state. The police are concerned, and young people are also - after all, their grandfather is buried there. Heroes want to make sure that Grandfather grave is in order, and at the same time visiting the old house.

Gunnar Hansen in the image of a leather face

On the way, the guys choose a strange guy. He asks to throw him home, and at the same time invites you to look at lunch to his family. The heroes are planted a strange guy, but they still have to meet him and his family ...

The second film released the same here Hooper in 1986. The role of the maniac executed actor Bill Johnson. Two teenagers go to Dallas on a football match and on the way are on an abandoned track in Texas. Both young people in strong capitution lead the car, having fun calls to the radio to "swell" the lead in the live broadcast, and do not know that there is a meeting with a leather face that will end with them. The murder case leads Lieutenant Enrait - Uncle of young people who are victims of a leather face in the previous film ...

Frame from the film

In 1990, the film "Leather Person: Texas Chainsaw 3" from the director Jeff Barra. The role of the maniac here was played by American actor R.E. Mikhailoff. Texas authorities arrange a check of cars entering the staff. This is associated with an emergency - a mass burial of the corpses, which left an unknown maniac was discovered.

Two young people on Mercedes first fall into a traffic cork at the staff at the entrance to the state, but this is a smaller trouble with whom they have to face. Ahead of the heroes is waiting for an armed rifle of psycho at refueling, dead coyote, a maniac in a leather mask and a family of cannibals.

R.E. Mikhailoff in the leather face

In 1994, Kim Hankel, the screenwriter of the first "massacre", removes the fourth film of the series - "Texas massopile massacre: the next generation." The role of a leather face in the film is performed by actor Robert Jacks.

The young girl leaves the graduation ball in the upset feelings - her boyfriend Barry twisted the boys with another girl. The heroine is trying to leave by the car where the eyes look, but in the back seat already plugged her buns, and the villain Barry also sit down to her. As a result, the four of young people turns out to be at night in the middle of the forest visiting the Agent of the Insurance Department of Darla and the Family of Charming Cannibals.

The next film series, this time from the director Marcus Nisper, was released in 2003. This is a remake of the classic film in 1974. The role of a leather person performs American actor Andrew Brightarian.

Andrew Brightarsky in the image of a leather face

A group of young people rides in Dallas to a concert. On the way, the heroes are barely knocked down the girl. She behaves strangely, and the guys are trying to take the girl to the hospital. But nothing comes out - the strange maiden cums with them right in their eyes. Young people are trying to find a sheriff, but instead, they find a whole district of strange characters who are only thinking about how to kill heroes.

In 2006, the second part of the verse "Texas Chainsaw: Beginning" from director Jonathan Libesman was published. The film describes the first victims of the leather face and his family, which were four young people. The role of the maniac performs the same Andrew Brightarsky.

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Two brothers take girlfriends and go to the car journey to finish finally before both go to serve in Vietnam. Meanwhile, in a settlement, Fuller kills the factory director and the local sheriff seeks the guilty. Together with the maniac, the sheriff finds his own death, and the icon and the form of the killed minister of law enforcement assigns the uncle of a leather face, Charlie Hewitt, who is also not averse to kill anyone. Young people have to face the family of Cannibals Hewitt.

In 2013, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre was released in 3D. This film continues the plot line of the original tape of 1974. The role of a leather face is performed by actor Dan Yezhger.

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The maniac is caught, and the local sheriff is trying to solve the case on the law, to provide a criminal for a lawyer and hold a court. However, the furious crowd of citizens does not want to wait. People want to hang a leather face without trial and the investigation, and then someone flies into the house of the cannibal family a bottle of an incendiary mixture. Together with the house in the fire, those who were inside are burned - the maniac himself, his father and the rest of the family. Monsters destroyed, but murders begin to occur again. And again there is a chainsaw. Did the maniac survived on fire? Or a new criminal - someone else? Sheriff again takes about the business ...

The last film of the series was released in 2017 called "Texas Chainsaw Massacre: Leather Person" with actor Sam Straight as a maniac. In the center of the plot, four of the young people are again, but this time the heroes are not innocent lambs, and the escaped patients of the psychiatric clinic, who grabbed a nurse with them.

Leather face - character biography, image and character, actors 1496_12

The image of the maniac leather face was moved from films to comics. In the 90s of the twentieth century, a small series of comics "Jason against the leather face" came out, where the famous characters-maniacs from the horror films "Texas chainsaws" and "Friday, 13" came out.

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