Kellan Lats - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Kellan Lats - American actor and fashion model, face of world famous brands. In his youth for the sake of his favorite profession sacrificed learning in college. And they did not lose - the major roles trust the main roles of eminent directors. Glory and audience love for Lats came after participating in the Vampire Saga "Twilight".

Childhood and youth

Kellan was born in a large family. In addition to him, parents raised six more sons and daughter. Boy's childhood flew in Arizona. The actor says that Mom still retained the tradition of homemade accommodation: with the arrival of children, the table breaks from all kinds of yoke. And it is recognized - it is impassing back in the long time, you feel like a little boy.

Actor Kellan Lutz

Once a schoolboy lats, the semester lived in Dominican, where he got acquainted with the culture of the republic and pulled up Spanish. In adolescence, became the winner of the International Billiard Championship.

Kellana's labor biography began at 13 years old. Cute, high guy (now Lats's growth is 185 cm, and the weight of about 80 kg) began to earn the first money in the model business. Later became the face of the brand of the spirits of the Spirits "Elizabeth Arden", starred in the musical clips singer Hilary Duff, groups Hinder and Matchbox 20, which brought him the first popularity.

Kellan Lats in childhood

When the young man was 18 years old, he threw a college than caused shock from parents. Lats chose his career to the cinema and admits that it was never regretted in his life about this agency:

"At that time it was what my heart required."

In an interview, the young man told that if the acting profession did not work out, it would be a special forces of the Navy.


Kellan Lutz went to Los Angeles, where he became friends with beginner actors. The dream was closer than I thought. Soon the debut himself in television projects. The young man appeared in the episodes of the series "Cuts and beautiful", "Customer is always dead", "Return". Also, the guy lit up in the popular youth show "Beverly Hills 90210: a new generation."

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The Big Cinema filmography was opened with a character named Frank in the painting "Bunkark" (2006), where Missy Missy, Jeff Bridges, Vanessa Lengiz became colleagues. Immediately offered to play in the comedy Steve Pink "We were accepted!".

A young actor combined with the theatrical scene. The schedule was very dense - with the participation of Kellan per year, 3-4 paintings came out in a year, but there were minor roles everywhere, including television.

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Throwing in the career was 2008. Lats entrusted to play the Vampire of Emmette Callen in the Twilight Saga. A young actor came to the casting straight from the filming of the film "Generations of Killers", which lasted seven months. Kelllan's handsome first offered a key role in the film entertainment of Stephanie Meyer - Edward, which in the end of Robert Pattinson.

However, Lats did not want to play a depressive main character, whether Emmett business is a fearless, disgraceful lucky. This image of a young man embodied in all parts of Kinoaga, the last of which saw the light in 2011.

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Actor with warmth remembers shooting. The project participants were shredded, still Lats supports relations with Nikki Reed, Taylor Lautner and Jackson Ratbown. And with a colleague in Twilight, Ashley Green later played together in the warrior heart tape.

The acting fate of Kellana littered the images of Dean in the remake of the horror "Nightmare on Elm Street" (2009) and Poseidon in the "War of the Gods: Immortal" (2011). Finally, the director John Loupa gave Lats a major role in the Arena-Isna Isna, where heroes are forced to entertain Internet users, participating in modern gladiator battles. In the film also starred Nina Dobrev, Samuel L. Jackson, Katya Winter.

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In 2011, a young man came to the capital of Russia for the first time to personally present the audience a new comedy "Syrup". In this film lats again in the spotlight. A couple of years later, a man reincarnated in the legendary sibling of Zeus in the adventure militant "Hercules: the beginning of the legend."

With bright cinema stars, a young man met on the set of Sicvel "Expendables-3". Directed by Patrick Hughes collected all the cast: Antonio Banderas played in the picture, Jet Lee, Dolph Lundgren, Mel Gibson, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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According to the plot, the main character of Barney Ross (Sylvester Stallone) for the victory over the long-time enemy is gaining a young team "Expendables".

In the future, the young man tried out the image of the famous actor and writer William Shatner in the Biographical Ribbon "Experimentator" (2015), littered in a fantastic tape on the colonization of space by Peace Osiris (2016).

Personal life

Personal relationship The actor is not shy to advertise. Kellan twisted the novel with the actress Anna-Lynn McCord, who was tried to Rosalie Hale in Twilight. Then warm feelings tied a guy with a star of screens, and part-time the Dancer of Chairni Winson. I also met with Kaylya Yell (Heroine Vicky Donovan in the series "Vampire Diaries").

Kellan Lats and Kyle Yell

Rumors about Lats's love relay with the singer Miley Cyrus, however, the actor on one of the TV programs denied the speculation. The young man came to the Oscar-2014 ceremony with the Ukrainian model, an actress Olga Kurilenko.

In the fall of 2016, the "Twilight" star on the page in "Instagram" began to lay out photos with a charming girl, TV presenter and model Brittany Gonzalez, and a year later, the couple declared marriage.

Kellan Lats and his wife Brittany Gonzalez

Kellan is interested in sports, in the list of preferences Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, Skateboarding. Loves from the soul to swim in the pool, ride skiing or shaking iron in the hall. Hobbies actor - drawing. Friends and acquaintances know Lats as a very positive and kind person. He knows how to raise the mood, says:

"I love life too much, I enjoy literally from any things. In this can be compared with chameleon. "

In 2010, to survey the magazine "People", Kellan Lats received "bronze" in the list of the sexiest men in the world. The actor continues the model career, he is the face of Kelvin Klein's clothing brand.

Kellan Lats now

In January 2018, an adventure picture with the horror elements "7 cubic keepers" came to the cinema screens. The archaeological group rushed to the salvation of the lost colleague, the path runs through the ancient dungeons, where reasonable cannibal spiders live. One of the main roles of the film got Kellana Lats.

Kellan Lats in 2018

The actor starred in the Speed ​​Kills drama, the premiere of which is scheduled for August. John Travolta, Jennifer Esposito, Catherine Vinnik became colleagues. Kellan also shines in the main role of Tololand in the television thriller "Enmity", the second season of this series is removed.


  • 2004 - "Candy and beautiful"
  • 2005 - "The client is always dead"
  • 2005 - "Return"
  • 2006 - "Bunkarka"
  • 2006 - "We were accepted!"
  • 2008 - "Twilight"
  • 2009 - "Nightmare on Elm Street"
  • 2011 - "The Heart of the Warrior"
  • 2011 - "War of the Gods: Immortal"
  • 2011 - "Arena"
  • 2011 - "Syrup"
  • 2014 - "Hercules: the beginning of the legend"
  • 2014 - "Expendables-3"
  • 2015 - "Experimentator"
  • 2016 - "Child Osiris"
  • 2018 - "7 Cubic Guarders"
  • 2018 - "Speed ​​Kills"
  • 2017-2018 - "Enmity"

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