Boris Nadezhdin - biography, personal life, photo, news, politician, political scientist, real name 2021



A number of political colleagues respond to Boris Nevdeka as a reasonable liberal for the thesis that Russia and the West are to blame equally in the tension of the situation, and therefore the steps towards each other should be mutual. The Internet community awarded the president of the Institute of Regional Projects and Legislation with the labels "Fifth Column", "Russophobe" and "Traitor" for the call to submit the Donbass and leave Syria.

Childhood and youth

Boris Borisovich was born in Tashkent in April 1963, but has Russian citizenship. The first years of life spent in this sunny city with grandfather and grandmother while parents studied in Moscow. Mother received a conservative education, the Father graduated from the famous Moscow "Fiztech". By the way, the name of the grandfather is a politician, his complete thesis, the street and music school are named in the capital of Uzbekistan. And Boris the last name is real, although there is an opinion on the network that "it does not fit in such people."

At the age of six, Nadezhdin moved to Dolgoprudny and in an interview says that he is proud of the fact that half a century lives in the suburbs. Here Boris graduated from the special school of Academician Kolmogorov, while studying showed the ability to accurate sciences, even ranked second in the All-Union Physics and Mathematical Olympiad.

Netina has two higher education and the degree of candidate of science. Moreover, both universities - physico-technical and legal - Boris graduated with honors.

The issue of Nationality Boris Borisovich does not like, but on the portal YouTube houses a fragment of the current channel of the first channel, in which Nadezhdin admits that he is a Jew.

In his youth in the 90s, as Nadezhdin told, it was necessary to change seven places of work, two homes and five apartments, leave your favorite physics and retrain the lawyers. At the same time, to earn inconceivable money three times and lose everything twice. The situation was recovered with the arrival of Vladimir Putin. Then Boris sold a major insurance company, and finally switched from lawyers to Star politicians.


The rise of religination on the political staircase began in the 90s, when Boris became the second person in the city council of Dolgoprudny. In 1995, he made the first attempt to be blocked into the State Duma from the Party of Russian Unity and the consent created by Sergey Shahram. However, the block with difficulty scored only 1% of voters.

In 1997, Boris Borisovich was appointed Advisor Boris Nemtsov, who took the post of First Deputy Prime Minister. The direct supervisor Nadezhdin responded as a strong, open person, who does not know how to weave intrigue, and as a close friend. Nemtsov introduced Numbdin with Sergey Kiriyenko, with whom the political scientist worked until 2001. According to Boris, Kiriyenko, having come to the government, quickly figured out what and how it works:

"It can be put absolutely to any industry, it will cope."

In 1999, on the list of the "Union of Right Forces", Nadezhdin became a deputy of the State Duma. He developed a stormy deputy activities to improve legislation and state construction. At the end of the term, the mandate returned to teaching.

After the "Union of Right Forces" suffered a defeat at the next Duma elections, Boris Borisovich joined the "Right Cause" block and immediately entered the Council of the party.

In 2011, after sharp statements that the "right case" is a dead party, Nadezhdin left the ranks of the association, in which he headed the Moscow region. One-party regions regretted the care of such an experienced functionar, but his words about the incompleteness of the "right case" were considered unacceptable. Politician stated that he intends to engage in party construction together with Alexey Kudrin or Mikhail Prokhorov.

The portal "Russian Pulse" cites the words of the St. Petersburg blogger and Columnist Dmitry Belyaev, who called Naldin "a political acrobat, groaning from one party to another - just not to collect signatures, do not check the mandate of confidence from the population, and try to" slip "on the list of one of the parties not needed to collect signatures. "

In the same year, Boris became a member of the Tok show Vladimir Solovyov "To the barrier!". His opponent was Vladimir Zhirinovsky. The topic for discussion was the amendments to the Constitution, which increase the term of office of the president and parliamentarians. If Nadezhdin opposed them, then Zhirinovsky - for. As a result, a serious swing, which almost ended with a fight was erected.

In the presidential election of 2012, Boris was among the observers from Vladimir Putin, then became a trustee of Sergey Mironov. After three years, participated in parliamentary primaries from United Russia. In the elections to the State Duma, the VII convocation was headed by the list of growth of the Moscow region, without entering into its ranks.

The party scored a little more than 1% of the vote, and its leader Boris Titov hurried to dissolve from the old personnel, including from Nadexin. The political scientist, in turn, in a conversation with "Kommersant", stated that he wanted to success for the former colleagues, but there was no prospects for the party.

The President of the Institute of Regional Projects and Legislation participated in the development of the draft law on counter-banks against the US and other unfriendly states, which is known to be a counterweight "Kremlin list".

Nadezhdin stressed separately: the law used the answer to the question of what sovereignty is:

"I considered the right purely technically as a lawyer, not to definition to become infinite."

In addition, the political analyst made a proposal to make the concept of interference in the affairs of Russia in the current law "On Security".

Boris Borisovich, who intently followed the political situation in the country, did not bypace the new composition of the Russian government formed in May 2018. Assessing the list of deputy prime ministers, the political analyst noted that nothing new to wait.

In 2019, Russian Liberal spoke on the air "Russia-1" TV channel with a proposal to finally disconnect the Crimea from Ukraine. For this, in his opinion, it is necessary to dig up a new shipping channel through Perekop's transfer.

Personal life

Page of personal life in the biography of the popular political scientist, judging by the information on the network, confusing. Some clarity made an interview with Ehu Moscow. Nothing is known about the first wife, the daughter of Catherine was born in marriage, which in 2009 gave Boris Borisovich her grandson.

With the next passion, Anna Politician met when she studied at the Academy of National Economy and came to the insurance company Net Dimin into practice. The woman was married, and Boris was already a divorced. The couple developed a draft law on the Constitutional Assembly, which, however, did not pass through the vote in the State Duma. Official Roman gradually converted into the family, the second daughter of Anastasia was born.

Now Boris is happy in a personal life. His present spouse is Natalia. According to rumors, she is a psychotherapist, but does not work - she is engaged in the house and children. Boris became a large father. The eldest son is called the same as the head of the family, is the name in the family give boys from generation to generation. Misha for three years younger than your nephew.

According to the policy, he likes to sing (released four disks), "cut" into computer games and skiing. The publication "Arguments and Facts" talked about the fact that at the cottage of hope as a domestic pet, one time lived on the nicknamed Marilyn Manson.

Boris is an active user of social networks, started accounts in Twitter, VKontakte, Facebook, where it is regularly divided by his opinion about the events or links to the publications interested. And you can follow the personal life of the deputy through "Instagram". On his page, he publishes a photo of himself, children, spouses.

Boris Nadezhdin now

In 2020, Boris Nadezhdin conducts active political activities. In May 2020, he talked with a journalist and blogger Andrei Karaulov on a topical subject - payments to doctors who work in difficult conditions. Especially for transmission to Yutubeub, the opposition driver went to ambulance workers and took their complaints about the video. He published the video on the Internet.

Boris Nadezhdin expressed his opinion about Belarus, as it was most immersed in the election observation. The politician stated that he was not for and not against Lukashenko, but he believes that the results were falsified.

Russian programmers Nadezhdin gave the task to develop a platform for a parallel counting of votes. And citizens of Belarus, who came to the rallies, advised to seek not the resignation of Tirana Lukashenko, but to recalculate ballots. In his opinion, the result will be strikingly differ from 80% of the support of Alexander Grigorievich.

In October, the political scientist became a member of the transfer of the "face of the week" on the radio "Echo of Moscow". Discussion topic:

"From the amendments to the laws. How is the state structure of Russia? ".

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