Minos - biography, son of Zeus, legends and myths


Character History

King Minos, right in Crete, brought an island state to greatness. The hero, whose father was Zeus himself, decorated the ancient Greek myths as a wise ruler and a loving man. Only here his life, filled with glorious victories, broke ridiculously and away from their homeland.

History of origin

Part of the heroes from myths are considered quite real personalities. Many ancient and modern historians are confident that Minos really ruled by Crete, living in a wonderful potnos palace. The stake of doubt makes only the origin of the character. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Mina Civilization opened the archaeologist Arthur Evans, calling it in honor of the king. The scientist argued that this is the first corporal written civilization of Crete. However, so far, the historicity of Minos remains in question.

King Minos.

It is believed that centralized power on the island has emerged four thousand years ago. Then the throne rose to the throne, in the legends - one of her husbands demeters, goddesses of agriculture. This ruler changed the texts that became the personification of the Migration of Dorians and Ahetans from the mainland to the island. Then the power adopted his son Asteria - the husband of Europe, the daughter of the Phoenician king. From this a couple and began the biography of Nice Minos.

Minos in myths

Once the Supreme God Zeus, turning into a snow-white bull, kidnapped a young Europe and finished children with her - Minos, Radamanta and Sarpedon. Asteria did not blame him to take a girl in his wife and, like a real man, adopted children. After the death of the receptional Father, Minos, as the elder brother, adopted power in the state. But before the Bastardo had to convince the people that the throne was prepared by over - after all, he was the son of Zeus, personally from the hands of the Supreme God received the royal scepter, and any prayer would be heard in heaven.

God Zeus

Mosnos Rules wisely and rightly, because he used a "acquaintance" with Zeus - often met with his father in the cave of Mount Dicks, where he listened to the advice of the Batyushki for the formation of laws. His power was strengthened: defensive structures, fleet, support points were built on the nearest islands, and then in Greece. Crete became the Great Lord of the Seas, putting horror on the enemies. The island flourished and richly thanks to the competent trading policy of the ruler.

Minos is worth thanks for new cities - Kidonia, Fest and Knossos. The ruler also captured the Cycladic Islands and the Greek City of Megara.

In mythology, Minosa's name is associated with the birth of a terrible monster of Minotaur. At the request of the king, the god of the seas and oceans Poseidon sent a white bull to Earth for sacrifice. But the animal turned out to be so beautiful and mighty that Minos regretted him, hiding in herd. Another animal went to the altar, for which Poseidon was angry and enjoyed a curse to the wife of the Cretan ruler. A poor woman loving love for his handsome bull, and a minotaur was born from this strange connection.


Seeing a newborn with a man's body, but with the head of the bull, Mosnos first came to the rage, even wanted to kill the "Son." However, it was afraid that Poseidon could not like such a decision, and retained life minotaur. For an unusual child, the Athenian engineer Santal, expelled from his homeland and found shelter in Crete, built a labyrinth.

An evil creature in the future helped Minos in terrible acts. The king of Athens Aegei for the murder of the Cretan heir androgery was forced to send seven girls to Crete annually and as many young men who devoured Minotaurus. The monster was pacified Hercules, and it died from the hands of Tene, the son of Egea.

Testa and Minotaur

Minos was distinguished by unrestrained passion for women. With this could not put up Pacifa, building a loving husband of Kozny. In one legend it is described: the spouse enchanted Minos so that when a copper of his mistresses was attacked, then snakes and scorpions coming out of the king flesh.

The legendary king in Sicily died, the city of Kamik became the last shelter. Mosnos came there as a result of the chase for Dedalom, who escaped from Crete. Waning out the masters, the king proclaimed - the one who will be able to turn thread through the sea shell, through all her spirals, will receive an unprecedented reward. He knew that only Dedalu under the power of such a difficult task. And he was not mistaken - the engineer issued himself with losses. But the locals did not give the grandfather, killing Minos in the boiling water bath.


Homer in Odyssey, Minos found a place in Aida. In the kingdom of the dead hero, along with their own brothers, a terrible trial of the dead newcomers is reigning. Updated in hell, the souls first appear before this trio, which decides who to go where to go - on a serene peace in the field with asphodel, or on eternal torment on the banks of the river Scheme.

Minos also appears at Dante Aligierey in the "Divine Comedy". Here the character is a demon with a snake tail that wures the soul and shows what circle of hell to keep the way.


Minos came to life in the Soviet cartoon "Labyrinth. Feat Teasy "(1971). Director Alexander Snezhko-Blotskaya shot a hand drawn picture based on the Greek MiF about the murder of the Minotaurus Teshem and the abduction of the daughter of the Cretan Tsar Ariadna.


The story of the myth on the confrontation of the ruler of ancient Crete with the legendary stronghold took as a basis the director of Luigi Koczi, presented by the viewer in 1983 the film "Hercules". In the US-Italian ribbon, the role of Minos, who decided to seize the world, played William Berger.

Minos entered the pleiad of serial characters. The English Adventure film "Atlantis", shot in 2013, tells about the life of an unusual settlement from distant antiquity. Here, bulls and goddess, who, instead of happiness, hiss the snakes, and the great palaces were built. In Tsar Minos, Alexander Siddig transformed.

Alexander Siddig in Minos

In 2015, the "Olympus" series was released on the screens, where Oracle, Dedal and the hero were captured by Tsar Minos. The daughter of Lord Ariadne has sadistic inclinations and exposes characters with sophisticated torture. Minos plays actor Alan Si Pieterson.

Interesting Facts

  • Cretan king became the hero of the placer of Russian theatrical productions. The most noticeable are "Ariadna", staged at the St. Petersburg Theater of Satira on the works of Marina Tsvetaeva, where the role was performed by Yuri Izkov. And also the "kings" (2010) director Evgenia Safonov - Nikolai Marton reincarnated in the ruler of Crete. The theater "Ballet Moscow" is pleased with the Mosnos single ballet from the Netherlands Choreographer Juano Arkez.
Hyacin Minos
  • The name Minos wears a hyacinth flower - a plant with large fragrant inflorescences.

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