Sergey Zakharov - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, songs



The legend of the Soviet pop Sergey Zakharov presented the listener of the paint songs, which today would be called hits. The whole country hooked the "Fucks of Chrysanthemum", "Moscow windows", incendiary "winter" composition "Three White Kony" from the movie "Wizards". And the "evening ringing", according to Melomanov, no one has managed to sing better than Zakharov.

In recent years, Sergey Georgievich, as and 40 years ago, admired the public with a magic baritone and elegance, leaving the stage in Thractions.

Childhood and youth

Sergey was born in the family of the military. In the Small Motherland, in the Ukrainian Nikolaev, lived for a long time - the father was transferred to Baikonur (Kazakhstan), where the childhood and the youth of the singer were held. The abilities in music, the boy apparently inherited from his grandfather, who was listed three dozen years of the first trumpeter of the Odessa Opera House.

Sergey Zakharov in 2018

The thrust for creativity woke up early. Sergey Georgievich recalled in an interview that the 5-year-old boy was fascinated by the voice of Georg Osza, which from the TV screen was performed by Aria Mr. Iqua in the operetta "Princess Circus". The child has not yet known that after 20 years, the composition will become the crown number of its own repertoire.

It is noteworthy that after school Zakharov went not to the music school, but in the radio university. However, the life of the singer proved the truthfulness of the saying "you will not leave destiny." Having giving up the duty to the Motherland, Armequet Sergey Zakharov was a Rotary Speaving and solired in the "Friendship" ensemble, created on the basis of the House of Soviet Army.

Sergey Zakharov in youth

A young man was demobilized early and sent to Moscow - such talent needed a cut. Sergey entered "Gnesinku", reappeared only two classes. In the evenings, worked in the restaurant "Arbat", where he once happened to acquaintance with a legend man. The Leonid Rockov himself drew attention to the young language, who had fallen in the institution.

Maestro offered Zakharov to become a soloist of his orchestra and gain experience with him. For half a year, the young singer challenged on the provinces of the country with concerts as a student Leonid Osipovich, however, "lessons" from the famous singer did not follow. Sergey decided to leave the orchestra.


The beginning of the career itself as an artist refers to 1973. He was accepted by the Leningrad Music Hall, who was considered the best in alliance and even Europe. In parallel, honed the skill in the school. Roman Corsakov.

Singer Sergey Zakharov

Speaking as part of Music Hall, Zakharov first experienced visual love. Concerts collected full halls. The appearance and talent of Sergey did their job - the young man began to fan fans rapidly. The public and critics fascinated the inimitable baritone singer, bottomless dark eyes, a white smile and large curls of black hair.

In 1974, Sergey Zakharov decided to try forces in the international competition "Golden Orpheus", from which he left the winner. And soon folded into the piggy bank and the premium from the contest "Sopot". Finally and irrevocably became the favorite of Soviet Melomanians, when it seemed on the TV screens in the program "Artloto".

Sergey Zakharov and Lyudmila Shenchina

Artist's songs began to turn on the radio, and the firm of grams "Melody" began to record one by one albums.

Unique, even world stars admired the strong baritone. Golden Voice, Peru Mario Gonzales, suggested a great future to the young talent, and Polyak Hedgehog Polonsky said that the artist's work is unique to the world of music. From the mid-70s, Sergey Zakharov began to perform with Lyudmila Senchina, which became a good friend to him. The singer noted:

"We are both drunken and quickly rushed."

With ringwhell, a diol pop, a man recorded several clips, including the tender song "Talk of Birds".

Creative biography was interrupted in 1977. Zakharov went for a year in prison for a group fight with the administrator of Music Hall. The reasons for Sergey Georgievich does not hide and tells the press in detail. According to the artist, the Pokashovka was adjusted on the initiative of the secretary of the regional commissioning of the CPSU Gregory Romanova, who cared for the Senchina.

It would seem, after imprisonment, the way to a large scene was ordered, expected the provincial scenes again. However, after liberation, the man was called to the Philharmonic of Odessa, and then on the challenge of Lion Zhikov, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Zakharov returned to Leningrad. Here the artist was provided with housing, gave a place in Music-Hall and cleared the road to television. In addition, the singer soon drove with concerts in Yugoslavia, GDR and even Greece.

From the mid-80s, the artist began working alone. The first solo concert of Sergei Zakharov took place in 1986 in Moscow. It was in the prestigious concert hall "Russia", a man shone in the future in his charming images - Don Quixote, Mr. Iqua, Don Juan.

In the 90s, the popularity of the artist did not decrease. In this decade, Zakharov received the title of People's Artist, the Order of Friendship and the "Star of the Fatherland Glory", worked with Pianist Alexander Kogan, continued to produce records.

In the repertoire of the singer not only pop songs. Sergey Georgievich paid a lot of attention to opera art, sang under the works of Rakhmaninov, Glinka, Tchaikovsky.

In the work of Zakharov there was a place and cinema. Popularity added the role of Fernan Champorro in the musical tape "Heavenly swallows" (1976). In the picture, the singer plays with the stars of Movie Lyudmila Gurchenko, Andrey Mironov, Alexander Shirvindt. And the voice of the character at the voice acting was presented by Oleg Basilashvili.

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In 2016, fans received the news that the singer is seriously ill. However, the information was the speculation of the yellow press. Relatives are tired of confreshing that the singer is alive, healthy and works. Moreover, at the end of the same year, Sergey Zakharov held a solo concert in the capital of Russia, and then drove through the cities of the Far East.

Sergey Georgievich was still in the ranks, he spoke at home and often traveled with concerts abroad. In the repertoire of the artist, lyrical romances prevailed, fans point out the restless sincerity of execution.

In January 2018, Zakharova took the officers in the House of Officers, where I submitted the program "I sing about love", filled with classical romances, songs from your early creativity and compositions borrowed from the repertoire of Muslim Magomayev.

In March, the TVC channel demonstrated a documentary film about the vital path of the people's artist "I do not regret anything." In the picture, Ilya Reznik was instructed, Mikhail Boyarsky, Igor Cornelyuk, Tamara Gverdzitel, a spouse, and even granddaughter.

Personal life

With his wife Alla Sergey Georgievich passed through life from 16 years. At this age, he has already set off under a crown - so early marriages were resolved in the Kazakh SSR. A couple had a daughter Natalia, who then presented the parents of two grandchildren - Yana and Stanislav.

Sergey Zakharov and his wife Alla

In the late 90s, the family of the People's Artist moved from the noisy St. Petersburg for the city, in his own house in Pine Bor near the lake. Sergey Georgievich with his own hands lovingly decorated the dwelling.

Zakharov heard a real Meloman, he managed to collect a unique phonet of 400 with extensive records with the voices of the opera and jazz performers. Recognized that she adores the work of Luciano Pavarotti, Tito Gobby, Joan Sutherland, Fyodor Shalyapin. The pride of the collection is debut "coal" plates with songs of Fyodor Ivanovich, dated 1903.


February 14, 2019 Sergey Zakharov died in the Moscow Clinic. People's Artist has not been on the 69th year of life. According to preliminary information, the singer died as a result of heart failure.


  • 1974 - "Sings Sergey Zakharov"
  • 1983 - "Russian romances"
  • 1986 - "Centripetal force. Pop songs "
  • 1995 - "On fragile keys of the soul. Music of St. Petersburg Bard Viktor Maltseva "
  • 1995 - "S. Zakharov performs Russian songs and romances accompanied by the orchestra of folk instruments under the control of V. Popov "
  • 1997 - "Touch of Love"
  • 1998 - "Oh you and about yourself"
  • 1998 - "Russian romances and songs accompanied by the orchestra of St. Petersburg Radio and Television under the control of S. Gorkowovenko"

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