Group "Northern Fleet" - participants, photos, composition, news, songs 2021



The Russian rock group "Northern Fleet" with confidence can be called unique, if only because it is new, and the old composition at the same time. Now the group develops rapidly, writes new compositions and performs with concerts. Already the first teams of the team showed that the musicians depart from outdated trends and produce their style of execution.


At night, from 18 to July 19, 2013, the undented leader of the team "King and the Jester" died - Mikhail Gorchelov. This event knocked out of the rut of all: and musicians, and fans. Through a short time, the Pavel Sazhin Keyboard, Pavel Sazhinov proposed to finish the material prepared for the new album. A few weeks after the death of the leader, the remaining participants did not comment on the future of the group.

Mikhail Gorschev

The termination of the existence of "KISH" was announced in 2013. The group participants are recognized that they reflected on the possibility of leaving the former name, but considered it inappropriate. Musicians referred to the fact that the "king and the jester" cannot exist without ideological creators: Gorstreva and Knyazev.

The Northern Fleet team was officially formed on August 14, 2013, the name of the group refers to the Song of the King and Jester group from the Album "Riot on the ship", the author of which Mikhail Gorschev is.


The role of the leader and the soloist took Alexander Leontiev, more known as the "Renegage". As for the rest of the Group: on the guitar, as before, Yakov Zakov Zavirunov was left, on the bass guitar - Alexander Kulikov. On the keys - Pavel Sazhinov, it is more often called "P. Zvuk" - they were attached to the position of sound engineer "Kish". The drums occupy Alexander Schigolev, better known as the "Lieutenant".


Based on the words of the current leader of the group, despite the fact that the album began to prepare in the winter of 2013 as the release of the group "Kish", the town did not write music or texts to him. To death, he managed to only come up with a vocal melody of one of the compositions, which was composed by Leontiev.

Alexander Leontiev - Soloist of the Northern Fleet Group

Therefore, the author of the texts and music of the debut album of the Northern Fleet group is mainly Alexander Leontiev. During studio sessions, the musicians prepared 10 tracks in the draft variant. At the end of September, the first "Arrows" song, released on October 2, was recorded, it was she preceded the output of a complete album. After a break was followed in the composition and record of new tracks, which is associated with the conduct of large farewell tours of the Kish group.

At the end of 2014, the musicians began to write songs for the first album again and began rehearsals. On February 14, the official communities of the Northern Fleet on social networks "Vkontakte", Facebook and Twitter were opened, and on March 11 - on Youtube. On May 14, 2014, the official website of the Northern Fleet team began to operate.


The leader of the Northern Fleet group in one of the interviews mentioned that new compositions will be postponed in official accounts as they say. In December 2013, a new-minted group has already made musical accompaniment for 12 compositions.

In mid-March, musical accompaniment was already written to 20 songs, of which 10 compositions were chosen for the album. As a result, 3 songs were recorded from March 25 to 30. In mid-April 2014, information appeared that the video was preparing for one of the new songs, the shooting of the video was held in Moscow.

And already on April 12, the first clip trailer was posted in the official community, from which the name of the composition was known - "forward and up". At the end of April, the song and the clip are published in all official social networks. The two remaining track decided to modify.

Based on the words of Jacob Zvirkun, it was originally planned that half of the concert repertoire of the Northern Fleet will be the songs of the Kish group. Nevertheless, in May 2014, information was made public that Andrei Knyazev prohibits the composition of the composition, the author of which he is.

Andrei Knyazev

The debut performance of the group under the new name "Northern Fleet" occurred on 24 May 2014 in Nizhny Novgorod at the NEXT Generation festival. There they sounded the first songs: "Old rats", "Red rivers", "born to kill." After the group had several speeches at Kubana's rock festivals, "ours in the city", "Island".

In September 2014, the Northern Fleet group went to his first tour entrusted "only forward!". As part of this tour, the first was the performance in Vologda on September 20.

The first major concert was held on November 15, 2014 in Moscow. During the tour, the Panel played 34 concerts in Russia and Belarus. In early 2015, the Northern Fleet continued touring the Russian Federation with the first album.

On February 3, 2016, an entry was issued in the official community, where the name 2 of the album was revealed - "Misantropy". The album was released on March 1, 2016, after which the band members went on tour. In September 2016, the Northern Front toured for the first time in the cities of Ukraine.

Northern Fleet Group now

The release of the new album "INoy" took place on April 13, 2018. The key definition of this album is the experiment. The band members characterize it as pure creativity, music without landmarks and style. After release, the Group held 9 presentations of a new concert program in large cities of Russia.


On the eve of the summer, on May 27, 2018, the Group spoke at the 17th Annual International Rock Festival "Open-2018". In addition, the participants of the Northern Fleet group and Alexey Gorschenov, the younger brother of the deceased leader, are planning on July 19 to hold a concert of memory of Mikhail Gorsdev in St. Petersburg, in the club "A2". And on August 4, 2018, the team will perform at the festival "invasion" in great envy.

Each track on the speech of the Northern Fleet group accompanies a unique video series. On April 20, 2018, a new video is presented in the genre of film processing on the song "Leningrad". You can see it live on each speech of the group. In the fall of 2018, and on October 9, a presentation of a new album will take place in the city of Abakan.

The group has an account in the social network "Instagram", where several thousand subscribers. However, more active official community in Vkontakte, where tens of thousands of fans are more active.


  • 2014 - "Forward and Up"
  • 2015 - "Revolution for departure"
  • 2017 - "Time to Love"
  • 2018 - "Hello, Country!"


  • 2014 - "Everything inside"
  • 2016 - "Misantropy"
  • 2018 - "And"

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