Svetlana Sukhanova - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



For whatever work, Svetlana Sukhanova was taken - she is successful. The biography of the girl and experience in the film industry is incredibly diverse: she was a makeup, and a teacher. But Svetlana sought to reveal as an actress, and it was definitely possible.

Childhood and youth

Svetlana Viktorovna Sukhanova was born in the Altai Territory on December 21, 1982, a long-awaited and beloved child. Girl's parents made efforts to implement her daughter's desires. Svetlana was acquired by beautiful outfits and new toys.

Actress Svetlana Sukhanova

Nevertheless, due to the low level of wages in the Altai Territory in those years, parents could not adequately provide themselves and daughter. Therefore, the family moved to the Northern Capital of Russia - St. Petersburg, Svetlana had to live in the city on the water.

Sukhanova visited an ordinary secondary school, where the girl had a lot of girlfriends. The teachers were satisfied with the behavior of the lights, and she studied almost always on "excellent" or "good." The girl stretched to new knowledge, so the homework was not for Svetlana the problem.

Svetlana Suanova in youth

By the time of the school and receiving a certificate Svetlana, I already understood what its further path would be. For admission, the girl chose the St. Petersburg Academy of Theatrical Art. Sukhanova safely passed the exams, the girl was enrolled on the course to V. Petrov.

As in school, Svetlana diligently studied. It was not observed for passing classes, the girl passed the tests in time and was awarded with diplomas. These merits obtained by titanic labor characterize the girl exclusively from the positive side.


The graduation work Sukhanovoy is the role of Mrs. Deponimele in a play called "French water". Spectators in the hall were delighted with the role of the role. For her graduate received a diploma "Muz St. Petersburg".

Sukhanova - Scholarship of the Ministry of Culture, and also received a grant of young scientists and specialists. In 2008, he became the winner of the award for the best female role from the Society "Theater" - the execution of the role of Mary in the picture "Trigerine's notebooks."

Svetlana Suanova in the theater

After graduating from the university, Sukhanov was invited to work in the Dramatics "Comedians", where the actress participated in performances. Svetlana has another profession - the make-up, in the period from 2004 to 2008, she worked at the Mokhovaya Training Theater. Sukhanova was considered a talented master, he was even invited to a teacher for makeup in St.kggati. Svetlana took an invitation, because this work brought both satisfaction and earnings.

In 2012, Sukhanova had a chance to test herself as a director. The girl put the play "Carlson", receiving a reward for the best directorial debut of the Festival of theaters of St. Petersburg - Children.


For the first time, Sukhanova appeared on the screens as an actress in 2003. She received an episodic role in the series "Purely in Life". After that, shooting was taken in the series "Street of broken lanterns", "Lines of Fate" and other low-budget pictures. The photo actresses were kept in the databases of large advertising agencies of Moscow, however, proposals for cooperation were not received.

Svetlana Sukhanova and Roman Polyansky in the film "New Year's fare"

The first director who appreciated the Talent Svetlana became Evgeny Boldyrev. He suggested a girl the role of the careless Rita Ryzhova in the melodraman "New Year's tariff". From the moment and their cooperation began. After Svetlana appeared in another picture of this director - "New Year's Shatta", there was invaluable experience on these filming.

In 2012, the series appeared on the screens "while the fern blooms", where Sukhanova performed a major role. This work brought actresses the popularity and love of the audience. Svetlana was born into the role of the actress of the Metropolitan Tyuza - 20-year-old Alexandra Andreva.

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According to Svetlana, this project has become a kind of gift for it. Sukhanova was interesting to participate in the painting: amazing partners, the mass of extremes and fabulous sites. The actress told:

"We flew in a balloon, swam in Katuni, poured on horseback, ran through the forest three hours - and what was not there! Even had a whole shooting day to spend in real chambers. "

Despite all the difficulties, shooting were positive, and therefore the work passed easily. Altai gave actress a lot of impressions and emotions, forcing him to believe in his strength. Sukhanova coped with the role and conquered the hearts of the audience with the immediacy and charm.

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In 2016, Svetlana Samoilova starred in Sitkom, who became truly key in her career. "Policeman from ruble" is a story about the guard of the order of Gregory Izmailov, whom Alexander Petrov played. He guards peace in the elite village where wealthy people live. Every day, the hero is investigating complex and confusing cases, often exceeding official authority.

The main character to everything is ironic, but manifests itself as a caring elder brother for his younger sister, the role of which was performed by Alexander Bortich. But nevertheless, the main entertainment of Grisha can be called fooling and bullying over the head of Yakovlev, played by Sergey Burunov. Svetlana plays his wife - Natalia.

Actress Svetlana Sukhanova

Together with Grisha, Mukhich is working (actor - Roman Popov), with whom curiosity situations constantly occur. In addition to work, the actor has a personal life. For example, Christine's friend (actress Sofya Kashtanova), which first plays a girl on a call, and later decides to do business and becomes co-owned cafe. Thanks to this TV series Svetlana gained great experience and gained fame.

Personal life

Svetlana Sukhanova - a free girl, at least she has no husband. The actress is occupied by the career, so creating a family, becoming a mother and wife is not in a hurry.

Svetlana Sukhanova now

Svetlana Sukhanova did a hard way to fame, but now the girl is involved in several popular paintings, for example, in the TV series "Belovodier. The mystery of the wounded country. "

Svetlana Suanova in 2018

In October 2017, at the international festival of spiritual and moral and family film "Saint Vladimir" in Sevastopol, a short feature film "Time of the last romantics" was shown. Svetlana Sukhanova - director of this work. The jury awarded a picture of the victory in 2 nominations: "The best short film" and "Best Male Role" (Mirzoev's Bay).

As for the popular series "Policeman from Rublevka", it is planned to release a full-length film called "Policeman from ruble. New Year's chaos. " The tape will be released on December 27th. And shooting 4 seasons will begin in the fall of 2018. The exact date of exit to "TNT" has not yet been announced, but this will happen before 2019.

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Account in the social network "Instagram" actress does not lead, so its photos can be seen directly on the Internet.


  • 2003 - "Lines of Fate"
  • 2003 - "Streets of broken lamps-5"
  • 2003 - "Purely in Life"
  • 2006 - "Maze Maze"
  • 2006 - "Secret Orders"
  • 2007 - "Attempt to escape"
  • 2008 - "New Year's tariff"
  • 2009 - "Tick-So ..."
  • 2010 - "New Year's Shatta"
  • 2011 - "Boris Godunov"
  • 2011 - "Osochin"
  • 2012 - "Fallen flower blooms"
  • 2013 - "Mental Wars-7"
  • 2016 - "Teacher in Law. Scramble
  • 2016 - "Policeman from ruble"
  • 2017 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior"
  • 2017 - "Policeman from ruble in Beskidnikovo"
  • 2017 - "Construction"
  • 2018 - "Policeman from ruble 3"

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