Albina Valullina - biography, photo, personal life, news, "house-2" 2021



Professional model and participant of beauty contests from Bashkortostan Albina Valullina hit the reality project "Dom-2" thanks to a happy coincidence. The girl who dreamed of his career on television won the title "Russian Beauty - 2018", and at the same time he met Olga Buzova, who was part of the jury. Ex-participant of the show on TNT, and now - his presenter, singer and video broker helped the Ufa beauty to pass the selection for television.

Childhood and youth

The future "Russian Beauty" was born in Neftekamsk (the city is 200 km from Ufa, in the northwestern part of Bashkortostan) in 1993. Birthday girl celebrates on January 20, albin Valullina Albina Zodiac - Capricorn. She grew in full family.

Albina Valullina

The secondary education received in school No. 5 Neftekamsk. Bright success in studies did not reach, but, according to teachers, it was "good". He graduated from grade 11 in 2011. In the profile of Albina in Vkontakte, a touching graduation video was placed, created with its participation and dedicated to the years conducted in an educational institution.

While still a schoolgirl, began to participate in beauty contests. The first major event in this series was the regional competition "Hylyukai". Albina learned about the casting of the participants of the Albin on his day and, grabbing shoes and dress from the house, went to try good luck. After hitting the number of 18 participants, I was able to break into the final, which included only five beauties, and was honored to represent Neftekamsk at the regional stage in Ufa.

Albina Valullina - biography, photo, personal life, news,

The competition became the starting platform for the albina model career. A few weeks before the final contestant show spent in the YUMATO Sanatorium, where teachers of model disciplines and choreographers were engaged in them. According to the results of their teaching, each girl was awarded a certificate confirming that it was a professional training in the field of modeling.

Due to this, over the course of the three subsequent years, Albina was able to work on the weeks of high fashion conducted in the capital. In an interview with the magazine "In the city of N", the model described that the work did not require special efforts. Together with the agent, the girls came to a meeting with representatives of trendy houses, and those were selected suitable by the type of participants of the upcoming show.

Albina Valullina - biography, photo, personal life, news,

In 2011, Valullina moved to Ufa. Enrolled in one of the local universities on an economist, Albina got a job in a nightclub. At first she held the position of hostess, and then casting went to the GO-GO dancer. By participating in the club contest, she met another contestant, which offered her to work abroad. The girls found an agent in China, issued documents and flew abroad. Outside of Russia, Albina lived for five years, and then returned.

In 2018, she successfully passed the casting to the Russian Beauty project, and in February he won this contest. In numerous interviews, Valiullina declared that he had no doubt in victory, and this was her recipe for success. The show completed the speech of Olga Buzova - the singer was a welcome jury member. Albina did not miss the chance and met the celebrity. From this day in her account in "Instagram" there was a hashtag # Wannadom2.

"House 2"

Albina's dream came true a couple of months. Together with two girls and three young men, she was on the "House-2" set at the Seychelles. The turn of Fate Albina commented on social networks, asking familiar not to judge her strictly and noting that here "real life, and she boils."

The appearance of Albina Valiullina in the Dom-2 project

The appearance of a new participant turned out to be spectacular: for the debut on the screen, Valullina chose the shawartes shape. Albina has decided on a partner on the show Albina in advance - the girl stopped the choice at Cyril Vorobyev. But the young man noted that Valullina is not suitable for him because of great growth (179 cm). In addition, he soon left the project.

Voting against Vorobyeva was the cause of a quarrel between Albina and Daniel Huhman. The participant of the show voted against Kirill. The girl believed that Guchman must support the guy chosen by her, because Hukhman and Valullina are friends.

Alexey Kupin

Scene's witness Alexey Kupin stopped the scandal, noting Albin, that it is impossible to become friends in just a week.

"Here people are friends for years and stick a knife in the back," the young man cut off, after which the quarrel went to no.

The special relationship between Albina Valullina and Alexey Kupina did not hide from the audience. New considered the main cause of a major quarrel Alexei with Maya Dontsova. However, the couple came down, and the young man made the Maya sentence. The wedding is scheduled for the end of summer, and Donzova has already looked after a dress in which it will appear at the celebration.

Personal life

Albina Valullina twice started a serious relationship. This girl admitted, being a member of the "House-2". However, you can hardly be called happy - one of the partners even hit her. Also on the show, the model admitted that she has an apartment in the capital and car. She was able to buy them thanks to fees from contracts concluded during the period of life abroad.

Albina Valullina in a bathing suit

Among the girls you are interested in in social networks are not only humorous and female communities, but also groups dedicated to tattoo. Since 2014, "Instagram" has been "instagram" by posting pictures from contests, the project "Dom-2" and travel. Sometimes candid photos appear. For example, selfie in an unbutton shirt twinned on a naked body.

Albina does not talk about preferences in music, but in an interview with Bashkir television, he noticed a joke, which is not averse to to play in the video of Timati or Egor Cre.

Albina Valullina now

The project "Dom-2" did not turn into a significant part of the biography of Albina. On May 27, the girl in the voting ended the show. The audience of Realvest believes that this happened due to the low self-assessment of the participant and its self-critical attitude towards themselves.

Albina Valullina in 2018

Albina lives in Moscow. Further plans of Valullina did not voiced, but in social networks she had subscriptions to the community with vacancies for actors: it is possible that the girl will appear in other TV projects, it will take off in the clip or go to conquer the big screen.

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