Alexander Dobrynin - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, songs, pink roses, groups 2021



Once from each apartment and houses the undoubted hit "Pink Roses" sounded. According to the performer, high charming blonde Alexander Dobrynin, women and girls went crazy. The artist screamed glory a large spoon, however, failed to keep popularity, having acquired star status of the 90s. And yet the musician did not quite disappear from the stage and today collects the halls, making bets on long-time fans.

Childhood and youth

Alexander was born in Mamadysh (Republic of Tatarstan) in the teacher's family. Mom taught schoolchildren Russian and literature, and his father learn labor, physical education and drawing. The son turned out to be in kind of creative, since childhood was addicted to music, and foreign performers were impressive.

After school went straight to the army, and returned, I decided to become a musician. The young man went to Moscow and tried to enter the Music and Pedagogical Institute. Mikhail Ippolitov-Ivanova, but failed exams. Now this failure, which in the youth perceived the life tragedy, causes a smile. Dobrynin contrary to everything became a professional artist and a favorite of thousands of listeners.


The musician came out on a large scene in 1982 - this moment he considers the beginning of his professional creative biography. At first, like many colleagues, having fun to the public of restaurants and dance flooring. Then Alexander replaced the scattering of musical groups. A man managed to work in groups "Hello, Song", "Architect", "Mirage", "Cinema".

In 1988, Dobrynin joined the legendary group of "funny guys" on the rights of a ordinary musician, but after leaving the team Alexei Glokzina fell into the main composition of soloists. The fans of the ensemble warmly accepted the new singer - spiritual and incredibly charming.

The first song in the repertoire of the newcomer was the composition under the authorship of Igor Matvienko "Atlantis". After entering the light of the Hita "Pink Roses" ("Sveta Sokolova"), Alexander gained his own army of fans, the girls were not given to the young performer of the passage, they did not hesitate to rush on the neck at concerts and just on the streets.

In the early 90s, the singer decided to build a solo career with glory and visual love. But, as it turned out later, too hurried. Work alone did not bring the desired results. Nevertheless, some steps of the musician left a trace in the Russian show business.

Dobrynin gave music lovers of Hits "Red Clown", "Desert", the compositions "Nightflowers" and "Rita Margarita", created together with Arkady Tykupenka. In the birth of songs "laugh", "Never", "Stay", who were also popular, participated composer Igor Matta.

In 1990, the artist released the album "The girl with the cover. Songs on the verses of Natalia Spacious ", another vinyl disk called" Night Flowers "saw the light in 1992, and after the five-year plan, the record was published" Take and buy ". Also in the discography of the artist there is a compilation disc with reprinted songs. What was missing, so these are complete halls and the number of concerts, as in former times. Gradually, Dobrynin's star began to fade, he could not be embarrassed into the leaders of the domestic pop. The musician received the label of the "last idol epoch Via".

However, it continued to wheel with solo concerts in Russia and the CIS countries, spoke on discos, in nightclubs, at urban events. In 2005, for a couple of years, he returned to the team "Merry Guys". For a long time, Leonid Plavinsky was produced for a long time, who he changed on Joseph Podigogin.

In 2019-2020, the artist toured along the cities of Russia and Belarus with both solo concerts and the program "Disco USSR" and "Union disco" ", in which such groups and performers, like" Mirage ", Freestyle , Kai metals, etc.

Personal life

Alexander does not hide that there were many women in his life. Only under the crown, the performer managed to go three times and to live with a civil marriage once. With the first wife, a musician Larisa Savelyeva, went to the registry office immediately after the army. He considers marriage rashless and therefore for a stereo.

The second spouse is Olga Shorin's dancer - turned into an artist's muse from the first day of dating. The girl even appeared in the clip "Pink Roses". Pierre Narcissus became the mediator. A stormy novel, a full quarrel, resulted in a stamp in a passport. The joint life of the couple also did not differ simplicity, the spouses changed each other. In an interview, Dobrynin told how one day he learned that the wife met and singer Mikhail Muromov.

After the divorce somehow, at the meeting, Olga declared Alexander, that her daughter gave him from him, which Angelina called him. Fatherhood, the performer did not recognize, especially the child Shorin taken away abroad.

The third time, Dobrynn was in the registry office, according to his statement, with a prostitute, although Elena Gusev herself denies it. The chosen profession did not confuse the musician. Just at the peak of popularity was the song Oleg Gazmanov "Putana", call girls suddenly began to seem romantic, unfortunate creatures that you want to help. So Alexander decided to "pull the girl from the mud."

With Elena, he met at her workplace, in the club "Metelitsa". Insisted that the girl tosses with the profession, and began to live with her. Over time, Guseva increasingly began to linger "visiting", came over midnight, and even in the morning. As a result, the couple agreed on a guest marriage - to live separately, to meet on Saturdays. Once, Alexander called his wife in an unplanned day, and a man took the phone.

Already after the divorce Elena told that she was waiting for the child. God gave birth to Lisa, but this time the singer did not recognize fatherhood. Among their probable children, Dobrynin allocates only his son, because he sees the external similarity with him. With the mother of the boy, Catherine, the artist met, being married to Guseva. Speaking of children, the artist explains to journalists: "You see, I did not work out the father's instinct."

Dobrynin willingly participates in the TV projects. In May 2018, the singer appeared in the studio of the program Andrei Malakhov "Hello, Andrei!". The artist "Pink Roses" spoke about his personal life and expressed regret that he did not communicate with his own children. Malakhov arranged a movie with the daughter of Angelina. However, relatives instead of talking peacefully, quarreled.

Dobrynin accused a girl in discontenancy. The fact is that 3 years ago she came to Moscow (he grown and lives in Austria, he speaks Russian well), but it was not able to meet with his father, although the date was appointed. Angelina explained that he was not focused in the Russian capital, and it turned out to be held before the meeting place.

Alexander only hurried to apologize and confessed in love for his daughter, as a girl herself voiced his claim to a relative. Angelina asked where the father disappeared for 26 years. As a result, they agreed that she would soon arrive in Moscow and the meeting would definitely take place. But it never happened.

In January 2019, the sister of the artist came to the show "Andrei Malakhov. A live broadcast "and stated that Dobrynn drove the mother from the house, which he transported to Moscow 30 years ago. Larisa Nikolaevna took a woman from a metropolitan hospital to Naberezhnye Chelny.

According to Dobrynina, repair began in his apartment, so to pick up mom was just nowhere. The Contractor also noted that the mother interfered with his personal life, destroyed the relationship and did not allow to create a family. At her age, a woman needs constant care, so it's time to live in my daughter.

In 2021, in the program "Close people", the artist admitted that after the death of his mother Marina Maximovna, he wanted to impose on his hands, but his faithful cat saved the performer from Suicide. Barsik, who lived for a long 17 years, also died, and the singer carries a medallion with a picture of a favorite pet, whom Alexander considered the closest being in the world.

Also, Dobrynin said that he intends to leave his own property into inheritance not to children, but to his concert director Elena Shalimova.

The singer has an account in "Instagram", as well as a personal site where you can find personal photos of the artist and topical information about his speeches.

Alexander Dobrynin now

Now Alexander Yuryevich is a frequent guest of Russian cities and weighing, it acts as solo and together with other stars of the 80-90s, whose songs once sounded in every apartment. The artist is also invited to private holidays.

In March 2021, Dobrynin, together with Sergey Dubrovin, held a concert in Ryazan.


  • 1990 - "Girl with covers. Songs on poems Natalia Spacious "
  • 1992 - "Night Flowers"
  • 1997 - "Take and buy"
  • 1995 - "Pink Roses" (compilation disc)

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