Persephone - biography, appearance and character, name, attributes


Character History

Character of ancient Greek mythology. The goddess of fertility, the spouse of Aida - the Supreme God of the underground kingdom of the dead. The daughter of the god-threshold zeus from Demetra, the patroness of agriculture. In Roman Pantheon Persephone corresponds to the goddess of Proserpine.

History of appearance

The value of the percepton name cannot be removed, based on the Greek. Scientists assume that the cult of the goddess of the Kingdom of the Dead spread through the Balkan Peninsula long before the Greeks invaded. Greek Persephone "grew up" from an ancient local deity.


The image of the goddess of the underground world merged in the Greeks with the image of the local goddess-virgin of the bark, which worshiped as the goddess of fertility. Perhaps the original bark and the goddess-mother of Demeter were perceived as the same mythological image. Later, the perceptor-cortex turned into a daughter Demeter, but the connection of these two characters of ancient Greek mythology and the community of the cult remained inseparable.

Persephone personifies vegetation - grains that are hidden in the ground, and then in the form of shoots make their way to the surface, which is cyclically year after year. In the Greek literature, the image of Persephone also symbolizes the immortality of the soul. Persephone attribute - Narcissus flower.

Image and nature

Persephone, daughter Demeter and Zeus, fed at the cave of mother and nymphs. The company of an adheft Persephone was other young goddesses - Artemis Hunger, the Goddess of War and the wisdom of Athena, the goddess of the love and beauty of Aphrodite. When the heroine grew up and entered into a marriage age, the patron saint of the arts was wrapped in a marriage, the Zlakotrian God-Healer Apollo and the God of War Ares.

Persephone and its attribute - Narcissa flower

The legend claims that in the end, the girl did not get it nor the other, but was abducted by Aid, who took Persefon to the kingdom of the dead.

The mother of a young goddess, Demeter, in big sadness wandered around the world and looking for a daughter. Since Demeter is a goddess of fertility and agriculture, the land "fell into depression" with her. The seeded fields stood naked, nothing boom did not grow.

When Demeter learned that Aid was to blame for everything, it demanded Zeus's Supreme God for the Supreme God so that he ordered Aida to return Persephone. Asid let go to Persephone, but at the same time he tightened the tricky trick.


The attribute of Aida is the fruit of a grenade, and the God of the underground world gave perversephone to eat a few pomegranate grains before the young goddess went. Prior to this episode, the kidnapped Persephone refused to infiltrate the food in the kingdom of Aida. Having reached the grain of a grenade, the goddess has gained communication with the underground world and was doomed to return there. Zeus reasoned the dispute deterers and Aid in such a way that Persephone was to spend half a year on Olympus with her mother, and the other six months - in the underground world with her husband (option: two thirds of the year at Olymp and a third - in the underground kingdom).

In Roman mythology, the image of Persephone corresponds to the goddess of Proserpina, the daughter of the goddess of Ceres, which she gave birth to the Supreme God of the sky of Jupiter.

According to the Roman version, Proserpina, together with his friends, collected flowers in the meadow, when his own uncle heroine, the Lord of the Underground World Pluto looked at Proserpin and walked to the love. Pluto was taken by Proszerpin on a chariot, which collapsed into the abyss of the abyss and was carried away into the underground kingdom.

Persephone abduction

In Greek mythology there are several options for exactly how Aid is kidnapping Persephone. The most common corresponds to the Roman - aid kidnapped the heroine in the Lake meadow, but it happened on the island of Sicily. There is also an option in which Zeus helped God of the Underground World helped. In Greece there are several places where the abduction of perverse perempones occurred. This is either Olympia or Argolid, where Persephone was noticed by AIM on the banks of the Chimar River, or Erineon Place near the city of Eleusin, or a source in Syracuse.

The image of Persephone-bark was repeatedly beaten in art, starting with ancient times. In the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, you can see a Roman copy of the ancient Greek statue depicting God of Dionysus and Corra. The abduction of Persephone AID was not used in painting and sculpture, starting with Dürer engraving on this plot created in 1516.

Persephone in sculpture

Giovanni Bernini, the Italian sculptor and architect of the Baroque era, spawned a marble sculpture on the plot of the abduction of Proserpina Pluto. This statue can be seen in Rome, in the Borghese Gallery.

The image of Prezpins inspired the artists-prefailelites. Dante Gabriel Rossetti wrote a portrait of a heroine with a grenade fruit in her hands, using Elizabeth's own deceased wife as models and a new mistress Jane Burden.

Persephone in painting: Painting Dante Gabriel Rossetti

In honor of the perceptons twice called asteroids. One was named by the Greek name of Goddess (Persephone), and the other - Roman (Prosepine).


For the first time, the percepton appears on the screens in the 9-minute cartoon "Goddess Spring" of 1934 of the release. The cartoon is shot at Walt Disney studios and is included in the series "Silly Symphonies". Pluto, Lord of the underground kingdom, is depicted here look like a caricature Satan.

Persephone - biography, appearance and character, name, attributes 1489_7

The plot is classic: Persephone - the goddess of spring - walks through the forest. Suddenly, Pluto appears, grabs Persephone and takes into the underground kingdom. There, the villain declares the Queen Persephone, but the goddess of Spring is immersed in the despondency and the whole earth - along with her. Pluto, who is tired of this depressive spectacle, let go of Persephone, but every six months he must return to him underground. After the Goddess of Spring returns to Earth, the world again comes to the state of harmony.

Animator Hamilton Lask, who created the design of Persephone, later used that when developing early sketches to the design of snow-white design from the cartoon "Snow White and seven Dwarfs".

In 2002, the Russian multiplier director Sergey Olifirenko released a 13-minute cartoon "Persephone", which became part of the "Animation Fairy Tales of the World" series.

Rosario Dawson in Persephone

In 2010, the image of Persefons first appears in the cinema. In the film "Perse Jackson and a zipper" The role of Persefoni performs American actress Rosario Dawson. In this film, the God of the Underground World Aid is represented by the main villain. AIs mined the rod of Zeus, and Persephone takes away this terrible weapon from the villain and hits that lightning. And after gives the rod to the main character - Percy.

The appearance of the heroine varies depending on where that is located. In the underground world in Peshefons pale skin, and the dress seems woven from the fog. On the ground, the dress of the heroine blooms with flowers, and the eyes become different colors.

In 2003, films "Matrix: Reboot" and "Matrix: Revolution" came out, where the goddesses of Persephone as such are not, but there is a character who has her name. This is Merovingen's wife - the embodiment of the oldest program in the matrix, which regulates the behavior of people in the system. At the time of the action of the film, Merovingen has not been updated for a long time, morally outdated and became a marginal boss, which patronizes other to be removed by obsolete programs and trade with information.

Monica Bellucci in the film

Persefons are complex relationships with her husband, and in exchange for a kiss neo called Merovingen, it helps the heroes to free a kind of master keys, which her husband holds in captivity. The role of Persephone in both films is performed by an Italian actress Monica Bellucci.

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