Sergey Rogozhin - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, jealousy, "Forum" group 2021



Sergey Rogozhin - Soviet and Russian singer, Honored Artist of Russia, whose popularity peak came in the 90s. Now he successfully combines creative activities and business, and often flashes in various shows.

Childhood and youth

The artist was born at the outcome of the summer of 1963 in Moldavian Beltsi - the second largest city of the republic after Chisinau. Nobody was interested in the family of rogohesk music and acting: the Father is the investigator of the prosecutor's office, Mom taught French in school. Sergey Rogozhin grew not one - the artist has a sister Natasha.

In Beltsy, the early childhood of Sergey passed. The family moved to neighboring Ukraine and settled in Zaporizhia, where the Son went to school. There were also musical talents of the boy: at the age of 6, a small Sergey sang in a children's choir and listened to the first applause.

The congenital artistry of Rogozhina has found the development at the local theater of the young viewer, in which the actor studio worked. Going to the stage of Zaporizhia Tyuza, enjoying the attention of the audience and the light of Sofita, Sergey dreamed of becoming an actor of the musical theater. Having graduated from school, went to Moscow, but the capital stood before heading the ambitious young man: three times the rogozhina refused the right to become a student of the theater university.

Helped the case. A member of the examination commission was the representative of the St. Petersburg Theater University - Lgitmik. She suggested a saddened third failure Sergey Rogozhina to try strength in the city on the Neva. The northern capital turned out to be more "convocating" than Moscow: Rogozhin came, but soon he moved to the Director of the Faculty of Culture Institute. N. Krupskaya. In 1987, a diploma of higher education presented his mother who dreamed of him almost more than his son.


However, not theatrical layouts, and the vocal talent and the tenor given by nature became decisive in the artist's creative biography. He was learned about Sergey Rogozhin in his youth when he was singing for the whole country in the Auktsyon team. Rock fans immediately celebrated a new singer, who became a frequenter of festive concerts and rock festivals.

As part of Auktsion, Sergey Rogozhin acted from 1985 to 1987, but the taste of glory felt when he became a vocalist of pop-rock band "Forum". In 1987, the first in the USSR, the Sinti pop group was on the verge of decay: due to disagreements with the founder of the group Alexander Morozov, Viktor Saltykov, Alexander Nazarov and Alexander Dronik, joined the "Electroclub" David Tukhmanov. The new vocalist Sergey Rogozhin retained the Forum and took off with him on the wave of popularity.

Next year, the group participated in the Fifina Fifwival "Song-88". Sergey Rogozhin heartfelt performed incendiary hit "On the next street".

The Forum Group over the years of its activities received many awards. In her piggy bank there is the title of the laureate of the festival "Hangha-91". The victory of the ensemble contributed to the incomparable rogox vocals. A year later, on "SHAYMER-92", personal honors got the artist himself. The soloist was awarded the "Grand Prix" and a prime of visual sympathies.

Forum, the Forum Group released the Album "Black Dragon", which entered the Hit "Jealousy." And the following plates "Summer Winter" and "Black" were recorded only with the participation of Rogozhin and Saiko. Against the background of these circumstances, Sergey decided to start the solo career, and his colleague was engaged in producing.

For solo promotion, the musician starred in a popular tour time "Music Ring". His competitor was Alexey Glyzin.

The 25th anniversary of the Forum Sergey Rogozhin and Viktor Saltykov celebrated the OLD Kings of the Pop joint album. The most recognizable song from it is "the door is encoded." Then the light saw the solo plate of the artist "Two Hearts". The musician not only recorded music, but also shot two clips.

Fans of the tenor received surprise from the favorite in 2013: Sergey Rogozhin presented the album "New + Best" album. It entered the compositions of Anatoly Salvsky.

The singer continued to actively work on his discography, so that soon release another album - the "golden place of romance". It entered him and the famous composition "Correction". In an interview, Sergey told that romances would lose their relevance. However, he is not chasing the trends. For him in priority creative self-expression.

It is worth noting the fact that the musician was in demand in cinema. In parallel with the entries of hits and concerts, he starred in films and serials that went to the screens in "zero". In his filmography, there are paintings "Agency" Mangoste "," Foundry, 4 "," Streets of broken lanterns. " The characters who played a musician, minor, but at the same time bright and memorable to the viewer.

Personal life

The artist is open for interviews and communicate with fans. But at the same time he is a storing story about the family and personal life. It is known that Rogozhina has a strong family. Svetlana's wife gave him her daughter Alexander. There are no other children from the artist.

In the late 1990s, the singer was transformed into a businessman. This was pushed by the situation in the country, default, loss of savings in two banks. But a small Alexander grown up in the family. The purpose of Rogozhina began to put a child on his feet and help the widowed mother, which he transported from Ukraine to St. Petersburg, where he bought an apartment.

Sergey Rogozhin discovered a new sphere of activity - consulting on financial planning and life insurance. In 1999, he tried forces as a Si SAVE-Invest Ltd. sales manager.

Today, he holds the position of Marketing and Sales Director in this company. His consultations and advice received many famous people: from the staff of the Russian government to the stars of the stage, among which the singer Igor Cornelyuk and the writer Nataliya Praddina.

Rogozhin received good education, including MBA. He conducts training on conflictology, personal growth, sales and business letters. Modern show-business Sergey does not like: thinks that everyone can become a star, who has a bag of money.

The artist is registered in "Instagram". In his profile, many personal photos on which you can see family members and friends. Also, the page is regularly updated with various memes, which demonstrates an excellent sense of humor Rogozhin.

Sergey Rogozhin now

On the eve of the International Women's Day, March 7, 2021, Sergey Rogozhin gave a large solo concert "Soul Evening" at the St. Petersburg Theater Center. Accompanied by Artist guitarist Georgy Nagibin. The concert program includes romances, pop songs, hits 90s.

The special guest of events became Tatiana Bulanova, who performed songs from his repertoire. It is worth noting that on the eve of the artist celebrated his birthday with a solo concert in the Tinkoff arena. Sergey Rogozhin acted on it.


  • 1986 - "Return to Sorrento" ("Auktsyon")
  • 1986 - Rio de Shushary (Auktsyon)
  • 1986 - "D'Busser" ("Auktsyon")
  • 1988 - "No one is to blame" ("Forum")
  • 1989 - "Forum - 5 years" ("Forum")
  • 1990 - "Call me" ("Forum")
  • 1991 - "Black Dragon" ("Forum")
  • 1993 - "Summer Winter" ("Forum")
  • 1994 - "Black" ("Forum")
  • 1995 - "Teaspoon of sugar"
  • 1997 - "Mr. himself"
  • 1997 - "Chuppsomania in the New Year"
  • 1999 - "My Butterfly"
  • 2001 - "Eternal Love"
  • 2002 - "Names for all times"
  • 2008 - "Songs about love"
  • 2009 - "Forum" - 25 years old "Old Kings of the Pop" (Duet Sergey Rogozhina and Viktor Saltykov)
  • 2011 - "Two Hearts"
  • 2013 - "New + Best" (songs of Anatoly Salvsky)

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