Pierre Andyuran - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Pierre Andyuran, the state of which, according to unconfirmed estimates, is $ 2 billion, more known in the circle of businessmen and workers in the oil industry. The situation has changed when the photo of an attractive man hugging Victoria Bonui was blocked on the pages of the gloss. The name of the ambitious entrepreneur is now associated with both accurate forecasts for the cost of oil, and generosity with which Pierre courted for the beloved.

Childhood and youth

The future French billionaire was born in the town of Ex-en-Provence in 1977. At 8 years old, Andyuran family leaves the city on the Cote d'Azur and moves to the island of Reunion. The target of the boy became noticeable from the primary school classes. Pierre received only excellent estimates, succeeding in the exact sciences.

Pierre Andyuran in 2018

In adolescence, the young man became fascinated by swimming. Regular training gave the result, at the age of 16 Andyuran hit the national team. But at age 17, the sport went to the background. Pierre moves to Toulouse and enters the National Institute of Applied Sciences. As a future specialization, a young man chooses applied mathematics.

The next step for ambitious young men has become a practical school of higher research, located in Paris. After the completion of training, Pierre received a master's degree in international finance.


After completing education, Andyuran re-change the place of residence. This time the young man moves to Singapore. Of the several offers from influential employers, Pierre chooses the position of the oil trader in the investment bank Goldman Sachs.

Businessman Pierre Andyuran

Fake experience in working with large customers, Pierre enters Bank of America Singapore. The bank was so interested in Andyuran, which immediately suggested a young man the position of director of trade oil transactions.

But soon a man leaves a prestigious place. Pierre agrees to the transition to Vitol, whose leaders offer Anduran to become an oil sector. A similar career has had a reason: Vitol possessed powerful resources and allowed to organize larger transactions than previous employers.

Pierre Andyuran

The unexpected jump Biography Pierre commits in 2004. A man leaves Singapore and moves to London. Andyuran, a former employee, becomes an equal partner in Vitol. A person received such a proposal from the oil company after a successful deal, which brought a dividend to Pierre in the amount of $ 20 million.

In 2007, thanks to the relationship gained during cooperation with large entrepreneurs, Pierre occupies a co-founder of BlueGold, which is a group of investment companies and hedge funds. The Board of the Board entrusted Anduran management to the investment direction.

Businessman Pierre Andyuran.

The success of the millionaire attracted the attention of the media. Forbes magazine dedicated a man's article in which Pierre called the top manager of hedge funds with the highest income.

After a year, the assets that the businessman controlled reached a $ 2.4 billion mark. But in 2012, BlueGold declared termination. The official reason - the founders have seen the future of the company in different ways and did not come to a single opinion on a number of key issues.

Pierre, who from the foundation of the Foundation paid all attention exclusively to work, takes leave for a year. After returning to the business market, Andyuran declares about the opening of his own hedge fund. The company received the name Andurand Capital.

Pierre Anduran - Head of Andurand Capital

Colleagues and competitors, carefully follow the work of the organization, could only be surprised at the incredible success of the businessman. Thanks to the right and thoughtful forecasts in 2014, the Fund officially received a profit in the amount of 34% of the amount of invested funds.

However, oil is not the only passion of Anduran. A man who has been engaged in kickboxing has long founded Glory Sports International. The initial task of the organization was the help of K-1 - a promoter who conducted a fight among kickboxers.

In 2016, it became known about the interest of Glory Sports International with respect to another investment firm called Yao Capital. Perhaps in the near future, the side business of Anduran will reach the same sizes as the favorite brainchild and therand Capital.

Personal life

In 2011, on the territory of the Ekaterininsky Palace, Pierre Andyuran broke up with the title of enviable bachelor. The first wife of the billionaire was the model from Vladivostok Evgenia Slyusarenko. The wedding dance of the newlyweds were performed under the song of Elton John, who personally played several compositions for guests and culprits of the celebration.

Wedding Pierre Andurana and Evgenia Slyusarenko

Pierre and Eugene got acquainted at a party held on the azure coast. Soon after marriage, the spouses were born daughter. The couple broke up in 2014, but the official divorce of Anduran issued only in 2016.

Pierre Andyuran now

A wave of rumors about the privacy of the billionaire rose after the man's appearance at the Cannes Festival in 2018. Pierre walked over the red carpet by the hand with Victoria Boni. Slebid lioness, who has not yet revealed fans and subscribers in "Instagram" the name of the beloved, frankly admitted that it is a serious relationship with Andyuran.

Pierre Andyuran and Victoria Bonya

Vika told that he introduced Pierre with her daughter. By the way, a dress in which the girl went to one of the first days of the festival, Bona gave Anduran. In his own interview, the secular lioness stated that this is the most romantic gift that the girl received.

In September 2018, it became known that Pierre and Victoria broke up. A businessman did not reveal the reasons for breaking the relationship.

Despite the unstable oil price behavior, Andurand Capital continues to make the owner of the profit. For analysis and forecasts that Pierre in open access provides international traders and most world information agencies.

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