Peter Aleinikov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Soviet actor Peter Aleinikov devoted his whole life by cinema. The audience perceived it as a comedy actor, not noticing the seriousness and depths of Aleinikov.

Childhood and youth

Aleiniki Peter Martynovich was born on July 12 (July 25, N.S.) of 1914 in the village of Kriveli Mogilev province, today is the Shklovsky district of Belarus. When the boy was at the age of 6, his father fell into cold water when the alloy of the forest and soon died from inflammation of the lungs. Mama Marianna remained with 6 children, to feed which she had no money.

Full Peter Aleinikov

It was decided that the eldest daughter of Catherine and Peter would be begging. A year later, Katya returned home, and his brother became a unworker. In the children's biography of Peter, there are many hits in the colony, he constantly ran from there, he was delayed again. When Peter was in the Shklovian boarding school, the local film mechanic taught him everything that was able to. The boy disappeared for him for a long time and eventually addicted to the movies. Then Peter had a cherished dream - to become an actor.

Peter Aleiniki in youth

He decided to escape to Moscow to start learning there, but at the station the young man was caught and determined in the children's work colony. There was a dramatic circle in which Peter enthusiastically participated, trying to engage in all performances and concerts. In 1928, he was transferred to the labor commune as a corrected child, the young man created his own drama. After 3 years, in 1931, Peter moved to Leningrad, settling on Okhta. Aleinikov became a student of the technical school of scenic arts (now - "RGISI"), hitting the course of Sergey Gerasimov.


Petr Aleinikov began to film in the cinema still in student years, his debut was an episodic role in 1932 in the movie "Counter". A year later, Peter received an invitation to Gerasimov to play another episodic role in the movie "Do you love you?"

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In 1935, he graduated from an educational institution and immediately turned out to be on the filming of the film "Seven Breel" in the role of the cook on the surname of the molybogue. Peter involved as one of the main characters. The film described the polar explorers who were engaged in the searches in difficult conditions. Shooting took place in conditions close to reality. The actors rose to Elbrus glaciers, skiing and jumped with parachute.

In this movie, a lyrical-comedy guy talent was manifested, all the audience felt his rare charm. This role has become the key to Peter. According to the actor, the shooting was exciting because of the fear of the camera, so he had to survive many moments of doubt and self-defense. Peter was delighted when the audience accepted the film. According to George Zhezzova, with whom Peter studied, the aleikov on the screen looked the same as in life.

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The next significant role in the acting career is Savka in the film "Trucks". Film reached the screens in 1939. On these filming, Peter gained two comrades, Boris Andreeva and Nikolai Kryuchkov, with whom supported friendly relations until the end of life. Thus formed a trio, which in the future he adored the audience.

All men were very different, but it did not bother them sincerely to be friends. Peter loved to joke with friends, but exclusively in kind. Aleiniki had a reputation of a straightforward person: if he didn't like something, he spoke about it in all.

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The main role of Peter received in the film "Great Life". The actor played the miner of Ivan Kursk, hiding sincere mental quality under the patient bravada. Aleinikov managed to show his time guy: sincere, cute and cheerful.

This image was so good in Peter, he was so accepted by the viewer that he became the most famous actor of his time. Despite this, it was difficult to bosal to find a point of contact with a peter due to the complex nature of the actor and categorical unobability.

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For his life, he did not receive any awards or titles. Nevertheless, the viewers were looking forward to the appearance of Peter in new filmmakers. But Aleinikov had no interesting proposals at the time due to the lack of favor from the authorities. A man made up letters for the game and talent.

In 1941, Aleinikov played Ivanushka in the fairy tale "Konon-Gorbok". This role of a simple and mental hero perfectly approached Peter. In this film, his wife and little son also starred. In 1955, the actor played in the painting "Earth and People". This role went to Aleinikov after five years of lack of proposals. Petr Aleinikov was outside the cinema, so to maintain a family, went with the capital theater in the country.

Peter Aleinikov in the role of Alexander Pushkin

The directors did not take into account that the actor had long grown out of the proceeding image. He had abilities, he could be held in a serious role, but he was not invited. Spectators perceived Aleinikov as a comedy actor. This affected the film "Glinka", where Petr played Pushkin. As soon as the actor appeared on the screen, the audience laughed. Despite this, Aleryikov believed that Pushkin's role is the best in his career.

In the picture "Thickening thirst" Peter starred with seriously undermined health, his children also took part in these surveys. For this role in 1968, posthumously, Peter Alenikov was awarded a diploma of 1 degree at the All-Union Film Festival.

Personal life

In the student, Peter fell in love with Makarov's classmate, but did not admit to her feelings. Later, the young man learned that Gerasimov had attention to her. The actor upset this situation, he washed and soon left Gerasimov.

Peter Aleinikov and his wife Valentine

After Aleiniki married Valentina Lebedeva, who worked as an assembler at Lenfilm film studio. There was also a familiarity of the couple. After in 1938, the son of Taras was born, Valentine dedicated himself to household. In 1943, when the family was in evacuation, the pair had a daughter. In the future, the son became a film operator, and the daughter of Arina went in the footsteps of the Father and became the actress.


The general state of the health of Peter Aleinikov was bad: he was very sick. The actor was removed light, because of what he was often chosen, and also made the operation on the legs. Alcohol abuse and health problems have become the cause of Aleinikov's death. The actor died on June 9, 1965 in Moscow, at the age of 50, without surviving a month before the birthday.

Monument to Peter Aleinikov

Boris Andreev, a friend of the actor, having learned about the intentions of the government to bury Aleikov on the Vagankovsky cemetery, achieved Peter to give a place at the Novodevichy Cemetery, which was decorated for Andreeva. Friend Peter did it, because in the last years of the life of Aleinikov admitted that he wants to be buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.


  • 1937 - "For Soviet Motherland"
  • 1938 - Komsomolsk
  • 1939 - "Lieutenant Fighters"
  • 1939 - "Great Life"
  • 1940 - "Shumi, town"
  • 1940 - "Fifth Ocean"
  • 1942 - "Alexander Parkhomenko"
  • 1942 - "Unbeatable"
  • 1943 - "In the name of the Motherland"
  • 1944 - "Big Earth"
  • 1944 - "Sky of Moscow"
  • 1948 - Golden Rog
  • 1955 - "Earth and People"
  • 1956 - "Poet Red Soldier Step"
  • 1959 - "Father's House"
  • 1965 - "They will not pass"

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