Anna Plisetskaya - biography, photo, personal life, news, ballet 2021



Ballerina, actress and director Anna Plisetskaya became famous in childhood. Today is a versatile personality with an active life position.

Childhood and youth

Anna Alexandrovna Plisetskaya was born on August 18, 1971 in the city of Moscow. Marianna Sedova, Mom Girls, was at that time a ballerina of the Bolshoi Theater, and Dad Alexander - Balletmister. The fact that love for art was transferred by Anna by inheritance, is not subject to any doubts. Anna's children's biography is saturated with various events.

Anna Plisetskaya in childhood

The family has a legend that the girl's name was invented by her aunt - Maya Plisetskaya. At this time, Maison's husband, Rodion Shchedrin, ended the work on Anna Karenina. Therefore, ballerina and offered this name, parents agreed.

Soon the family moved to Latin America, the childhood of the girl passed in Lima. Anna's father founded there ballet at the University of San Marcos. The debut in the cinematic sphere in a small Anna took place at the age of 3. She played a small episode in the film "Anna Karenina", whose director became Margarita Pilikhina.

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At the age of 9, the forced relocation to the northern capital of Russia Anna perceived as a tragedy. In the Leningrad Choreographic School named after the Vaganova girl filed great hopes. Already a few years later, she became an excellent and promising ballerina.

Next time, the girl appeared on the screens in the movie "Mary Poppins, goodbye" in 1984. On Anna samples was invited by the second director of the film. After the girl learned that many girls had already been viewed before her. She was chosen to the role of the daughter of the couple of Banks - Jane. Since the release of the film has passed many years, but Plisetskaya recalls shooting with a trembling feeling. There she saw how famous actors play, which made a strong impression on the girl.

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Plisetskaya repeatedly spoke about what he really liked himself in this musical. Nevertheless, Anna could not fully enjoy the glory, who fell on her after the release of the movie: No childhood, as such, there was no Plcetsk. The schedule in the boarding school was saturated: the rise took place at 8 am, and it was necessary to lie late, at 11 pm.

During this period, October 29, 1985, Alexander Plisetsky, Dad Anna, took place from the age of 54 years. He died on the operating table when conducting an operation on the heart.

Anna Plisetskaya and Maya Plisetskaya

Based on the words of Anna in one of the interviews, the parents often came to the boarding school, and Maya did not arrive. The girl remembers that aunt gave her an exclusive checkered coat. Maya had a great taste, she guess each time the desired size.

When the girl studied in the boarding school, the grandmother Rachel put in the envelope then 3, then 5 rolls, sent apples from the tanned. Thanks to Grandma Plisetskaya did not feel lonely.


In 1989, Anna Plisetskaya graduated from the Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg. Her teachers were Marina Aleksandrovna Vasilyeva, Lydia Evgenievna Goncharov and Lyudmila Pavlovna Morkovina.

Ballerina Anna Plisetskaya in the play

Immediately at the end of study, Anna performed solo parties in the repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater. The debut was the speech at the Saint Petersburg-Renaissance telemacefone, where many world stars participated. They arrived to return to the Stars of the Academy to return to the Mariinsky Theater, which in 1935 was renamed the theater to them. S. M. Kirov, his historical name, which happened in 1992.

From 1993 to 1996, Plisetskaya studied at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. At the end of the educational institution, she received a bachelor's degree at the Department of Directures and Scenic Dramaturgies.

Andris Liepa and Anna Plisetskaya in ballet

Ballerina's peak peak was about the 90s. Nevertheless, Anne Plisetskaya had to leave the Mariinsky Theater, which she did not want to do at all. But then a month of the ballerina received an amount equal to the daily ballerina fee in the West. Anna's fellow travelers left abroad, but Plisetskaya wanted to dance in his homeland. So she began to earn the organization of speeches.

Then Anna left under the contract in Lausanne, to Bezhar, having tangled there. Upon returning to St. Petersburg, the leadership in the Mariinsky Theater began. The repertoire was absent, it was the reason that everyone was running out.

Anna Plisetskaya and Maria Multi

Further, Anna performed as a invited ballerina in various productions. The duets and solo from the balletts "Three sentiments" of Scriabin, "Prince Igor" Borodina and the Gypsy Dance of Zhobinsky were huge success. The room is first hand and technically complicated, his premiere took place on the "Bunk Kaikan" scene. When Plisetskaya performed, there were more than 5 thousand spectators in the hall.

From 2001 to 2004, Anna Plisetskaya graduated from the International Academy of Business and Management, its specialty was the organization's management. In the same period, Anna with the HCCs "Russia" and Maria Muskas created programs that embodied the idea of ​​the development of gifted children in choreography.

Personal life

Journalists are often interested in Anna on what kind of relationship it was with the Great Ballerina. But Plisetskaya reacted negatively to intervention in her family. In addition, the girl did not work in the Bolshoi Theater, so there could be no talk about any competition or jealousy.

Anna Plisetskaya

There is a topic that Plisetskaya categorically does not give any comments - this is the personal life of the ballerina. According to Plisetsk, there are no more people like in the past generation. And to stay in her life, you need to be a deep person.

Based on this, nor her husband, no children from Anna. She says that in the future maybe she will have an heir, but today she is "the last pleusetskaya".

Anna Plisetskaya now

Now Anna Plisetskaya especially does not apply to his life. She performs producer of musical and dance projects. In recent years, Anna organizes concerts and puts performances. Photo of her works can be viewed on the Internet.

Anna Plisetskaya in 2018

Recently, Plisetskaya traveled through Latin America, India and Georgia, talking about the first in the history of its dad. It was Alexander Plisetsky that resumed the immortal ballet George Balanchine "Serenade for String Orchestra".

In May 2018, the transfer of "Hi, Andrei" with the participation of Anna Plisetska was broadcast. In the social network "Instagram" a woman has an account, but it is not verified.


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