Alexander Voevodin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, Officers, Films, In Youth 2021



Alexander Voevodin, Russian actor who played colorful roles in several cult dramas of Soviet times, believes that the most important thing in life is a healthy self-esteem and close people. A man who has chosen a difficult profession is glad that life gave him so many interesting events and meetings. In an interview with the artist admits that only the absence of star illness allowed him to maintain dignity in a variety of life circumstances.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Voevodin was born on September 21, 1950 in Moscow. In childhood, the boy was creative in kind. In school, he loved literature, poetry, and also visited theatrical circle. The teachers celebrated the talents of Sasha and praised him in front of their parents who originally wanted to give his son a serious education and vaccinated the love of work. As a result, despite the difficult post-war time, the boy decided to become an actor.

In 1966, graduating from a secondary school, the young man entered the MCAT Studio School. The young man freely passed the entrance examinations and hit the course who was led by actor and director Viktor Montukov.

Films and performances

Alexander Voevodin received the first role as a student. In 1968, the young man played a wounded fighter in the film "Dr. Vera". Shooting took place in Vilnius. Having become honestly earned money, the pupil of Mkhat bought himself a white-blue-pink hand-knit sweater, which was incredibly proud of.

One of the brightest roles for his career Voevodin played at the last year of the institute. As with all graduates, Alexander was forbidden to participate in the filming of any movie. But the image of the young Entra Trofimova from the film "Officers" was so fascinated by the young man that he neglected the rules of Mkat.

In such a decision, the young man supported the teacher of the school Marina Kovalev. The actress promised a student that, if necessary, would cover it before the rector. After the release of the film, Voivodin woke up famous. A young man who only turned 21 years old, began to pour with flowers and gifts. In an interview dedicated to the 45-year-old anniversary film, the actor admitted that he was still recognized on the street as Egor Trofimov.

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After receiving a diploma, the actor was adopted in the troupe of the Moscow theater of Satira. The debut on theatrical layouts turned out to be as large-scale as on the movie clock. Alexander Voivodina entrusted the role of Cerubino in the play "Mad Day, or Marriage Figaro". The novice actor was on the same stage with Andrei Mironov and Alexander Shirvindt. In 1974, the world of the theater and cinema crossed - the play was recorded for television, and the first serious role of Voivodina was preserved in the archives.

A year before recording the performance, in 1973, the artist appeared on television screens in the play by Sergey's play was found "Children Vanyushina". He got the role of the younger son of Alexey, which is mired in crucification and deception.

More audiences remembered the image, which the actor embodied in the film "Private Life". Voevodin played Nicholas - a secondary character. The social drama attracted attention and even won the nomination to Oscar in the category "The best film in a foreign language".

Soon on a nice voice and the dickey of the young artist drew the attention of televisers. Already earning actor Dubli Alexander Voevodin received an invitation to work in Ostankino. One of the first large-scale work was the voicing of Rock Mendisabal in the TV series "Wild Rose".

Actor whose career began with a large successful project, gradually began to move away from cinema, paying more attention to the service in the theater and voice acting of foreign film. On the television, he began to appear exclusively in episodes. Voi Voevodina's voice is broadcasting Larry Flint in the "People against Larry Flint", Oscar Schindler from Schindler's List, Scroarge McDak from "Duck stories" and other famous characters.

In 2003, two iconic events occur in the biography of Voevodina. He receives the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, and his filmography replenishes the series "Return of Mukhtar". The actor easily found a common language with partners in the site, among whom Alexander Nostek, Alla Kovnir and Alexander Volkov. Voivodin complied so well into the role of Lieutenant Colonel Khrulev (in the future the character will receive an increase), which played in the image of the wise chief in the "Return of Mukhtar 2" and "Returning Mukhtar. New trace. "

Another colorful role was the image of Alexander Fedotov in the daddy daughter's multi-sieuled film. A man appears in only one episode (122nd series) and appears to the audience as the father of Oligarch Fedotov - one of the permanent characters (the role is performed by Alexander Oleshko).

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In 2009, Voivodin starred in the picture "Zhurov". Then there were roles in the films "Mistress of the hotel", "Mistress" White Nights "," Stanitsa ". In the last picture, the actor fulfilled the role of the regional prosecutor Vasily Lukich. The plot tells about Marina Gorobets, who comes to the village of Looschinskaya to visit the daughter Svetlana. However, the girl mysteriously disappeared. Local residents clearly hide something and do not assist in finding the missing. The main heroine decides to look for a daughter.

In 2016, a concert was held on the stage of the Kremlin Palace, dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the outlet of the film "Officers". Voevodin shared with the memories of the filming, their own experiences and unrest while working on the project and read the poem, transmitting the spirit of the post-war time.

In the same year, the audience saw him in the popular series "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation. " He played the patient Ivan Fedorovich Rykov. The artist was also involved in the film "Fatal Attraction". He talks about the forgotten Hollywood diva Irma Garland, who is trying to return to the best glory with all their might and return to the screen. However, she does not suspect how difficult it will be achieved, because the world has changed a lot over the years of its voluntary maitility.

In 2018, the artist continued to participate in performances that were held on the scene of the Moscow Theater of Satira. He played in the production of "Homo Erectus", "Taming of the Shrew" and "Fatal Attraction". And NTV television channel broadcast the series "Mukhtar. New trace, "where Alexander Mikhailovich plays the role of Colonel Khrulev.

Personal life

Alexander Mikhailovich does not like to talk about his personal life. As an actor old hardening, he prefers to hide information about loved ones from fans. From the few words uttered in various interviews, it is known that the Voivodina has a strong and friendly family.

Together with his wife, the artist raised his son Mikhail and now much time pays to the younger grandchildren: "The younger granddaughter is very artistic - sings, dancing, loves to be the center of attention. Maybe it will also become an artist. Although it is too early to make it up, "says Alexander Mikhailovich. He also supports warm relationships with sister and nephew. The actor admits that the most important thing in life is native people.

Alexander Voevodin now

Now the actor rarely appears in public and in the frame, on the Internet also rarely flashes fresh photos with him. However, in 2020, Alexander Voevodin appeared in the 4th and 5th seasons of the series "Iznikka". And in 2021, it was busy on the shooting of the 6th season. The actor fulfilled the role of Father Boris Nesasheva, her husband's main heroine. In the center of the plot - Alexander Ivanov Police lieutenant colonel Kushnir. It translates from Moscow to a small seaside town on the Black Sea coast. Colleagues meet Alexander in the bayonets, giving a nickname, and the boss becomes the boss.


  • 1968 - "Dr. Vera"
  • 1971 - "Officers"
  • 1982 - "Find and neutralize"
  • 1983 - "From the life of the criminal investigation department"
  • 1990 - "Wank killer place"
  • 2002 - "Railway Romance"
  • 2003 - "Return of Mukhtara"
  • 2004 - "Lily of Silver 2"
  • 2008 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2016 - "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation »
  • 2017 - "Mukhtar. New trace »
  • 2020 - "Iczka-4"
  • 2020 - "Izacha-5"

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