Rimma Shorokhov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography 2021



Rimma Shorokhov is the legendary Soviet actress. Its strict beauty, charm and restraint admire so far. Rimma Ivanovna is a find for Soviet cinema. Each role performed by this actress will remain in memory for many years.

Childhood and youth

Rimma Ivanovna Shorokhov was born in 1926, July 7. Childhood spent at Kuzino station (now - the urban district of Pervouralsk in the west of the Sverdlovsk region). Native Father Ivan Seliverstovich worked in the depot by the engine. He left the family almost immediately after the birth of her daughter.

Paval Lavrentievich Bragin became the second husband for Evgenia Mikhailovna, the head of the family and father for a small Rimma. Wechi worked by the head of the largest enterprise of the Aluminum industry of the USSR.

Rimma Shorokhov in youth

Rimma studied in a secondary school, graduated from her in 1942, and then in Kamensk-Uralsky, he entered the chemical aluminum technical school. In 1946 he received a diploma on graduation and settled on the Ural Aluminum Plant, where he worked. For a while she held the position of the research technique. In the same year, I decided to try happiness in VGIK.

The Institute of Rimma Ivanovna received and studied in the workshop of Mentors Sergei Yutkevich and Mikhail Romma. In 1951 he received a diploma of top acting.


The acting career of Rimma Shorokhov began in the studio theater. He played in the performances "Three Soldiers", "where there was no eclipse", "fucking", "Cook and brought up." Together with this, it was listed in the state "Mosfilm" and already in 1951, the Shorokhova filmography was launched: she received the first role in the painting of Sergey Gerasimov "Rural doctor." True, Rimma starred only in the episode, and did not indicate in the credits of her behalf. It appeared on the screens in the image of the nurse.

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The first major work of Rimma Ivanovna received in 1953 in the movie "Case in Taiga". The actress played specialist-hooven Elena gray. Directors - Yuri Victorious and Yuri Egorov. From this point on, the viewer saw in a rustling actress with a capital letter.

In 1956, in the Soviet picture "Spring on Zarechnaya Street", Rimma Shorokhova appeared in the form of Ali Aleshina. The film gathered more than thirty million viewers and became cult in the 50s. Directors - Felix Mironer and Marlene Hutsiev - covered the most important and exciting problems of the time: the lack of education among ordinary workers and, of course, love. Today the film is called the property of the country.

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"Spring on Zarechnaya Street" gathered on one set of such actors like Nina Ivanov, Nikolay Rybnikov, Vladimir Glyaev, Yuri Belov, Valentina Pugacheva. The names of these artists have become recognizable after showing the film. In the plot for Aleshina, Yura Zhurchenko is caressing, but he is not interested in the girl. She in every way makes it clear that the signs of attention. Ali's Raughty player played Vladimir Gulyaev, who in his life was a spouse actresses.

In the same 1956, another film was released, which brought the glory of Rimma Shorokhova, "Restless Spring." In the center of the picture is a love line, relations between Olga (actress Shorokhov) and Omega (Sergey Gourzo).

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1957 became debut for the popular film created by Lvy Kuljjanov and Yakov Segel. Rimma Shorokhov embodied the image of Kati Davydova. The film "The house in which I live" talks about life values, war and family relationships.

The script of the paintings is recognized as the best at the All-Union Competition. In 1958, the film was demonstrated in the Brussels World Exhibition, where he was awarded for better production.

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In 1959, the premiere of the drama "Life passed by" took place. The plot tells about the fled from the prison, the nicknamed Shark. He does not want to stop and seeking former assistants to continue thieves life. Fate leads to Innocent Stepanov, who has long been taking a quiet life. Rimma Shorokhova played the spouse of the former Vor Innocent.

Personal life

In Vgika Rimma Shorokhov met Vladimir Glyaeva, young people studied at one course. He later became her husband. Glyaev - Honored Artist of the USSR, who has played not a latter role in the biography of the actress. A simple guy from the USSR liked directors and an open soul.

Rimma Shorokhov and Vladimir Glyaev

In the 1950s, nobody discussed a personal life of even public people. Glyaeva and Shorokhova's marriage was quiet, however, as his termination, which took place in the mid-50s. What was the point of no return, why the spouses decided to give a divorce, it's not known anyone. However, the rupture of the pair did not affect the work: the actors met on the courts, communicated, starred together in films.

Actress Rimma Shorokhov

At the next shooting in 1959, the operator draws attention to the young actress. Jaromir Golpuch removed the "interrupted song", and Shorokhov played a nurse. After some time after a romantic relationship, the lovers registered the relations officially, and then moved to Prague. In the early 2000s, Golpuch died.

Rimma Shorokhov now

Unfortunately, after the actress left the Motherland, no more information appears about it. Now they write little about her life in the Czech Republic. Not to mention the details of personal life and children. In 1968, they discussed new films in which the Soviet beauty appeared. But the paintings did not become known to the general public. Later it became known that Shorokhov is no longer removed by setting up a restaurant. Marlene Hutsiev somehow told reporters that he tried to establish a connection with Rimma, but in vain.

Rimma Shorokhov

The May holidays of 2011 came out a color version of the film "Spring on Zarechnaya Street". Marlene Hutsiev took part in the recovery of the picture. The director talked about the importance of the work carried out in an interview: the picture remains relevant and in 2018. Not outdated humor, eternal feelings and social problems returned to the screens on May 1. It is not surprising that Spring on Zarechnaya Street still continues to collect connoisseurs of good Soviet cinema from the screens.


  • 1951 - "Rural doctor"
  • 1951 - "Ranking Vasily Bortnikov"
  • 1953 - "Job in the Mountains"
  • 1953 - "Case in Taiga"
  • 1953 - "Steppe Zori"
  • 1954 - "Rodibiy stains"
  • 1956 - "Spring on Zarechnaya Street"
  • 1957 - "The house in which I live"
  • 1958 - "Life passed by"
  • 1960 - "Black Saturday"

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