Pandora (character) - pictures, history of the first woman, name of name, drawer Pandora


Character History

Pandora - Character of ancient Greek mythology. The first woman created by the Olympic gods in the punishment of mankind. Before that, according to myths, only men lived on Earth. According to the legend, being from nature curious, opened the box, where misfortunes and disasters were kept, and released those into the world. From here, the winged expression "Open the casket (or a box) of Pandora", meaning the accomplishment with irreversible consequences, is usually negative.

History of character appearance

The first mention of this female mythical character can be found in an ancient Greek historian and the poet of the Gesiod in the labor "Theogony", created in the VIII-VII centuries BC. NS. Analyzing the antique myths, the scientist calls Pandora the first woman on Earth created by Zeus to punish people who received from Titan Prometheus Fire. Also, the mention of this female image is contained in the works of Hygin and Apollodor, however, these historians do not inform the storyline with a drawer of troubles and suffering.

Image and Fate Pandora

From the biography of the heroine, it is known that Pandora became the first woman on Earth. People guessed before the gods because the rebellious Titan of Prometheus for the sake of them kidnapped fire from the sky. The angry zeus in the punishment of mankind commanded the creation of Pandora. God-blacksmith Hephasto knew clay with water and blinded heroin from this material. Hand and other gods put the creative process, so Pandora, in fact, the product of collective creativity.

The name of the heroine is translated from the ancient Greek as "gifted by all". Pandora received this name because each of the Gods of Olympus, creating a heroine, presented to her as a gift a certain quality or thing. From the goddess of love Aphrodites heroine got beauty, and from Athena - outfits. Asshive Hermes, the patron of commerce, presented Pandore trick and sweetheart.

History says that from the Union of Pandora with Titan Epimeta was born daughter of Pierre, who later married the son of Prometheus, Gengoron, and with him the only one of all the mortals survived the World Flood. Pierre and her spouse revived human race, scattering the stones. From the stones abandoned by it, women were obtained, and from those abandoned by him - men.

Pandora is curious, and this feature of the heroine caused the misfortune that happened to all mankind. The older brother of Epimeta - Prometheus Protection - warned the younger, so as not to take anything emanating from Zeus, because the Olympic gods, who trusted against Prometheus, can use it for revenge. Epimeus did not obey and took Pandora Zeus from the throat.

Regarding what happened next, there are different versions of myth. One - curious Pandora learns from her husband that a certain box or pitcher-Pyfos was kept in the house, donated by Zeus. On the other, Zeus presents this vessel of Pandore itself. In both versions, open the vessel is prohibited. Pandora from curiosity opens the box. From there, innumerable disasters are broken down, which were concluded there, and fell into humanity.

Pandora closes the vessel, but by the time the hope is left at the bottom. The myth is interpreted in such a way that the human genus was in the midst of the ocean of misfortunes and at the same time deprived of hope. The expression "open the Pandora drawer" in the new time began to be used to describe the action, which led to some unpleasant and irreversible consequences.

Pandora in culture

The image of Pandora was reflected in world art. The popularity of the heroine received among the artists-Prefailelites, who worked in the second half of the XIX century. Traditionally, painters appealed to the image of a female character, which opens the Box of the Bed or Sitting Near Larz. Such pictures can be seen on the canvases of John Waterhouse, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Arthur Rekham.

Among the outstanding sculptural works depicting a curious beauty - the statue of Master Fedor Schubin, included among others in the fountain group in Peterhof. As in painting, in the sculpture of the heroine is depicted with a constant attribute - a casket or a small drawer.

The name of the heroine of Greek myths is also often mentioned in cinema, however, films events are usually not related to the ancient plot. Thus, in the 1951 painting, Pandora and Flying Dutchman tells about the dramatic fate of the fatal beauty of Pandora, the beloved beloved.

In the fantastic thriller of 2009, Pandoram named after the heroine named mental disorder. Pandoraum develops in people who were dangerous for a long time in a state of anabyosis or "hypersna". Symptoms of disorder - thrust for killings, hallucinations and paranoia.

The name of the heroine of the ancient myth appears in the literature. So, in the vampire cycle of the writer Ann Rice there is a roman's horror roman "Pandora", named so named the main heroine. Pandora there is an ancient vampire, which was born in the days of the Republican Rome, before the birth of Jesus Christ. In human life, the heroine was named Lydia and was the daughter of the Roman senator.

In the twentieth century, the vampire genus was almost completely destroyed, and Pandora again turns out to be among the few survivors. The heroine became sullen and apathetic, avoids society to himself like and ignores Marius, who tries to care for her again. In 2002, Fantasy-horror "Queen of the Damned" was published based on the works of Ann Rice. The role of Pandora in the film is performed by Australian actress Claudia Black, which later will play the role of Dahlia in the Vampire TV series "Ancient".

In 2011, the Russian criminal series "Pandora" came out. The life of the chief hero went to the slope. To finish things and restore the destroyed, he literally becomes another person. He is erased by memory, radically change appearance, and they do it against his will. With new habits and new behavior, the hero returns to the old life to correct the mistakes and settle with the enemies.

Interesting Facts

  • In antiquity, the Greeks brought victims to the gods, and a special gift was preparing for each deity. According to the works of Aristophan, Pandora was sacrificed to the White Sheep.
  • The heroine becomes an active person in the Satir play of the Sophokla "Pandora, or hammer", and is also included in the plot of the comedy Nicophon of the Athens Pandora.


  • VIII-VII century BC. NS. - "Theogony"
  • 1922 - "Legends and myths of ancient Greece"


  • 1951 - "Pandora and Flying Dutchman"
  • 2002 - "Queen of the Damned"

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