Frestail Group - Composition, Photo, News, Songs 2021



In the early 90s, the "Freestyle" group collected the full halls. Songs twisted on radio stations, no holiday of ordinary Russian and youth disco did not take place without hits "hurt me", "yellow roses", "Metelitsa". Other groups and performers of the Epoch of Change remains only to envy "freestyle" - popularity has been stretched for three decades.

History and composition

In the late autumn of 1988, the star of Soviet screens, the artist Hit "Apples in the Snow" Mikhail Muromov dismissed the team of "Supreme pilot", which worked for several years over the singer's program. Participants in the instrumental group decided to create their own project under the beginning of the songwriter's composer Anatoly Rozanova.

The first composition of the Frestyle group

The name was chosen painfully, and then voted for options in the Moscow Hotel "Orlenok". Wid the name "Freestyle" - a free style. The name revealed the meaning of the planned activity: the musicians were not going to stop on a certain stylistry, they wanted to play in different directions.

However, it came out. In the work of "Freestyle" there was a place and rock, folk, and disco, and even jazz elements. The name also reflected the spirit of time. In the yard threatened the restructuring, the word "freedom" as ever had weight.

Nina Kirso.

The new team includes Sergey Kuznetsov, which is responsible for keyboard and backing vocals, guitarists Sergey Ganzha and Vladimir Kovalev, keyboard player and arranger Alexander White. Nina Kirso and Anatoly Kireev became vocalists.

By the end of December of the same year, a soloist Vadim Kazachenko was left from the Festival Group (the famous execution of compositions on the music of Maxim Dunaevsky to different films). Rosanov called a talented singer in the ranks of "Freestyle". The group required a new performer for four songs created in the unsuitable stylist for courageous Barite Kireyev. I wanted lightness, youth notch.

Kazachenko turned out to be a real find, the guys decided that henceforth would bet on such a sound. However, there was white and left the collective against the chosen strategy, and Anatoly Pillars came to his place. Soon the group was replenished with another newcomer - Alexander Nalyvayko. The young drummer took for a lot of entertainment, because before this freestyle was a rhythm machine.

However, Vadim Kazachenko lasted for a long time. In 1992, I decided to build a solo career by giving way to a vocalist and a virtuoso guitarist Sergey Dubrovin. After another 12 months, Yuri Kislyak was behind the drums.

Sergey Dubrovin

Almost 10 years old Dubrovin acted with Freestyle, but due to the permanent internal conflicts left the group in 2001. At the beginning of the "zero" team acquired a new arranger Yuri Savchenko. By the shoulders of the musician, cooperation with famous stars of the Russian show business, including worked with Christina Orbakaite and Diana Gurtki.


Even before the formation of the Group, future participants have begun work on the first album, writing a few songs and testing them at the concerts of the "highest pilotage". The composition liked the public. After the birth of "Freestyle", the guys from the capital of Russia went home to Poltava (many were out of Ukraine), because a terrible unemployment began in Moscow.

Debut magneto album "Get" saw the light in February 1989. The name has become a response to skeptical friends and familiar who did not believe in the success of a new musical team. Listeners warmly accepted the album, the songs sounded in every home and apartment, but Melomanians were lost in guess - who is the performer.

Only in May "Freestyle" went into people, going to the first tour of Barnaul. After a year, "Freestylelovtsy" were already guests on television, the performance with the song "Yellow Roses" was shown on the program "50/50".

The team rapidly gained popularity, largely due to excellent reputation: "Freestyle" abandoned the phonogram, the musicians worked only lively than the units of show business representatives could boast. The songs performed by Vadim Kazachenko "Goodbye forever, the last love", "White Meltelitsa", "hurt me, hurt" found the status of mega-hits.

The first clips began to remove the compositions, which increased the group's fame. The video for the song "Hurt to me, hurt" was one of the successful TV numbers. In the first three years, Freestyle released four albums, composer and poetess Tatiana Nazarova joined the creation of the latter.

After Cakachenko's departure, while they were looking for a new soloist, the group wrote a song for Nina Kirso. The male voice was needed in the repertoire, so soon the work has completed the vocals of Sergey Dubrovina. In the mid-90s "Freestyle" forever gained a business card - a track performed by this young man "Ah, what a woman."

When Dubrovin left the project, they decided not to look for performers from the outside, but to do without their own. The role of vocalist took Sergey Kuznetsov, the author of most songs.

The 2003th was marked by the return of Vadim Kazachenko. Rosanov suggested a singer to write down the anniversary, 10th in a row, album. Before the fans, the joyful news was given that the old team of the team will soon be seen - "Freestyle" has formed a concert program with the participation of Kazachenko. However, after a couple of years, Vadim refused to cooperate.

In 2005, Frestayl fans received the next disk "Droplet. Favorite songs ", which became a mix of old and new singles performed by Nina Kirso. Here there was a place for the loved "Flowers of Kalina", as well as fresh compositions "And I loved you," "It all seems to you," "Snowflakes fell" - only 17 songs.

For his biography of "Freestyle" became the winner of the "Song of the Sea" and "Golden Sharmannka" premiums, an expensive guest on the grand festivals dedicated to the music of the 90s. At the 20th anniversary, the team went on tour in Russian cities, then looked at Moldova and Belarus, held concerts in native Ukraine. The "silver" date was noted in the St. Petersburg Palace of Culture. Gorky.

In the second decade of the 21st century, the Group continued to work. Viewers each year received new songs, arrangement of old hits, the team often flashes on television in various shows. Also, the group has become the owner of his own audio recording studio "Studio Freestyle", which meets all world-class requirements. The repertoire of the legendary group is born here.

Frestail Group now

"Freestyle" still pleases fans. The main team of the group today includes Nina Kirso, Sergey Kuznetsov, Yuri Savchenko, Yuri Zyrka and Sergey Ganzha, who also sometimes performs songs. Composer and producer enters, as before, Anatoly Rozanov.

Artists toured a lot around the world, they collect full chairs in England, Germany, Lithuania and Latvia, Israel. The team is preparing for the 30th anniversary. In the early spring of 2018, a "rehearsal" of celebrations dedicated to the round date was held.

Frestail Group in 2018

In March, a great mood of the ladies on the eve of the International Women's Day "Freestyle" gave in Mrtski in the capital of Ukraine, speaking with a concert "Ah, what women."

At the beginning of November, a grandiose concert-shooting in the Palace of Arts "Ukraine" is scheduled. Jubilees will congratulate the famous stars with the birthday, whose personalities do not yet reveal. Nina Kirso is divided by the latest news of the group and plans for the near future on the page in "Instagram".


  • 1989 - "Get!"
  • 1989 - "Get! - Double 2 "
  • 1990 - "Get! - Double 3 "
  • 1991 - "Freestyle-4"
  • 1992 - "Get! - Double 5 "
  • 1994 - "Exhausted Heart"
  • 1995 - "Ah, what woman"
  • 1997 - "Love Ship"
  • 2001 - "Star rain"
  • 2014 - "Jubilee 10"

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