Irina Shmeleva - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Irina Shmeleva - Theatrical and film actress, deserved artist of Russia and just a luxurious, bright woman. He played in the comedy films, published on the screens in Soviet times, - "Trap for a lonely man", "Kin-Dza-Dza!" And others.

Childhood and youth

The small town of Kushva Sverdlovsk region has already entered the history of cinema as the birthplace of Irina Viktorovna Shmelieva. A girl was born on January 24, 1961. Strict parents tried to impose their own life values ​​for her daughters, but Ira sought independence from childhood, he had his own opinion, he dreamed of realizing in art.

Actress Irina Shmelev

At 18 years later, yesterday's schoolgirl found part-time at the House of Culture of one of the villages of the Sverdlovsk Region. The work of a consuming massacker, as they used to spoke, "two tribe, three oaths," became the starting platform for the birth of the future star of Soviet cinema. There, Irina decided to enroll in the theater school named after B. V. Schukin in Moscow. The decision the girl embodied in life, and the dream came true - at 23 years old Irina became the actress of the Moscow Dramatic Theater. N. V. Gogol.

According to the very shleieva, she did not want to enter the service in the theater. Probably not really believed in his own strength. But the artistic director, the master of the course, on which Irina studied, the girl just forced.

Irina Shmelev in youth

Directors and teachers at the same time, articulate courses, first define future stars and are usually not mistaken in estimates. So it came out and in the case of the shleieva. Moreover, the competition was large in the terror of the theater, and a beginner actress was taken immediately, without any conditions.

Irina in his youth was very impulsive, sensitive, but at the same time he always understood - you can only hope for yourself, on your own strength, especially if you choose an acting path.


Irina Shmelev came to the shooting platform, while still a student "Pike". A small role of the students of the technical school in the Drama "Alyosha", which the director Viktor Obukhov was removed, became the first, but by no means the last work of the actress. In this film, the surname of Shmelieva is absent in the credits, such a role was insignificant. The same happened with the role in the film "Pokrovsky Gate", where Irina played a girlfriend.

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In 1982, the actress tried the role of the bride in the film Georgy Deltera "Tears Kapali". Young and touching in this tragicomedy, perhaps, Shmeleva did not embody such a heroine anymore. Subsequent roles were impregnated by the spirit of adventurism, the girl played seductors, liars, eccentric beauties.

Such are a fellow student of Julia in the film "Find and neutralize", a private detective in an accelerators' pleading comedy. And in the "trap for a lonely man" the heroine of the shleieva helped expose the killer.

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Special, according to the admission of the actress, began shooting in the ribbon Gregory Delelia "Kin-Dza-Dza!". Deloia wanted phantasmagoria, the costumes of the characters in the literal sense of the word were going through the garbagers. For the alien band, the leather suit, but the director decided that a piece of canvas and a rusty spring in the mouth correspond to the image. In such a "gorgeous" outfit, the character and remembered the audience.

In the filmography of artists - diverse roles in the tapes "Where is the Nofette?", "My first teacher, or a boy in Russian", "God's creature", "passport", "time and family of the convey" and so on. Twice Irina embodied on the screen by Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - in the paintings "Battle for Moscow" and "Tragedy of the Century".

Irina Shmeleva in the film "God's creature"

Irina Shmeleva became one of the first Soviet actresses undressing on the screen. Directors could not pass by a bright appearance of a woman. However, the spectacular beauty of Shmelev was shy to the "naked" scenes. Irina did not chase popularity, it could easily abandon the roles that were not interesting to her. Although, perhaps, these roles would have made an actress by the cumier of millions of residents of the Soviet Union.

Personal life

In the biography of Irina Shmeleva - two marriage. The first time the woman married the sculptor Yosu Kavarchik, who was ten years older. This marriage was concluded without love from the actress, so she lasted less than a year - exactly until Irina fell in love and did not leave her husband.

Irina Shmelev and Nikolay Bogolyubov

Irina has never experienced a lack of male attention, but did not forget that the main thing in life is not momentous pleasures. The woman did not strive to lightly smell, believing that the love would come once. Nikolai Bogolyubov, a scholar-physics scientist known in the Soviet Union, persistently cared for the actress, but the chosen did not want to meet reciprocity - Nikolai was five years old, which embarrassed Irina. But Bogolyubov still managed to achieve the hand of the beloved woman, and in 1989 they played a wedding.

Irina Shmelev with her husband

The second marriage was also difficult, but Nicholas and Irina managed to preserve the relationship. Bogolyubov was the first to move to the United States, and then the spouse joined him. On the decision of the shleieva about moving influenced, among other reasons, and lack of work. Soviet cinema cracked on the seams, the films became less and less, and those that were not satisfied with the actress. Starting from the mid-90s of the twentieth century, a woman shot a little in the movies.

In the United States, Irina decided not to advertise the acting past. The spouse paid for a woman to study, and Shmeleva received a new profession - a specialist in marketing and mass communications.

Irina Shmelev Now

For more than 15 years, the actress has been popular in Soviet times in New York realist. This American life did not interfere with Irina Shmeleva again please the Russian audience on the screen.

Irina Shmeleva in 2018

In 2009 and in 2011, the actress performed a couple of roles in two seasons of the popular TV series "Volkova Hour", then a role in the episode of the series "Lord. Dog-policeman "in 2012. In 2016, the artist noted in the TV series "Money".

Whether Irina Schmelev, the spectators of the talented game in 2018, is not yet known.


  • 1980 - "Alyosha"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1982 - "Tears drip"
  • 1982 - "Find and neutralize"
  • 1984 - "Time and family of Conway"
  • 1985 - "Battle for Moscow"
  • 1985 - "Your sincerely ..."
  • 1986 - "Seven screams in the ocean"
  • 1986 - "Kin-Dza-Dza!"
  • 1986 - "Without a Son, do not come!"
  • 1987 - "Where is the Nofette?"
  • 1987 - "Acceratka"
  • 1988 - "Aelita, do not stick to men"
  • 1990 - "Trap for a lonely man"
  • 1990 - "Besnik"
  • 1990 - "Passport"
  • 1991 - "God's creature"
  • 1991 - "Fairy Tale for Night"
  • 1996 - "Impotent"
  • 1997 - "My first teacher, or a bachelor party in Russian"

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