Evgenia Slyusarenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Vladivostok Beauty Yevgeny Slyusarenko - lady with enviable fate. Her name has been talking to the general public about, Zhenya was well known in a secular part. The girl from the distant Russian province shone on American and European podiums, was a permanent guest of stellar parties at the famous resorts and, finally, was very successful married.

Selected model Let not be blue blood, but a man is quite and very wealthy. In the late spring of 2018, Slyusarenko attracted attention to his person - thanks to her husband and Russian TV presenter Victoria Bon.

Childhood and youth

Press and people who are interested in secular parties and the relationship of famous persons, failed to fold the full picture of the early years of the life of Zhenya. Little is known. Evgenia was born and grew up in Vladivostok.

Model Evgenia Slyusarenko

Part of the sources argues that the long-legged beauty has already tried the strength in the model business, while in parallel is pretty well to study at school. Having received a maturity certificate, the girl went to the capital of Russia for new opportunities. But the network has information and that Zhenya Slyusarenko, after graduation, remained at home, presenting the model agency Fast Model.


Journalists of the Edition "Komsomolskaya Pravda" talked with the former colleagues of the girl. At the beginning, the career of Zhenya was distinguished in naivety, and was still very faithful to the agency. Unlike other girls, not bought on more tempting offers from Fast Model competitor companies.

Evgenia Slyusarenko and Ilya Lagutenko

The girl quickly became popular with countrymen - the city of the Far East, Peplille Primtelefon's advertising banners, whose face she became. In addition to cooperation with Fast Model, Slyusarenko worked and comprehended the skill of the "beautiful" profession at the Pygmalion Fashion Theater.

Representatives of the Fast Model agency pinned high hopes on a young employee. In the late 90s, the girl was sent to Japan, but I had to return early. Estets of the Middle Kingdom did not estimate the thin beauty of the zhu, having considered the appearance too european.

Nadia Amersi and Evgenia Slyusarenko

The failure was expected in the prestigious ELITE Model Look agency contest passing in Moscow and a recognized Podium stars factory. The media concisely reported - Yevgeny Slyusarenko returned home with anything, although the experts were confident in victory. Only later the spicy details of the events unfolding on this competition were opened.

The wife managed to enter the twenty of the best models, but the girl suddenly unexpectedly left the contest, and in tears. It turned out that an obscene offer from the project sponsors was received, but she chose to refuse to participate and the ability to wear a cherished crown that opened the doors to the world of high fashion.

Evgenia Slyusarenko and Mikhail Zelman

The event, however, turned by luck. The moral values ​​of the Russians conquered representatives of the Western Model Business. The girl was immediately offered to be held for the magazine "Vog", and one of the French recruiters invited to Paris. Eugene without thinking accepted the offer and went to the city of Love. The dizzying takeoff of the model career began.

In Paris, the Agency drew attention to Russian beauty with the name where Slyusarenko and worked. Then I had to return to my homeland, because the girl came to France on a tourist visa issued for only three months. Friends remember that Paris strongly changed his wife. She transformed, gained confidence and calm and even became even more beautiful and graceful.

Ella Daia, David Coma and Evgenia Slyusarenko

In Russia, the girl was not delayed, soon it turned out to be in Paris. The French Agency removed the apartment on the Elysee Fields for a promising model. Another generous gesture was the payment of studies at the Vladivostok Institute, which was received by Zhenya. Slyusarenko worked on the podiums of Paris and New York. After completing the model career, eight years created interiors as a designer.

The girl with the support of her husband opened a tourist business. In Thailand, the magnificent Panacea Retreat complex, consisting of five villas, has an exciting views of the Pacific Ocean and Jungle, surrounded on the island of Samui. For the design of the interiors, Eugene took possession of himself, as a result, each villa gained a unique style.

Personal life

Personal life of Vladivostok Beauty was more than successful. Fate Evgenia envied thousands of young compatriots. The model often shone in bright parties, heard frequenter of cheerful parties on the azure coast. Finally, in its net, the bridegroom caught, about which you can only dream of a petroleum trader, French billionaire Pierre Anduran. In addition to the financial attractiveness, the owner of major companies in Europe (it also owns BlueGoldCapital Management, based on the UK capital), is also good.

Pierre Andyuran.

In early August 2011, the couple played a lush wedding. The celebration was held in Russia, which was surprised by the connoisseurs of the biographies of Zhenya and Pierre, because for such an event it was possible to choose a more romantic point of the globe.

The wedding was celebrated in the city on the Neva, or rather, in his surroundings - in Pushkin. For one day, the Ekaterininsky Palace, like his park, entered the full order of newlyweds. They say that money spent for rent can easily remove the Versailles Palace.

Evgenia Slyusarenko and Pierre Anduran

However, Evgenia Slyusarenko is not the only Russian model, which chose to marry at home, although for a foreigner. For example, the wedding of Natalia Vodyanova with the British aristocrat Justin Portman also took place in St. Petersburg.

The reason for choosing the site is called the fact that the newlyweds wished to hide from the French paparazzi. In Russia, photographers are not so ubiquitous, the overtakes of them helped the guard, placed on every 10 meters, and the stretched ribbons around the perimeter. European paparazzi would not stop. And there was something to hide that: Evgeniya married a pregnant woman - a fitted dress squeezed out the already rounded tummy.

Wedding Evgenia Slyusarenko and Pierre Anduran

Alton John himself performed on wedding in honor of the bride and the bride. The star for the sake of a decent fee, which was fulfilled by the French billionaire, even interrupted vacation in a sunny Saint-Tropez. The exact amount was left in secret, but the fans of the singer suggested that I took Sir Elton for the work of at least $ 1.5 million - such is the average cost of private concerts. The singer in the White Thrake with Rhinestones performed her nettle hits in the Throne Hall of the Palace. The British Craig David worked on the stars.

The Russian model and oil tycoon was born daughter. There were no more children in the pair.

Evgenia Slyusarenko now

After marriage, Yevgeny Slyusarenko did not attract attention to his own person. But in May 2018, the beauty-Russian woman spoke again. The former participant of the "House-2" show was the reason for the support, the Victoria Bonya model, which walked along the red carpet of the Cannes Festival in an embrace with Pierre Andyuran. Photo with a man appeared on the page in "Instagram" of a secular lioness.

Pierre Andyuran and Victoria Bonya

The fans outraged the obscene behavior of Boni, upheld to destroy the family of the Frenchman and Zhenya Slyusarenko, who raise another little daughter. However, Victoria in an interview with journalists hurried to explain. The girl stated that with Andurani they had a serious relationship that did not interfere with, because Pierre broke up with his wife back in 2014. And after a couple of years, the spouses were divorced. Just this information did not want to advertise.

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