Yaroslav Sumyshevsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, wife, concerts, "record", Alexey Petrukhin 2021



Yaroslav Suimyshevsky is often called the phenomenon of the Internet. The first glory and popularity to the singer came through the network, where the young man laid out his own entries. Amateur clips with the performance of songs "I will leave at night in the field with a horse" and "Favorite Woman" became the real hits "Yutyuba". Yaroslav gradually won a huge number of fans, and then did not rest peacefully on the laurels and organized a whole show on the search for talents.

Childhood and youth

The future star was born on October 18, 1983. Motherland Yaroslav Sumyshevsky - Shakhtersk town, which is in the Sakhalin region. Music since childhood attracted Yaroslav, the boy even graduated from a music school by choosing the bayan class. With love for singing, the young man was obliged to his father - at that time Alexander Sumishevsky led the vocal ensemble. It was he who was the first to discover from his son an excellent rumor. Immediately after the end of the usual school went to the neighboring Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, where he entered the art school to the specialty "choral conducting".

In parallel with school, Sumyshevsky constantly participated in contests and festivals, winning the first places. Soon, many people knew about the talented singer, and Yaroslav began to invite to speak at official concerts and urban celebrations.

After graduating from the school, Sumyshevsky was only strengthened in his desire to become a professional artist and went to the capital, where he entered the vocal department of the University of Culture and Arts. In 2009, the singer received a diploma of this university.


In the same place, in Moscow, Yaroslav first began to make money on life with singing. However, this was not as simple as it seemed initially: the young man agreed on any part-time, in the evenings spoke at the restaurant, led the event. Soon the father and Brother Yaroslav were moved to the capital to support him. Today, Alexander Sumishevsky lives in Moscow in the Chertanovo district. So "family in a row" Sumyshevsky continued to work in restaurants.

In parallel, Yaroslav, despite all the difficulties of the metropolitan life, continued to dream of glory. The young man did not miss the chance to participate in a particular contest and even got on the show "People's Artist", but did not reach the final. Another chance he used, having passed the casting to the musical competition in Jurmala Hello, Jurmala, where he presented the hit "As worried in Russia in the evening."

Now, in an interview, the singer is recognized - that time was heavy. Work in restaurants washed out, I had to sing before the morning, entertaining the davey guests, and because of the tobacco smoke, our eyes were hurt and cured in the throat. But Yaroslav did not want to refuse a dream, and soon luck smiled at Sumyshevsky.

The fact is that all this time Yaroslav laid out songs and romances on the Internet. A talented artist was soon seriously spoken, the number of subscribers and fans began to grow day by day. Sumyshevsky realized that the big scene is not the only way to declare his own talent of the world. An unexpected acquaintance with the musician Alexander Kuzminov was helped, with whom Yaroslav worked for almost 2 years.

After some time, already being quite famous, Yaroslav decided to help other talented musicians and singers find a way to glory. The young man organized his own realistic show, which was called "People's Machor".

Together with the group of like-minded people, Sumyshevsky began to drive around the cities and remove the speeches of singers. In addition, Yaroslav with joy sang a duet with unknown performers, and then laid out songs of songs on the Internet, helping beginner artists to gain their own audience.

The show became popular, and the audience is looking forward to new seasons. In his holding, Sumyshevsky helps the first winner of the People's Machor show - Alena Venenin. Also, the audience was remembered by the singer Galina Pakhomov, which became popular thanks to this transmission. During the transmission of the program, the artist of Ksenia Taranushić found his public.

In addition, the singer is known and thanks to unexpected flash mobs and surprises, which periodically suits in different places. On the network you can find the records of the Sumlav Sumyshevsky's singing in Karaoke, on the streets of cities, on the racially with the military (this Flashmob Sumishevsky spent along with Oleg Gazmanov) and even in a minibus. Suite videos, according to the artist, are gaining most of all views and positive feedback.

Gradually the popularity of Yaroslav also interested television. So Sumyshevsky got into the program Andrei Malakhov on the first channel. This issue of the show "Tonight" was devoted to the singer Stas Mikhailov, whose fan is Yaroslav. The execution of a young man was impressed by Stas, and in the shelf of fans of Yaroslav arrived again.

In 2018, the creative biography of Sumyshevsky was replenished with another show. The performer again appeared in front of the audience of the first channel, this time as a participant in the program "Three Chord".

This time, the transfer jury amounted to Alexander Rosenbaum, Sergey Trofimov, Alexander Novikov and Lydia Kozlov. Eva Polna, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Igor Sarukhanov and other popular and novice artists and other popular and beginner artists. Lead Show - Maxim Averin.

The essence of the program is to present new interpretations of the hits of the city romance, chanson, author's song, as well as popular songs from Soviet paintings.

At the concerts held in the framework of the project, the singer fulfilled the compositions "Without you", "the trouble is green eyes," "Good night, gentlemen", "let go of". Despite the fact that the artist did not take a prize room, he received a special award from Radio "Chanson".

In the same year, the release of the new album Yaroslav Alexandrovich was held. The disk was called "Confession". The track list includes such hits as "Favorite Woman", "Unfinished Miracle", "Roads". Sumyshevsky's eponymous composition performed in a duet with Zhekoy (E. Grigoriev).

The following work discography by the artist is a plate "Sumice" - the hits of "my shores" were replenished, "You are my madness." Still the popularity of the song "Ah, Fog", "parents", "And I thought you were happy."

The musical creativity of the artist is inseparable from his life: the artist is waiting and loved in the farthest corners of Russia. The singer trying to visit the Far East and Sakhalin every year, it happens with touring in Blagoveshchensk and Khabarovsk.

At the airport of the last of them, the artist even arranged a flash mob than pleased with all the passengers. During the execution of the song "Let's leave everything as it is", Yaroslav presented to all listeners in red rose. The touching video appeared on his official website and Youtyub-Channel.

In November 2020, the release of the popular show "Hello, Andrei!", Dedicated to the work of Yaroslav Sumyshevsky. In the studio, in addition to the musician and his father, Oleg Gazmanov, Tatyana Sudetz, Irina Klimov, Renat Ibrahimov, Jeanne Beachvskaya, Yaroslav Evdokimov. In the final of the program, Guests of the Choir performed the Soviet Wang "We are building a song and help us".

After a break in touring activities due to quarantine caused by coronavirus infection, the artist gave a long-awaited solo concert with the program "I was all my life to you" in the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. The site was chosen by the CZ "City Hall".

In the fall, another significant event took place in the creative life of the singer - he became the owner of the "gold button" YouTube. The number of subscribers of his Youtyub-Channel exceeded the number of 1 million in addition, the premiere of the clip was held on the song "Planchka", which Yaroslav fulfilled in a duet with Alexey Petrukhin. Together with Sergey Volkov, he released a Caver on the hit "Duman", and with the song "My beloved". The repertoire of the artist was also replenished with a lyrical duet with Alena Petrovsk "closer than we are."

The main creative event of the year for Yaroslav was the premiere of his new album "Steps". For the first time, all new tracks Artist fulfilled within the framework of the online project "The apartment". With a hit of the same name, which gave the name of the disc, the singer earlier at the Slavic Bazaar.

During the quarantine period, the project "The apartment" on Yutiub-Channel Sumishevsky acquired popularity among fans of the work of Russian bard. Victoria Chenetsova, Alexander Shevchenko, Vladimir Levkin came to the studio to Yaroslav

Personal life

Artist began to build his personal life, barely crossing the threshold of majority. His first wife was a native of Sakhalin, = Svetlana. Young people met at home when Yaroslav studied at the 1st year. Lived in the hostel, there was a daughter of singer Ksenia.

Then the newly minted parents went together to conquer Moscow, leaving a girl on the upbringing grandmother. These were very difficult times. Since Sumyshevsky studied at a paid department, they were not supposed to hostel. Then the young man was offered to settle at the university with a cleaner, so that he and Svetlana allocate the room. So the spouses lived until 2009, then Yaroslav met Natalia Borodkina.

The artist was very difficult to decide on leaving the family. Moreover, his mother before death convinced the Son that the wife should be alone. After her death (a woman died of brain cancer) Yaroslav thought for a long time and realized that life would need to live near his beloved man. Without finding the necessary words, he sent Svetlana SMS message, gathered things and left.

Natalia was the director of Sumyshevsky projects. A woman in all supported the chosen one and helped him in organizing performances and flash mobs.

In 2017, the Son was born in a couple. The boy called Miroslav. The joy of Sumyshevsky immediately shared with the subscribers of the canal on "Yutiuba", told that he was personally attended when the child was born. Later, the artist posted a photo of the heir on a page in "Instagram".

Free time Yaroslav preferred to spend with his family and children. In the video clock "Question-answer", the singer has repeatedly emphasized that he considers parents with important people in life.

On January 29, 2021, the car in which the singer, together with his wife Natalia, was driving a concert in the village of Solgon Uzhursky district, got into an accident. The driver Alexander Glyakov, the organizer of the event and the head of the regional union of paratroopers, died. Sumyshevsky's spouse after the accident was in extremely serious condition - in a coma. According to Yaroslav, he "got off his shake."

On the night of February 6, Natalia died. The singer himself told about the tragedy. Sumyshevsky's wife's heart stopped in the hospital.

For an artist, it was a hard shock. There was a time when he vinyl herself in what had happened: it was necessary to convince the driver to slow down the speed and be careful, since the weather conditions at the time of the accident were bad. But then the man understood: constantly digging the causes of what happened wrong.

Yaroslav remained a small son. Miroslav he honestly told about what accidents had happened and Mom became an asterisk. "

Now the singer regrets only one thing - Natalia never became Sumyshevskaya. Lovers did not find the time in a dense tour schedule.

Yaroslav Sumishevsky now

After the death of the Civilian wife, Sumyshevsky was not ready to communicate with the press on this topic, giving rare comments about what happened. For the first time he decided for a long conversation in the "Fate of Man". Memories of the terrible tragedy interspersed with stories from early youth - the release turned out to be very sincere.

Then Yaroslav also told: work saves him from the despair. In May 2021, he gave a solo concert at Crocus City Hall. The artist said that even his fans do not understand how you can sing and have fun on the stage when such a grief happened. But the artist did not see another path, although I tried to find salvation in prayer.


  • 2018 - "Mom"
  • 2018 - "Confession"
  • 2018 - "Good night, gentlemen"
  • 2019 - "Sumina"
  • 2020 - "I walked all my life to you"
  • 2020 - "Steps"

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