Juno - History of the Ancient Roman Goddess, Interesting Facts


Character History

The proud beauty of Junon was afraid and ordinary people, and the immortal inhabitants of Olympus. The full advantage of the goddess has always been depicted by artists and sculptors with proudly raised head. Despite the difficult character and changed mood, Juno won the respect of the Romans. The powerful goddess easily managed the subordinates, helped the heroes and cared for the weakness.

History of appearance

The cult of the goddess Junon is inextricably linked with the worship of Jupiter. It is not surprising, because Romans believed that the goddess on an equal footing with his spouse was disposed of Olympus. Gradually, the influence of the Junon was gained more distribution, so the cult of celestials was separated into a separate religious structure.

Now Juno not only distributed good to people and sent rain to the ground, but also managed the Moon. Over time, the wife of the Chief God has acquired additional duties: Juno was responsible for the family hearth in each house, helped suffering and oppressed wives, and also influenced the physiological features of the female organism (mature, pregnancy, childbirth).


The goddess of Hera, mentioned in ancient Greek mythology, has a noticeable similarity with Juno. In addition to the same biography, both goddesses patronized married women and brides. In the borrowed image of Gera Romans added features of Aphrodites, so Junon is an improved version of the ancient Greek goddess. Juno personifies not only to his wife and faithful girlfriend, but also a true feminine.

The goddes are devoted to the women's holidays of Matronia. Every year on March 1, a resident of Rome arranged a free day, full of bald. The loved ones gave women gifts and brought victims of cessant in the temple on Esquilin.

Juno and Jupiter

Despite a separate cult, the goddess often mention in a kind of triade: Jupiter - Juno - Minerva. These three deities were recognized as the most powerful on the territory of ancient Rome, so a special temple was built to worship idols. The construction is located on the hill of the Capitol. Initially, the temple was intended for another triple: Jupiter, Mars and Quirin. But the influence of Juno in a short time has grown so much that she eclipsed even God of war.

History of Juno

Junon is the youngest daughter of Saturn and the experience. Born in the family of revered deities, the girl since childhood is surrounded by caring and love of parents. The sister of Pluto and Neptune was different from other goddesses hardness and even cruelty.

Jupiter, the native brother of a woman, decided to conquer Junon, captive by her beauty. Turning into a cuckoo (a girl's beloved bird) God snuck into the bedroom to the sister and seduced his beauty. Unlike most mistresses of the Supreme God, Junoon did not just surrender to the mercy of the Lord of Olympus. Confident goddess made Jupiter marry.

Pluto and Neptune

True, the happiness of the spouses lasted for a short time. Jupiter quickly flew his wife and again began to visit numerous mistresses. Unlike patient Romans, Junon did not forgive such misconduct. Having learned about the next treason, the woman arranged loud scandals with the wrong spouse. Such behavior did not contribute to strengthening relations.

Static beauty ceased to smile and enjoy life. The woman had a long cape, hiding the figure, and began to patronize wives and mothers, with special cruelty punishing the wrong husbands. The goddess was constantly accompanied by two advisers - Minerva and Ceres. The first gives wisdom, and the second spreads fertility and grace.

In the legitimate marriage Junon gave birth to two boys. Mars's mother and volcano could not give her husband to her husband of heirs for a long time, so he turned to the goddess of Flora, who showed a girlfriend miraculous plants capable of helping suffering from infertility. Soon, Juno gave birth to the firstborn - the god of the war of Mars. From this point on, the wife of Lord Olimpa faiths pregnant residents of Rome.

Statue of Juno

Nobody wanted to be enjoyed with Junoa, knowing the goddess. When Paris called Venus the most beautiful goddess, the wife of Vladyka Olympus was offended and at the first opportunity dismissed a man. Juno persuaded the keeper of the winds to impact the storm on the ships of the Trojans and almost drowned the entire fleet. Neptune intervened in the case, who did not like the vehicle's self-government. Only it saved the Trojans from death.

No less severe Junon came with numerous husband's mistresses. The most of all got Laton - Mother Apollo. A jealous woman dropped a pregnant goddess from Olympus and stated that she would shine someone who shelted the girl.

With all its disadvantages, Juno appreciated the coup and heroes. The woman helped Jason to get the golden fleece and saved Rome from conquest. During the battle with Gallam, the Roman detachment sat down in the capitol. At night, when the soldiers rested, the enemies did inward. Saved soldiers from the imminent death of screaming geese, who lived at the Temple of Junites. The Romans were confident that the goddess herself filed a sign.

Interesting Facts

Juno Coin
  • The word "coin" was often added to the name of Juno, since the money chasing took place in the temple of the goddess. This decision was enshrined by the Roman Senate. Another option - she warned the Romans about the earthquake, so the goddess is the name of the coin (Soviet).
  • Ancient Roman goddess appeared everywhere, accompanied by cuckoo and peacock.
  • In honor of Juno, the month of June is named. In addition, the Romans praised the goddess in the first days of each month.
  • In 2011, NASA launched the Space Station "Juno". The name is not chosen by chance - the station must collect data about the planet Jupiter.

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