Jack Ripper - Biography, History, Victims, Prototype 2021



Some secrets and mysteries are destined to remain undivided. These include the history of murders, shook London at the end of the 19th century. We are talking about the biography and the personality of the Jack-Ripper - the Butcher, who has had the lives of women in the poor area of ​​Victorian England.


The killings of the cruel maniac of the nineteenth century were committed in the London area, which rightly deserved the title of Cloaca East End. Whitachapel of 1888, overpanded by emigrants and a beggar, dirty and criminal, here is the picture of the place of action of Jack-Ripper. It is not surprising that the majority of women were engaged in the most ancient profession.

According to police calculations, 62 brothels worked in Whitechapel and about 1,200 prostitutes. Women of easy behavior have become a maniac hunting object. In place, like Whitechapel, dozens of murders were committed daily, including victims and nobody prostitutes became victims. Therefore, the number of Jack-Ripper's crimes is definitely unknown, hesitates from 5 to 14. However, researchers agree that five of them, called canonical, are made by Manyak.

Migration map committed by Jack-Ripper

All of them were distinguished by the extreme cruelty of execution, unchanged location in the East End area and the identity of the classes of killed women.

Mary Ann Nichols fell on the first of the Killer's knife in August 1888, or Polly, as his girlfriends called. A 42-year-old woman had a husband and five children, but spoke and turned out to be at the social day. In the night of the murder, not finding money for the night, went to further earn money. At four in the morning, a warm body of polli was found random passers-by.

The next killed 47-year-old "Dark Annie" - Annie Chapman, an alcoholic with a severe form of tuberculosis and syphilis. On the eve of Annie got a bruise under the eye in a fight for a piece of soap. The non-primary look did not allow a woman to make money over the night. Watching on the night streets Whitechapel in search of the client ended for a prostitute with brutal violence.

Elimbet Strong ("Long-hazardous Liz") prevented passer-by passer-by for the rippering procedure of the abdominal cavity procedure The body of the fourth victim of the maniac remained almost untouched. Nevertheless, the killer has arrived over 45 minutes after 45 minutes, killing Catherine Edoo. Despite the limited time, the maniac took with him some of the women.

The most cruel is considered to be the murder of the last canonical victim of the Ripper. Young and attractive Mary Jane Kelly found extercined to unrecognizable in his own room on November 9, 1888. The photo of the victim, survived in the police archives, is amazed by the insane ramp of violence.


The story of Jack-Ripper received publicity thanks to the frank mockery of the maniac over the London Police. In addition, the dismemberment sent several letters to the press and constable, caustious to catch it.

The first letter "Dear Chief" was initially recognized by fake. However, after three days, the body of Catherine Eddood was found with a sliced ​​half ear. The author of the letter promised to do this with the next victim, so the police had to recognize the authenticity of the message. In this letter, the maniac comes up with his nickname.

The next newspaper from the maniac was the postcard "Dry Jackie". By the way, the police stated that the letters were a fake, and the mysteritor-journalist who sent both letters was established.

The last terrible letter was the "message from hell", accompanied by part of the kidney killed EDDO. The researchers are skeptical to all sent by Manyak messages, their truth is still disputes and disagreements.

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In addition to mail, in the case there is information about graffiti, made near the place of the death of Strade and Edoo. Next to the wall on which the inscription Chalk is made, the church of the EDDO ​​Apron is found.

The exact wording of the text is unknown, since the photo is absent in the materials, and the graffiti itself is erased to indicate the constable. It is known that the epistle was worn by anti-Semitic meaning. By the way, many historians tend to the fact that the attitude towards the killings did not have an inscription, and the apron was thrown later how she was done.

One way or another, a series of cruel crimes stirred by the public of London. The case, which was widely published in the press, and the helplessness of the guardians of the order was outraged by the residents of the capital. Rumor about the leaving reached Queen Victoria. Having come into rabies, the head of the country arranged a separation of the Prime Minister, the question of reforming Scotland-yard rose.

Shortly after the events of Whitechapela in the police, a criminal department appeared and a fingerprint card file. The mystery of the Personality of Jack Ripper is not installed. The maniac simply disappeared for unknown reasons. Until now, the randral is fascinating contemporaries. It is not surprising that the killer became the hero of books, films and serials. A whole direction of the investigation was formed - Rippperology.

Estimated killers

Sovremenniki Jack-Ripper, as well as researchers, Rippperologists put forward a mass of guesses about the personalities suspected of murder. None of the versions is reliably proven and remains only the theory. By the way, even the statement that the ripper professionally owned the surgeon skills, which made it possible to extract the internal organs of victims with an incredible speed, is subject to doubts.

Some of the experts who worked on the maniac, argued that for such executions it is enough to own the craft of the butcher. Yes, and in one of the letters, the killer with laughter mentions the absurdity of such a theory.

The list of suspects is built mainly on guesses and speculations, indirect coincidences and suspicions. Even Woman Mary Pursi came to the number of possible killers, later hanged by the murder of a lover's spouse.

Lawyer Montague John Druitt

Montague John Druitt, who committed the life of suicide, was the applicant for the role of the Ripper, who committed suicide, after which the murders of the prostitutes of Whitechapela ceased. Police also called the name of the Polish emigrant, who pointed three wives, for which he was executed.

One of the most likely candidates for maniacs is Aaron Cosmmonic - a young hairdresser in Whitechapelle. Later, it was detained when attempting to kill his own sister and recognized as mentally unhealthy. After determining the suspect in the hospital for the mentally illness, a series of brutal murders ended.

In 2006, according to the testimonies contained in the surviving archival records, a photomotive maniac was compiled. As the witnesses of the nineteenth century indicate, the alleged killer wore dark clothes, a felt hat like Sherlock Holmes, a mustache and a sacr.



  • 1992 - Robert Bloch, "Forever Your Ripper"
  • 2002 - Patricia Cornwell, "Jack Ripper. Who is he? Portrait of a killer "
  • 2015 - Cassandra Claire, "Witchepel's villain"


  • 1924 - "Cabinet of wax figures"
  • 1927 - "Zhilts"
  • 1976 - "Jack Ripper"
  • 1988 - "Jack Ripper"
  • 2001 - "From hell"
  • 2008 - "Refuge"


  • 1995 - Episode "Inquisitor" of the series "Babylon-5".
  • 1999 - Episode "Rutter" series "Beyond the Possible"
  • 2001 - Series "Knife" of the "Lost World"
  • 2009 - "Modern Ripper"
  • 2012 - "Street of the Ripper"

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