Oleg Chromov - biography, photo, personal life, songs, death



The period of the 90s for the Russian pop, the abundance of groups and performers, whose glory lasted until the scene thundered on the stage. Oleg Khromova's songs are still loved, at the same time, the biography and details of the author's life are few known.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Chromov was born on January 13, 1966 in the village of Korenevo, located in Lyubertsy, Moscow region. In the tiny settlement, there were five thousand people from the strength. Currently, the village, as an independent point, does not exist on the map. Korenevo is attached to the village of Urban-type paint.

Oleg Chromov in childhood

The family of Oleg did not differ from the rest. The boy smashed the younger sister Natalia, who later the author and the artist will dedicate the song "Mach (crocodile in the shirt)". The girl was distinguished by a perky character and spent the summer in games with yard boys. The nineties youth wore Tenniscus and T-shirts with the Laco Laco logo, stitched at the underground Chinese factories. Did not exception and Natasha. It is about this "crocodile" in the shirt and comes in the song.

In the native village, Oleg graduated from high school, after which he entered the school. Having received a diploma with a specialty chef, the young man went to the service in the army, which was held in Kazakhstan.


Chromova can be called a real nugget. The singer did not receive and did not even try to receive musical education. Despite this, the guy with a guitar spent the evening in the courtyard on the bench of the native village. Old people of Oleg in an interview said that in Korenevo there was no such guitar on which Oleg would not play.

Oleg Chromov in youth

A young man begins to compose songs and music to them. At the same time, the creative process was given to the young man in incredibly easy. According to the memoirs of the same familiar countrymen, Oleg wrote a song in the path in the train literally for half an hour. In the late 80s, the young talent performs in the local house of culture at the evenings of amateur time. There, like many, the popular compositions of the "Time Machine" and "Resurrection" sings.

In the hometown of culture, Oleg met Vladimir Maslov, who caught fire the idea of ​​creating a popular musical pop group. Under the start of the new producer, a team is created, subsequently called the "Sweet Sleep". In addition to Oleg, Sergey Vasuta becomes the participant.

Chromov's cooperation with the team turned out to be short-term. Soon Vashuta declares the right to possess the "Sweet Sleep" label, as well as on the texts of songs that glorified the team, "on a white bedspread", "Night February." The authorship of these compositions is disputed by the leader in the court. Following Chrome from the list of team executives, the name of Maslova disappears.

Meanwhile, Oleg continues to sing the mentioned songs, they enter solo albums. The magnetic recordings, by the way, was only two: "Trail of the outgoing train" in 1990 and the "common car" in 1992. 16 songs, written and executed by the author known. But the nationality of these compositions, the proximity and mentality of the texts allow them to remain on the ear of the decade.

The history of writing songs is connected with the realities of the author's life. The Hike "On White Cover" became the result of Oleg's impressions from the southern tour. And the composition "Common car" is nothing but observing the daily trips of residents of the Moscow region in the train. Songs have repeatedly with the rises such groups as "gentle May", "Nancy", "Commissioner", singer Vadim Kazachenko.

Oleg himself, after the release of the first album, toured for some time, speaking with concerts in the country. Performed songs on heating in Alena Apina. Unfortunately, honest and simple chromium did not fit in the world of show business. Relations with producers were not charged, and without support to remain afloat, even if it was difficult for a talented artist.

The musicians tried to return him to the stage, but attempts were not crowned with success. Over again, Oleg sang his own song about the River Lyubelka Nikolay Rastorguev, the soloist of the group "Lube". The text and music liked the singer, but I could not fulfill the composition from the scene.

Disappointed and hard to experience the lack of development in the world of music, the singer returned to his native village, where he lived until his death. He worked a man by a loader, then a guard, but all the time continued to write songs. Unfortunately, the author's new creations remained the property of personal archives and never reached the listeners.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Oleg Chromov's songs are still popular and loved by modern music lovers, there are nothing known about the life of a man. Oleg's wife - Svetlana - gave a spouse of two children, both girls. What are the relatives of the singer, remains a mystery.

Oleg Chromov

Photo of Oleg in the circle of family is almost impossible. It is known that not only the creative career of a talented artist, but also a family one. Having lived together for several years, the married couple broke up for unknown reasons.


The cause of the death of the singer remains unlit. According to some data, Oleg Chromov died from poisoning. The performer of soul yard songs left 3 August 2006. For six months before the death of chrome, as if anticipating the fast care, told a friend about the approaching death.

Oleg Chromova's grave and his sisters Natalia

The performer of hits of the 90s was cremated and buried in the cemetery in Malakhovka. The grave of the artist is near the burial site of His sister Natasha, who also died in 2000. The place of the last palace of a talented singer is not visited by crowds of fans, workers of the cemetery, where the author of hits was buried, do not even know about the old fame of a man.

Despite the fact that Oleg Chromova's life is not marked with glory, money and fame, the music of the artist continues to live. Singer's talent fans shoot amateur clips, recall the idol in forums and sites.


  • 1990 - "Trail of the outgoing train"
  • 1992 - "Common car"

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