Anton Gerashchenko - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Anton Gerashchenko is a scandalous politician from Ukraine. In 2015, the member of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Gerashchenko, accused of public excuses of terrorism. It was broadly dealt with a broad publicity. The impulsive and sharp politician in statements was in the thick of the discussions both by Ukraine and from the Russian Federation.

Childhood and youth

Anton Yuryevich Gerashchenko - a native of Ukraine (city of Kharkov). Born February 10, 1979. Grew in an incomplete family with mom and grandmother. He graduated from school and in 2000 he received a diploma on the end of the Economic Faculty of the National Economic University named after Seeds Blacksmith in Kharkov. Then he studied in the Christian humanitarian and open university, which is located in the city of Odessa.

Anton Gerashchenko

Herashchenko started working as a profession. He served as an economist in the Joint-Stock Company Kharkovoblanohgo. He became interested in politics in the 2000s. Since 2002 - deputy of the State Council in Kharkov. In 2005 (until 2010) became the chairman of the district state organization in Krasnograd. Later received membership in the Party of the People's Union "Our Ukraine".


In 2014, with the arrival of Arsen Avakov as the post of Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, politician took the post of advisor to the Minister (until November 2014). Then he took part in the elections of the People's Deputy of Ukraine and became him by entering the FRONT FRACTION.

Anton Gerashchenko and Arsen Avakov

In the same year, Anton Gerashchenko launched its own online project, the site "Peacemaker", aimed at the search and promulgation of personal information about the separatists, "Kremlin Agents". Moreover, personal data on people on the site are in public domain and are published regardless of the consent or disagreement of the individual. "Peacemaker" said loudly that she intends to fight criminal-separatists who violate the world and the safety of citizens of Ukraine.

In the seriousness of the Internet representation, there was no doubt after the reprisals over the journalist Olezy Bузино and the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleg Ivanovich Kalashnikov in 2015. The press believe that the murder has happened after the publication of the "Peacemaker" of the data (up to the address of the residence) and is associated with the activities of the site.

Politician Anton Gerashchenko

However, the information remained unconfirmed, and the death of Ukrainians is associated with other factors. Interestingly, the site has enlisted partnership support from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the Security Service of Ukraine. "Peacemaker" has existed since 2014, but there were no complaints from the international legal community.

Regularly illegally intended information about the media employees (both from Russia and from Ukraine), which were dangerous because of the community of opinions with representatives in the authorities of Ukraine. Until certain time, the activity remained unpunished.

Anton Gerashchenko in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine

The site became interested in law enforcement agencies in 2016. Representatives of the Internet portal laid out the personal data of media workers with world name (BBC, Forbes, Reuters, Le Monde). According to the requirements of the global legal community, the Peacemaker should immediately stop existence.

In addition, Anton Gerashchenko opened discontent about the results of elections in the United States. The fact that the presidency was taken by Donald Trump, outraged politics. Many sources appeared screenshots Gerashchenko about Trump from Twitter and Facebook, where the politician threatens to make the personality of the head of the White House to the "Peacemaker" base. Gerashchenko said that to support Russia's policies - a crime.

In October 2015, Anton Yuryevich accommodates the post-call on the site: everyone is not indifferent to merge any information about the military from Russia located on the territory of Syria to revenge according to the canons of Sharia. The Investigation Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against the Ukrainian policy.

Anton Gerashchenko and Valeria Lutkovskaya

With the support of Valeria Lutkovskaya, the representative of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on human rights, the authorities managed to achieve an application for closing the site. However, the adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Zoron Shkiryak strongly promised that the collected data would not be destroyed, and redirected to open access to other Internet sources. From mid-May 2016, the Peacemaker again launched the activity officially.

In 2015, Anton Gerashchenko and Boris Filatov (People's Deputy outside the faction) were offered and officially registered the draft law, which implies criminal responsibility for avoiding mobilization. In his opinion, even Ukrainians, legally spent on the territory of the Russian Federation by official extension, fall under a new law.

Anton Gerashchenko and Boris Filatov

Also offered to ban the "manufacture and propaganda" of the St. George ribbon. Since 2017, such actions are punishable in the form of fines or arrest for a period of 15 days of Ukrainian citizens.

In early 2017, the Security Service of Ukraine stated that Gerashchenko's life was threatened while the SBU staff could not prevent attempted. Many of the publications consider the drafting occurrence, but Gerashchenko, such opinions refute.

Anton Gerashchenko before and after weight loss

November 15, 2017 a meeting of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Verkhovna Rada was held. There Anton Gerashchenko announced a voluntary resignation. The post of adviser to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov he no longer occupies.

In the same year, the prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea raised a criminal case for Gerashchenko's policy for "state treason". Journalist Vladimir Boyko publicly at Facebook called on to consider the Publication of Gerashchenko from 2015. The deputy has put forward an idea of ​​improving the situation with Russia, offering "exchange" already then the Russian Peninsula of the Crimea for the paid rent of Sevastopol (the rental period varies from 30 to 40 years).

Personal life

The first wife of Gerashchenko - Victoria Walnsk-Mirgorodskaya. In 2014, relations between spouses ended. Later in an interview with Victoria told that politician communicates little with the son of Anton. In addition, after a divorce, a financial question was solved for a long time, a division of property.

In the same year, Anton Gerashchenko married Oles Shamour for the second time. The wedding politician noted with a scope: the celebration took place in the Zhytomyr region, where the castle of Radomysl is located, and they cost newlyweds in thirty thousand dollars.

Anton Gerashchenko and his wife Olesya Shamburg

It is curious that in the declaration of 2013, the annual income was 10,331 hryvnia, some of which was spent to live in a three-room Kiev apartment. There was no information about this apartment earlier in the declarations of Gerashchenko.

From 2016, after the birth of a child in the family of Gerashchenko, the spouses live in the luxury LCD Pechora district of Kiev. The square meter of elite building costs more than three thousand dollars.

Anton Geranoshenko now

The most loud news after the licked plate in the Japanese restaurant was the news about the correspondence arrest of Anton Gerashchenko.

In 2017, the behavior of the policy in the Japanese restaurant caused a storm of emotions from observers. Action can be observed on the video that is in free access on the Internet. Gerashchenko himself proudly stated that he licked the plate as a sign of respect for the traditions of the country of the rising sun.

Anton Gerashchenko in 2018

In May 2018, by decision of the Moscow Basmanic Court, Anton Yuryevich Gerashchenko was arrested in absentia. This means that as soon as the Ukrainian politician is detained in the territory of the Russian Federation, a preventive measure will take effect in the form of a conclusion. Anton Gerashchenko is accused of "public propaganda of terrorism using the Internet." Now the ex-adviser of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is in the international wanted list.

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