Group "Masha and Bears" - Composition, Photo, News, Songs, Clips 2021



"Masha and Bears" - from among the few rock collectives, in which the role of the main soloist is assigned to a woman. Own style group, and more precisely, Maria Makarova's leader calls Art-Rock, a genre that is not for sale and from which the masses are not fan. Success, of course, is desirable, but not standing at the head of the corner. According to the singer, Russia - the country is not materialistic, but strong primarily in spirit.


On the Internet wandering the story about what a significant role in the biography of Masha and Bears, the soloist "Megapolis" Oleg Nesterov played. According to this narrative, during his Krasnodar touring Mary, who has long been writing music and having experienced club speeches, managed to transfer his demos to Oleg.

Masha Makarova

The musician rated the work of the young singer and suggested the services of producer. In order not to miss good luck, Masha quickly collects a group and moves into the capital.

After 20 years, remembering such luck, Masha said that as such producers in the underground, unlike pop music, no. Those who are knocked out of the total mass, it is easier to appease in the network, and, if this is a standing thing, people will know about it.


With a light hand of Nesterov on the radio "Maximum" songs "Without you", "Reykjavik" and an unforgettable "Loicker". And at 18 years old Makarov woke up famous. The first success with the girl was divided into other members of the group - Vyacheslav Motylene on nicknamed Hottabych, a virtuoso guitarist Maxim Khomich, who in a narrow circle is the hamster, the bassist Denis "Pete" roosters and drummer Vyacheslav "Green" Kozyrev. Subsequently (although it is unknown, when exactly), Georgy Avanesian joined the team, also playing the bass guitar and also received a nickname - geo.


At one time, het "Loika", a kind of remake of the poem of Agnes Barto, sounded from each window. From 1998 to 1999, new rockers gave almost hundreds of concerts in large cities of the country. Reykjavik entertained the video form, which was removed directly in the country of geysers, as a result of which the group was awarded reception at the Embassy of Iceland.

Masha and Bears get the title of opening of the year at musical festivals and in specialized publications. The first album "Solzklesh" occupies the first lines of the charts and praises as hot cakes.

In 2000, barely releasing the release of the album "Where?" With the compositions "Spring", "GarPuner", "Earth", the group broke up. The reasons for the conflict of musicians spoke differently, even the interviews of the soloist on this subject differ. It was said that "to leave at the peak of possibilities is a special adrenaline."

Part of the critics believed that Maria "confused, understood that he did not belong to himself, but did not want to put up with it." Makarova and then, and after reunion did not refuse words that it is not going to play according to the rules that do not like, and will "rock, let the small but their own swings." The men's part of the team invited Olga Dzusov in its ranks, who stood on the back-vocal of Linda, but the experiment failed.

Reconciliation took place in 2004. According to Mary, she went for such a step for the sake of children: waited twins, no one supported, it was necessary to somehow survive. He came to the former colleagues and said that without their help - nowhere, because compared to her the musicians are true professionals.

Olga Dzusova

In 2006, the discography of the group was replenished with a new creation - a plate "without language". To record an album, heavier on sound, "Masha and Bears" invited Brigitt Angerhausen, producer from Germany, who collapsed with Phil Collins and "Scorpioz" and a good acquaintance of Oleg Nesterov.

In 2012, the fans received the "end" mini album of 4 tracks. The release group made up at the end of the world, predicted Maya Indian Calendar. The output of the following parts, the musicians also gave a certain symbolism, promising to release albums in the days of autumn and spring equinox and for Ivan Klapala.

The "Caterpillary" disc included in the 2013th disk included with the inna desired composition "Egg". On the song "Neva", in which the fans got used to hearing the light notes of Chanson, St. Petersburg duet "5'nizza" performed a cover of his own essay.

In 2014, Maria Makarova starred in the spectacular clip of the group "Bi-2" on the Hipster composition. Clipmaker became Irina Mironova, who produced a video for "night snipers" and Zemfira. Oleg Garquash, Gleb Samoilov, Nike Borzov and even Glucose with Philip Kirkorov, are involved as an actors. Auksonist In the same year, for admirers of "Masha and Bears" reissued on the vinyl album "Solzklesh".

Only in 2017 came a turn of the new album "World War", in which three of 4 songs are the same name, simply in different designs. According to the author, there was a reflection of the experiences and personal changes caused by the war in Ukraine in the track. Then Mary told that two more albums were on the approach, one of which would be with unusual electron sound.

Makarova is not afraid to experiment, especially the group acquired his own studio, and now there is a place to search for a new sound and unexpected solutions.

"When you do not turn around from my own way, you have a lot of developments appear, as well as professionalism and understanding what to do. And the more you go in creativity, the more interesting it becomes. "

However, the promotion of innovations has the opposite direction - the release of the next album is delayed. Since 2016, search engines began to respond to the "Masha and Bears" request to respond to fantasy fairy tales of girlfriends writers writing under the pseudonyms of Irina Elba and Tatiana Osinskaya.

Masha is in them - a Moscow student, and "bears" - a dating agency in which the girl works and searches for satellites for fantastic creatures. The fact that there was no conflict with the "bears" -proopers about copyright (still consonance takes place), there is no information yet.

"Masha and Bears" now

In early 2018, Masha and Bears was not afraid to perform in the Moscow Mumi Troll Music Bar in support of the scandalous priest Gleb Grobovsky, accused of pedophilia. According to Mary, she has long and closely familiar with the family of a clergyman and does not believe that this person is capable of such low acts regarding innocent people.

Masha Makarova in 2018

As then wrote a sister of the thunderstorm Luba on the page in Vkontakte (later, by the way, blocked), the club management did not pay the group due fee. Perhaps that is why the unnamed participant ripped anger on the younger Angelina, having fallen into the obscene Brani.

In June 2018, the group took part in an unusual event - the first family rock festival "Our People" in St. Petersburg. The chance to go on stage and fulfill the favorite songs fell not only to parents, but also young fans of the genre, which was already 5 years old.

At the end of the summer of 2018 in Tambov, a rock festival "Chernozem" will be held, without false modesty, referred to as the "most spiritual event of the year" and in the top ten Open Air in Russia.


Corifeans and young music teams professing rock in all its diversity will be played at the festival sites: Casual, "City 312", Naive, "Leningrad" and others. Applied and "Masha and Bears". The group by this time will be at which point of land, you can find out on the official website where a detailed schedule of movement of artists is published.

In December, it is planned to issue the next album "Bear" - "Kingfield". Single "Ararat" entered the pre-order and is available for downloading on specialized online platforms.


  • "LOCK"
  • "Reykjavik"
  • "Without you"
  • "Earth"
  • "Maria"
  • "Happy New Year!"
  • "Parabelloum"
  • "NS. War "


  • 1998 - Sollyklesh
  • 2000 - "Where?"
  • 2006 - "without language"
  • 2012 - "End"
  • 2013 - "Caterpillars"
  • 2017 - "World War"
  • 2018 - "Ararat"
  • 2018 - "Meadows"

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