Daniel Andreev - biography, photos, personal life, books, poems



The writer and poet Daniel Andreeva are often called not only the writer, but also a mystic, philosopher, a prophet and even a teacher. The difficult biography of Daniel Leonidovich influenced his work, forcing Andreeva to think not only about the events of the current moment, but also on issues of world order, karma, punishment and retaliation for actions. Despite the mysteriousness and disputes of some works of the writer, his books and diaries literally disassembled quotes and still interesting to readers.

Childhood and youth

Daniel Andreev was born in the family of Writer Leonid Andreeva and his wife Alexandra on November 2, 1906. Boy's parents at that time lived in Berlin. A few days after the birth of the son of Alexander Andreeva died. Woman slightly with postpartum and never could recover.

Leonid and Alexandra Andreev, Parents Daniel Andreeva

The spouse killed by grief hardened against a newborn son, having considered that the child is to blame for the death of his beloved woman. Then grandmother of Little Daniel had to pick up the grandson from the house of the Father, so the boy moved to Moscow. The child sheltered his native aunt, mother's sister.

The jumble of the boy did not end on it. Daniel Andreev was a painful child, constantly sharpened, picked up infections. When the boy barely turned six years old, he got sick diphtheria. Daniel himself recovered - a young organism managed to overcome the disease. But grandmother Andreeva, infected by diphtheria from him, died.

Daniel Andreev as a child

Despite such a young age, the boy was seriously worried about the death of his beloved grandmother. Daniel began to blame himself in troubles taking place with his family, in the death of mother and grandmother. It reached the point that the boy firmly decided to commit suicide to punish himself for the death of relatives, and to meet themselves in heaven as soon as possible. Daniel saved at the last moment, literally before jumping from the bridge - the child wanted to be drowned.

Such experiences could not but affect the nature of Daniel Andreeva, he grew up secretly and closed, but he persistently reacted to what was happening around. The aunt tried to surround the nephew with warmth and care, so that the boy would have forgotten about the inconsistent misfortunes.

Children's Creativity Daniel Andreeva

Partly she managed it - becoming older, Daniel became interested in art and poetry. The boy became interested in the theater, and also began to compose his own poems, poems and stories.

In 1915, the "Garden" poem was born. Then the boy composed fantastic stories about the life of animals and insects, which, unfortunately, was not preserved. It is also known that at that time Daniel Andreev worked on the Roman-epic on travels to other planets. Writing talent was obvious, so later Andreev entered the literary and art institute.


The further fate of Daniel Andreeva was no less tragic. After graduating from the institute, he got a job as a font artist. Andreev did not leave literature, continuing to write, but he understood that his works are unlikely to like the new Soviet government. Especially the writer occupied the topic of a certain overall religion, which should unite the minds of people. He even gave the name of this religion - a rose of the world. Also later he called the main work in his life.

Daniel Andreev in youth

In the early 1930s, the writer worked in one of the Moscow publications by the buser, but soon left from there. In parallel, Andreev constantly wrote poems, but many works of those years were destroyed. In addition, his teachings in the field of the philosophy of the preliminary doctrine's contours and the cycle of the Pokels were left unfinished.

In 1942, Daniel Andreev fell to the front. The man served in the so-called "funeral" detachment, in addition, served the duties of Sanitar, helping to find wounded. And immediately after the war, began working on a new novel that was called the "Wanderers of Nights". In this work, Andreev wanted to share his own front experience. This novel caused new chambers in the life of Andreev.

Daniel Andreev in the war

After an anonymous denunciation of the writer arrested. The accusations turned out to be absurd - alleged Andreev organized a terrorist group and led the anti-Soviet agitation. Nevertheless, the sentence was read up - 25 years in prison.

In conclusion, the writer did not stop working on new works. So "Russian octaves", "Iron Mystery" appear, as well as the poems "Nemero", the "death of Grozny", "Ruh", the poem "Vasily Blessed", which remained in the list of unnecessary.

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The "Leningrad Apocalypse", the book of Novel "the latest Plutarch" is written in the chamber. And, of course, work began on the main work - "Rosa of the World".

The writer was released only in 1957, then Andreev was rehabilitated. Almost until the end of the life, Daniel Leonidovich continued to add parts of the book "Rose of the World". This collection of treatises and philosophical reasoning included and huge reservoir material about historical events. Andreev argues about Lenin and Stalin, about the works of Russian Geniyev - Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Gogol and other writers and poets, whom the author considered the prophets and predictors.

Daniel Andreev in prison

In addition, Andreev built a whole theory of "Russian metaculture", counting Russians by the supercurster, which is at the origins of the rose of the world. The history of the nation and the so-called "soul of Russia", according to Daniel Andreeva, begins with Demiurge Yarosvet, who is opposed to Zrurgi - demons that prevent the bright design of the demiurge.

There are in the "Rosa of the World" and the reasoning about the predictions of Elena Blavatskaya, about the initial femininity embodied in Lilit - the first sinner and the Rhodonarchist of Angels. The writer did not bypass the problems of the origin of religion, in its own way interpreting the events of the life of Jesus Christ and the act of Judah Icyariot. Also in the work the problems of faith and religion, nationality and top destinations are raised.

Personal life

The first wife of the writer became Alexander Gubler, with which Andreev met on literary courses. In 1926, Beloved got married, but the family was not strong: young people could not get along together and in 1927 officially divorced.

Daniel Andreev and his wife Alla

The further personal life of Daniel Andreeva turned out to be connected with Alela Alexandrovna (the maiden name - Bruges), who became the wife of the writer in 1945. The woman had to go through the arrest of his spouse and his own imprisonment, but Alla Andreeva supported the beloved until recent days. There were no children from the writer.


The prison opinion was not the best affected by the writer's health: Daniel Andreev suffered several heart attacks, and also constantly sharpened, repeatedly lay in bed with heavy pneumonia.

Nevertheless, continued to work on the "Rosa of the World", which he graduated a few months before death. March 30, 1959 Daniel Andreeva did not. The grave, where the writer is buried, is located next to the last refuge of his mother at the Moscow Novodevichy Cemetery.

Unfortunately, not all works by Daniel Andreeva, written by him over the years of life, reached the modern reader. Much was destroyed or lost. In addition, unfinished works were left, for example, the Satan Diary, which the writer did not have time to complete.

By the century from the birth of a writer, a documentary was filmed about his fate, called Daniel Andreev. Orlyontan, "and in 2014 in the village of Chukhi (Bryansk region), a museum dedicated to the life and creativity of the writer was opened.


  • "Rarey Zarla"
  • "Russian gods"
  • Iron Mystery
  • "The newest Plutarch"
  • "Rose of the World"

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