Series "Euphoria" (2019): Release date, actors, roles


The series "Euphoria" is a frank teenage drama showing the wrong life of schoolchildren opening the way in adulthood. The creators in the frame were denied genuine emotions that pushing yesterday's children to irreparable actions. Actors and roles, as well as curious facts from the set - in the material 24cm.


In the center of the plot - the young girl Mulatto Ru. Leaving the walls of the Rehab, she tries to return to ordinary life. However, distrust on the part of loved ones again pushes dependent on drugs.

The weekdays acquire the meaning when Julce appears next to the stunned RU. A friendship is born between girls. Nevertheless, in life, the girlfriend is also not everything smoothly. She falls under the influence of a handsome, distinguished by cruelty. Whether teenagers will be able to get out of life troubles or wake up in a spill's web - tells the series "Euphoria".

Actors and roles

  • Zendai - Ru Bennet. A 17-year-old girl is trying to find his place in life. Once in the usual social environment, Ru returns to drugs. The executor of the leading role is known for works in the franchise about the "Spider Man", where Michelle fulfilled.
  • Hunter Shefer - Julce Vaughn, a girlfriend, which feels that nature was mistaken with her sexual identity. The girl slept with a man whose son exhibits unmanaged aggression. It becomes clear that a danger comes from a relative tandem. The series "Euphoria" is a debut work in the career of the model and the famous LGBT activist.
  • MOD APATOU - Lexi, girlfriend ru since childhood. In the filmography of actresses of work in such projects, as "a little pregnant" and "Nation of murderers."
  • Jacob Eldardi - Nate Jacobs, Joker and Balagur. The young man has outbreaks of aggression and complexes associated with the control of anger. The actor is known for the main role in the comedy "Buddes of Kisses", where he fulfilled the main character and woke up a sex symbol in the next morning after the premiere.
  • Eric Dane - Cal Jacobs, Nyton's father, who has something to hide from the family. The actor is known for works in the series "Anatomy of Passion" and "Last Ship".
  • Sydney Suiney - Cassie Howard, the older sister of Lexi, forced to justify in a rich sex experience. The actress is known for the role in the series "Major Story" and the film "Clementina".
  • Barbie Ferreira - Kat, a girl who disassembled in its own sexual preferences. In the career of the young actress "Euphoria" is the second project where you managed to fulfill a key role.

The film also starred: Alanna Yubak, Nick Blood, Shailo Fernandez and others.

Interesting Facts

1. The release date of the series - June 16, 2019. A month after the premiere it became known that the franchise is planned to extend to the second season, which will be shown in 2020.

2. "Euphoria" is rich in star names. The draft project was made by Sam Levinson. He also took the director's chair in 5 episodes. The pilot release prepared Augustine Freiselle, and the 5th series put Jennifer Morrison, known for the role in the series "Once in a fairy tale" and "Dr. House". The cozer of the project was the rapper Drake.

3. The plot is based on real events that occurred in 2004, when a 18-year-old young man died from the Russian Academy of Sciences, received from the boyfriend of the girl and his friends.

4. The project is the adaptation of the Israeli series of the same name.

5. In the plot strokes of the multi-sized film, the theme of drug use is affected. The screenwriter warns that the creators did not try to embellish their life, and the leitmotif is the idea that the use of psychoactive substances is sooner or later living life and destroy the family.

6. The series contains frank sex scenes, drug use, as well as bare men's genitals, for which the multi-veneer film has been criticized by the US Ethics Committee.

7. In the fate of the scenario and director of the draft Sam Levinson, there were similar situations that are shown in the film. According to the actors who performed the main roles, the series "Euphoria" shows genuine feelings, which is possible, provided that the author survived similar emotions.

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