Maria Arbatova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Writer 2021



Maria Arbatova has time to combine the role of writer, playwright, political and public figure, television and radio. According to Mary, she has so catastrophically lacking time that even smoking had to quit.

Childhood and youth

Masha Gavrilina was born in Murome on July 17, 1957. By the sign of the zodiac - cancer. After a year, the family moved to the capital of Russia. Parents of the girl are true intellectuals. Father - Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Daily Newspaper "Red Star", a journalist and a teacher of philosophy. Mother - a Jewishman by nationality - received a specialty microbiologist. In the 90s, the woman was fascinated by unconventional medicine.

In addition to Maria in the family, her elder brother Sergey smasted, which is known to the press. The writer itself recalled that the early years it is difficult to name the lungs. In an interview, the future feminist told that since childhood began to lick, so he received a group of disability.

Father died when the daughter turned 10. The mother with the elder brother did not control Masha, which caused a frank teen riot. Unpleasant memories left after himself and boarding school for children with disabilities, in which the girl had to spend 2 years. There for the first time Mary chance to show a character, defending his views.

She was distinguished by perseverance and cool temper. Refused to join the Komsomol, because it contradicted her views and vital ideals.

A couple of years before graduation, the mother prescribed daughter in two rooms on Arbat, bought by the Praded. There, the future writer organized the "Salon of Masha from Arbat" - the meeting place of Soviet hippies, whose leader she quickly became. Then the pseudonym Arbatov appeared, which will subsequently replace the real name.

A still teenager, the future writer and feminist visited the school of a young journalist at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. However, I entered the chief university of the capital of Maria to the Philosophy of Faculty.

According to students, due to the strongest ideological pressure, she refused plans for a philosopher's career, enrolling in the Literary Institute named after Gorky and graduating from him. In addition to the writer's skills, Arbatova was trained by the wisdom of psychoanalysis from Boris Grigorievich Kravtsov.

Personal life

Despite the unwitting appearance, Maria Arbatova does not complain about the absence of men in life. In official marriage, the writer consisted three times.

For the first time she went under the crown in early youth. Girlfriends advised Maria faster to marry, as she studied at the Faculty of Philosophy, after which, according to them, the girl would have gone chances to create a family.

Alexander Miroshnik Arbatova met in a student cafe, where he often spent time. The young man studied at the moment in the music school of the name of the Gnesins, afterwards he collaborated with many metropolitan musical theaters and choirs.

Soon after the wedding, the twin sons appeared. The children of the couple have long grown, one of the sons, Paul Miroshnik, - a psychologist, the second, Peter Miroshnik, is a public figure. As Arbatov told in an interview with the program "The Fate of Man", it was the "Italian marriage" with scenes of jealousy and reconciliation. At a certain point, the writer decided to put all the points over I.

Men in the life of feminists replaced each other, without giving her to be seized alone. With a second husband - Oleg Vita, a political expert, - the writer met on the day of the divorce with the first. It was a sign date - October 4, 1993, an attempt of the state coup.

According to Maria Ivanovna, Oleg became the second father for her children. The marriage existed for 7 years. Spouses divorced in "Social reasons": at a certain point, Vita stopped supporting Arbatov in its political activities.

The current spouse is the Indian prince by origin, the financial analyst, the nephew of the leader of the Communist Party of India. Hindu husband is the noise of Datt Gupta younger than Maria for 10 years, but the difference in the age is not felt.

All three marriages of the writer were rapidly. As Arbatova says, a man who does not go to his hands without additional effort does not make sense. By her recognition, she does not have time for the bakery period.

At the same time, the writer does not care about the appearance, does not visit the beauty salons, the concept does not have their own weight, because it was not weighed since the times of pregnancy. According to journalists, with a height of 165 cm its weight approximately 70 kg. She allows himself to eat what he wants and when wants. By quoting Maria Ivanovna:

"If the girl loves his father, then men love it."

Arbatova recalls that her parent adored. Perhaps this is the success of feminists from the opposite sex. About this and other details of personal life, the writer told on the air program "Wife. Love story".

Career and creativity

According to the story of the writer, she prompted her maternity leave for creativity. In order not to go crazy from life and routine, the young mother writes the first plays "envious". Later, works appeared in her literary piggy bank: "The equation with two famous" (the play was written back in 1982, published in 2018), "Alekseev and Shadi", "Profile Association", "Victoria Vasilyeva's eyes" and others.

On the account of Arbatoy-playwright 14 written plays. The latter was created in 1994. According to the author, disappointment from drama associated with the fact that the man-director does not understand its design. Nevertheless, after the collapse of the USSR and the abolition of censorship, Mary began to be put in theaters and bring a considerable income writer.

With the arrival of the harsh 90s Arbatov, knowledge of psychoanalysis was useful. Since 1991, a woman has led the Psychological Rehabilitation Club "Harmony".

Later, the formation of a multifaceted Mary Ivanovna as a TV host and political figure begins. For 5 years, she acted as a columnist for the socio-political publication "Total Gazeta".

Together with Yulia, the little led a popular talk show for women "I myself" on TV-6 channel. On the air of this program, for the first time, the concept of "feminism" and about accessories to the movement declared this program. Her capacious and figurative statements were dealt with by the female public on aphorisms and quotes.

Arbatova received an invitation to the role of an expert in writing a pre-election program for the presidential campaign of Boris Yeltsin and the first female candidate for the head of the country Ella Pamfilova.

In 1996, Arbatov and like-minded people opened the "Club of Women who interfere with politics." The organization fulfills an educational function and is designed to increase political literacy and significance of the female population. Since 2012, Maria Arbatova - President of the "Center for Women", where support is provided to a difficult life situation.

There was no attempts to direct political participation in the life of the country of feminists and human rights defenders. Several times Maria ran into deputies of the State Duma. Unfortunately, the rivals managed a candidate in the elections.

The development of the work of Arbatoy-writer continues. One of the bright essays of the end of the 90s for her was the book "My name is a woman." Later, the bibliography of Mary Ivanovna was replenished with a two-volume "seven-year search", as well as works of "European lessons", "Farewell to the XX century" and others.

Books are based on personal observations and autobiographical. After the visit to India, the product "Tasting India" appeared with a detailed description of the trip.

The novel "Week in Manhattan" came out, where the writer shares unflattering impressions. By the way, the feminist was negative and earlier about America and its residents. Quote from the interview "" 2012 that this country is "a collector of people-hardware, which can be held together only on the financial component to play with anyone," frankly reflects the attitude of human rights defenders.

By the way, autobiography in the list of works of Arbatov also has. The book "I 46" amazes the frankness of the author-realistic, who has told the details of childhood, relationships with parents and husbands. I tried the forces of Maria Ivanovna and as a scenario. The screening of the scout biography Zoe Resurrection in the episode of the project "Fights" called "two lives of Colonel Rykkina" became one of these successful works of Arbatov.

The defender of women's rights remains a bright media driver, whose judgments sound from television screens. Acutely expressed in articles and posts in a personal LJ blog, as well as in accounts in Facebook and the Social Network "Gaidpark". So, in 2017 Arbatov unfaithfully responded to Ksenia Sobchak and its political ambitions. The writer has never been a high opinion about the daughter of Anatoly Sobchak.

In the same year, together with the Lena Lenin, the human rights activist decided to organize a school for women running into presidents. Girlfriends counted that the lady as head of state is not such a utopia, as it may seem at first glance. In the new educational institution, Arbatov assumed responsibility for the political literacy of students, Lenin also had to teach them the rules for creating a business image, as well as modern PR-technologies.

Human rights activist became a member of the TV show with hot scandalous topics and heroines, where he was not shy in fair sarcasma and laid attacks. These were the programs Boris Korchevnikov "Direct Ether" about Maria Maksakova, "Let them say" about Evdokia German and Scandal with the adoptive son of the actress.

Some shooting and phrases of the writer led to a real conflict. It happened on the site. All the same "let them say." Maria Ivanovna allowed a sharp judgment about Rose Xiabitite. Human rights activist doubted that it was possible to be a successful swash, having such a negative marital experience as the TV presenter. The main televas was offended by a sharp sarcasm in his address, hurried to remove from the studio, but, without stiletto, fell on the steps.

For the public, and especially for the inventory of feminism, surprising was the sharp protest of Arbatov against the liberation of the ex-lawyer Yukos Svetlana Bakhminova in 2008. Maria Ivanovna unequivocally stated that the thief should be in prison.

The topic has found the development in the program "To Barrier", where Valery Novodvorskaya was becoming an opponent. Tatyana Tatystaya, the writer and the leading "School of Crossing" (the heroines of which Arbatova once became), stated that the position of human rights defender was ugly. No less interesting and saturated program "My hero" with the participation of Mary Ivanovna.

It can be concluded that, being a feminist, Arbatova is not shy to criticize women. The writer supports the position and some men. For example, the vision of the socio-political situation of Vladimir Posner clearly impresses Mary.

In 2018, on the channel "Savior" Arbatova took part in the program "I do not believe" with the opponent - the priest Paul Ostrovsky. The issues of the rights and place of women in the Church, the legality of abortions, as well as the problems of domestic violence were raised.

Maria Ivanovna tries to comment on women's rights. So, the statements of Marat Bashkirov on the air "Secret per million" program about his companions, the writer called cynical. At the same time, she embarked on the defense of Nikas Safronov in history with the accusation of the artist in rape.

Arbatova is actively published in the blog preferring LJ "Instagram" or "Twitter". As a writer and publicist, Maria Ivanovna prefers long posts and stories with short quotes and photos. In addition, the latest news, publications and works are posted on the personal site of Arbatov.

Maria Arbatova now

Arbatova continues to engage in public activities and promotes the ideas of feminism. She advocates the development of an adequate law on alimony. At the beginning of 2020, the writer participated in the shooting of the transfer "Stars came up", devoted to the relationship of love of the Assumption and her daughter Tatiana.

Maria Ivanovna tries to stay up to date with all public events. Her story with a fatal accident, whose culprit became Mikhail Efremov. The writer predicted the behavior of the actor - his attempt to pay off relatives of the deceased.

In 2020, Arbatov silence coronavirus. The disease did not cause serious damage - now it does not threaten her health. But Maria Ivanovna applies to all measures of prevention and continues to remind the existing threat to others.


"A happy marriage is not when, on the seventh year of family life, you go to the window with a bouquet in your teeth, and when you every second respect and do not go to your legs in your spiritual territory." ".. Being a woman in this world is indefinitely even at that moment When you are doing the only thing that a man is not capable of "" "Do not bring Lord to be born a man and measure yourself and the world harmony of the physiological lineup!" My Hinduism is that I consider the god superchelovac, and a person is a mini-god .. . "


  • 1991 - "Pieces for reading"
  • 1998 - "My name is a woman"
  • 2000 - "Mobile Communications"
  • 2002 - "Social sculpture experience"
  • 2004 - "I am 46"
  • 2004 - "Love for American cars"
  • 2006 - "Tasting India"
  • 2007 - "How I tried to honestly get into the Duma"
  • 2009 - "Cinema, Wine and Domino"
  • 2017 - "Week in Manhattan"

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