Nazar Grabar - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Nazar Grabar is a talented dancer who attracts views not only due to flawless dance technique, but also a memorable appearance. On the screen, they consider numerous fans, it looks fascinating.

Childhood and youth

Nazar Grabar is a native of Ukraine. Born on September 20, 1992 (by the sign of the zodiac - Virgo) in the village of Kapulovka. There he went to the younger classes of the local school, and later with her parents and younger brother Ilya moved to Nikopol. Grabar remembers a shy guy suffering from easy stinking. A future celebrity in childhood was closed and communicated little with peers.

Nazar Grabar with brother in childhood

In the city, a rural boy has the opportunity to receive choreography lessons. Brother Nazar also plunged into art, devoting himself to music. Nine months before the end of the eleventh grade of high school Nazar became part of the Bronx dance school in Nikopol.

For a professional dancer, this is not a period, but Grabar is grateful recalls that the Bronx teachers taught the basics of choreography and played a decisive role in the formation of the dancer personality.

Dancer Nazar Grabar

Further training, Grabar continued in Kharkov, where and left the family. Relations with classmates have not yet been established, all the time he devoted to study and dance. Two years later, the future celebrity moved to Kiev, received a diploma of higher education (Kiev National Economic University named after Vadim Gapetman).

The Ukrainian capital opened the world of opportunities in front of a timid Nazar. The dancetor did not stop doing the choreography (except for small breaks) and also began to attend all sorts of castings. Thanks to the natural data and the excellent physical form, the grabar began to be invited to the photo shoot, shooting commercials and fashionable defile.


Career Nazar Grabar at the professional level started in 2014. The dancer left an application for participation in the show "Dance everything". Surprisingly, for Nazar, the call of representatives of the program became a surprise. He passed a preliminary casting, and then drove into Odessa on the main one.

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Grabar overtook the hundreds of project participants and entered the twenty of the best. From the first esters, the audience was sick for a talented handsome man. However, it was not so smooth. The dancer told how difficult it is to deal with the opinion that on the project he was delayed due to an attractive appearance. In addition to model data, Nazar has incredible plastic and physical fitness, and these are constant efforts on themselves.

After four weeks, Nazar left the show "Dance everything", but the dance career began to gain momentum. We have repeatedly received proposals to hold a master class and even gain your own dance group. However, at the beginning of the creative path, the grabar did not take responsibility to teach young talents.

After participating in the famous Ukrainian show on the dancer, the stars of show business were noted. In 2015, Nazar Grabar appeared in the video "Name of 505" of the Ukrainian pop group "Time and Glass". By the way, together with soloists, Alexei Zavgorodniy and Nadi Dorofeeva dancer returned to the project scene "Dance everything". But this time is not as a member of the show, but with a concert number, like a guest star.

In 2017, Nazaru received a proposal to cooperate from Svetlana Loboda. In the same year, the clip "Your Eyes" came out, where the storyline focuses on the biggegles of Handsome. After the presentation of the collaboration with the Ukrainian celebrity, the interest of fans to the person of a high, muscular guy, and he grows 186 cm with a weight of 72 kg, increased dramatically.

The name of the participant of the clip Loboda hide and did not try. On the contrary, a dancer snapshots appeared on the network in the non-operating setting. Photos scattered over the Internet with "Instagram" Svetlana. After the identity of the dancer opened.

It was rumored that Svetlana demonstrates an obvious sympathy in the clip to a young man. However, the versions of fans were not justified. Loboda did not confirm that Nazar is her lover. Between the singer and dancer partnerships and working moments. Although business connections are not limited here: Sociable Svetlana supports a warm friendship with a colleague.

Nazar Grabar and Svetlana Loboda

This topic in the program "Let them say" from March 13, 2017, Malakhov devoted separate airtime. The name is "Everything's crazy about Loboda." And, of course, the side of Nazar Andrei did not bypass. Grabar briefly answered the questions of the TV presenter and managed to disappoint the good half of the hall: he said that he was in a relationship with another girl. Therefore, "instagram" dancer only for viewing, cooperation, but not for personal correspondence.

The activity of grabar is not limited to musical clips and dancers. Along with the shooting, Nazar appeared on the pages of magazines, starred in advertising for the NAVRO brand, defiled on fashion shows.

Now Nazar Grabar continues to cooperate with Svetlana. Clips "Guy" and "Angel" with his participation have already been released. In addition, the dancer tours with the Ukrainian star, so you can see the work of Tandem Loboda-Grabar on any of the concerts whose schedule is on the official website of Svetlana.

Personal life

Nazar Grabar consists in romantic relationships. His girl also dances in the ballet Svetlana Lobody. Katya Kuzmina comes from Kiev, professional dancer, model. The couple is not afraid to demonstrate feelings and often puts into the network sensual photos, but there are no details of the personal life of lovers in public domain.

Nazar Grabar and Katya Kuzmenko

It is known that neither the wedding, nor the child in the near future it is planned. Dancers dream of a brilliant career. Nazar and Catherine often perform on the same scene, put pair dances.

Nazar Grabar now

In 2018, one of the pleasant news for fans of Loboda's creativity was the debut of the clip "Guy". The song has won popularity even before the release of the video. And after the singer reported that the hero of the clip will again be Nazar Grabar, the anticipation of fans only intensified.

Nazar Grabar in 2018

All the beloved handsome in the clip "reflected" the hair and appeared in a shuffy form. However, Loboda does not lag behind.

Some sources believe that this clip will become the most expensive for the entire previous creative path of the Lobody. Here helicopters, and scenery, and computer graphics, and panther. Raisin video - fragments of bedside scene with Nazar. It will only warp the interest of fans and will make the share of intrigue.

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