Taiwin Lannister - biography, appearance and character, actors


Character History

The majestic commander whose quotes about debt and family became aphorisms, appears in the form of one of the worst inhabitants of the seven kingdoms. Stern politician, not bending betrayal and murders, always achieves its own goal. For the benefit of the family and the glorious surname Tywin Lannister is ready to donate to everyone. Even members of the family itself, about which is so stirring.

History of creation

George Martin, the author and screenwriter phenomenon called "The Game of Thrones", more than once confessed in an interview that when creating characters was inspired by the historical personalities of the Middle Ages. Tywin Lannister did not exception.

Writer George Martin

The prototype of the ruler of Western lands is Richard Neville. The man wore titles Count Warwick and Count Salisbury and was considered one of the most influential personalities of England. During the "Roses War" Neville, like the Senior Lannister, moved to the side of the Buntovshchikov, betraying his own king at the last moment. Martin borrowed and the death scene of the character:

"Toywin Lanner's corpse and what happens to him is the borrowing from the" Karamazov brothers ", I confess you."
Richard Neville

The image of a cynical and calculating policy was embodied by actor Charles Dance in the series. The producers of movie corrodes were so impressed with the game of the artist in the film "Your Highness" that Dance was immediately invited to the final audition.


Tywin was born in the family of Lord Titos Lanner. The young man from childhood was distinguished from his relatives, determination and fearlessness. The young leader scared his own father, so Tywin was exiled to the royal harbor, where the future Lord took the place of the court at the court. An intelligent guy quickly moved by service. At the time of the uprising, Taiwin raised the position of Diary of the King, which did not prevent the calculating Lannist to switch to the side of the rebels.

Tywin quickly married his own cousin. Unlike most marriages, the Union was built on love. Soon the couple had children - the twins of Sressey and Jame. Lord's wife died, burning a third child - Tyrion. Such a blow did not break the stubborn, but deprived good feelings.

Taiwin Lannister

At the time of death, King Barateon Tywin turned 56 years old. Despite the age, the man holds himself in good physical form. Slender and energetic Lord participates in combat campaigns, wears heavy ammunition and easily moves on horseback at long distances. The appearance does not have a great value for the hero, but Tywin carefully monitors, not appearing in the public with unshaven.

The death of his wife markedly spoiled the nature of Lannerner. If at the youth of Lord, the principles existed, then the matured and experienced Lannister does not see borders and the obstacles in front of them. The life and plans of the Senior Lannerner are aimed at the exaltation of the genus, which has lost its influence at the board of Tywin.

Sersa and Jame Lannister

The man loves the twins insanely, but uses both children in its own political games. Tywin easily sacrifices the interests of Serne and Jame for the benefit. At the same time, a man destroys anyone who encroaches the family.

Special relation to the hero with the youngest son. Thyrion, according to Lord, caused the death of his wife, so it does not cause warm feelings in Taiwin. But when Tyrion is accused of attempted on Brana Stark, Lord Lannister sends the eldest son with the army to save the unloved offspring. After all, despite the hostility, Tyrion is a member of an influential family on which it is impossible to encroach.

Robb Stark

Tywin takes on the management of the army and goes on the campaign to extinguish the robob astro's uprising. The Military Camp is the sons of Lord, but the big army suffers defeat from a decisive young wolf.

During the regrouping of own troops, Taiwin meets the girl on the street, which masterfully pretends to the boy. Reseller Arya Stark remains unrecognized, but conquers Lanner's interest. A man takes a child with himself, not suspecting that he brought the enemy's sister. Soon, education and education give arus, but the lord is too complicated to the girl in order to persuade, who actually serves Lannisthers.

Arya Stark

The uprising in the royal harbor is changing Lord's plans. A man returns to the city, deciding that Robb Stark is a smaller threat. For the salvation of the iron throne from the invaders King Joffrey, his native grandson of Lannerner, proclaims grandfather the Savior of the capital.

Once next to the children, Tywin is undermining new politically marriages and throws the forces on the challenge from captivity Jame. According to Lord, Tyrion should marry Sanas Stark, and Sersa is married to Laratas Tirella. But the younger lannisters do not seek to please the Father. Therefore, Tywin uses all influence to prove - the solution in the family takes only one.

Frame from the series

The death of the young king Joffrey and the return from captivity Jame makes in ambitious plans Toywin adjustments. Senior Lannister decides that the Son will go to live in a generic estate, and the Iron throne will take the younger grandson. Well, before Tyrion, accused of death of the Elder Grandson, Taiwin is not going to save an unloved relative.

The influential military and politics death of the outbreak in the toilet. Angry Tyrion, tired of contempt and disregard, kills the beloved. After that, a man shoots a crossbow in his father, who was associated with Tyrion only with hatred.

Interesting Facts

  • Taiwin Lannister ranks 9th in the ranking of fictional rich. The character's condition is estimated at $ 1.8 billion.
Charles Dance.
  • Charles Dance, the executor of the role of Lord, admitted that the separation of the carcass (the first appearance of the character) is the most insane, which had to make an actor on the shooting for the series.
  • In the original books, the senior Lannister is not found with Aric Stark. The girl falls into the service to another military commander.


"Gold benefits, but the war wins the gland." "There is no free people. Only children and fools think differently. "" Lion should not be interested in the opinion of sheep. "" If the soldier does not have a discipline, the wine lies on their commander. "" The house for which the family is primarily a family will always defeat those who have whims for whims and whims of sons and daughters. "

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