Group "Technology" - Composition, Photo, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



At the beginning of the nineties, the songs of the Technology Group became real hits. Participants gave 4 concerts per day, and the soloists won fans. The group immediately turned attention and won thousands of fans.


The history of the group begins in 1990. Initially, the Group "Technology" is founded in the city of Moscow by the participants of the Bioconstructor group: Leonid Velichkovsky - keyboards, romance Ryabtsev - keyboards and vocals and Andrei Kohaev - Keyboard and percussion. Vladimir Nechitail was invited to the team, which before that worked as a technician in the Bioconstructor group. In the first year of existence, the Group records the demonstration material and is engaged in shooting low-budget clips.


Already a year after the basis of the group, a debut album was released on audio cassettes and vinyl "Everything you want." In April of the same year, cooperation with producer Yuri Aizenshpis begins. He helped the team to release the first album.

In the biography of the group there were many changes in the composition, and they began almost immediately. Valery Vasko comes to the place of the resigned from the concert composition of the group Leonid Vasko. In 1993, Roman Ryabtsev concludes a contract with Radio France International and departs to France to record a solo album. Low later, in the fall of this year, keyboard player and vocalist announces care from the group. After a few months, the group opens and Andrei Kohaev.

Roman Ryabtsev

After 2 years, the Group announced itself in an updated composition: Vladimir Nechitailo and Leonid Velichkovsky created a new album "This War". During the concerts, Vladimir accompanied Maxim Velichkovsky on the keyboards, Kirill Mikhailov on the drums, as well as Victor Burko - on keyboards and backing vocals.

In 2002, the two main vocalists of the Group reunite - Roman Ryabtsev returns to the group. Two young musicians also joined the team: Roman Lyamsev and Alexey Savostin, who were previously members of the Module group.


This composition lasted 3 years, after which Roman Lyamsov decides to leave the group "Technology" and focus on the Module's team, which was just signed by a contract with producer Sergey Pimenov. Place Lyamseva took Matvey Yudov, who for about a year collaborated with the group "Technology" as a sound producer and at the same time was a musician "Module" team.

At the end of 2005, the founder returned to the group - Andrei Kohaev drummer. Within 5 years, there were no changes within 5 years, but in February 2011, the keyboard player and the arguer Alexei Savostin and Andrei Kocheev left the group.

Vladimir Nechitailo

In 2007, the initial composition was assembled on the filming of the film "One Love by Million", which was published on April 5, 2007. Here they played themselves in early years, with the relevant image for the 90s.

At the end of 2017, Roman Ryabtsev said in an interview that since the beginning of next year he leaves the technology group. Now the ex-participant has dedicated himself to a solo project.


Thus, in 2018, three participants remained as part of the group: Vladimir Nechitailo - the main vocalist, Matvey Yudov is responsible for keyboards and backing vocals, as well as the drummer Stas Vezelov, who is a participant in the concert.


The "Technology" group was often compared with the British team of "Deposthe Mod", which is very popular in the territory of the USSR. Nevertheless, according to Velichkovsky, their similarity was determined by the laws of the style, and the participants themselves did not copy anyone. Moreover, later "Deposta Ma" changed the direction and genre of music.

With the arrival of Eisenshpis in the "Technology" group, their popularity increased, and the musicians began to find out. The song "Strange Dance" firmly stood on the leading positions in the charts "Sound Track" for 1 year and 2 months. But the work between the team and the producer ceased in the fall of 1991.

"Previously, everything was somehow easier, we brought our video to the music channel - and put it. At that time, it was generally possible to break through without any particular PR. All solved personal connections, "Roman Rowbets later spoke later in the interview.

In 1992, the remix album "I don't need information", after which the group began to record a full-length album "Sooner or later". This album has become the last joint work of the initial participants.

The record company "Jam" in 2002 reprinted the official albums of musicians in a new design, adding bonus tracks and improving the sound. Literally all the year 2004, the participants in the group were held on tour, and during the interruptions were engaged in studio work: recording new material for the album.

In the spring of 2006, the group released the track "Give fire" with a cover version of the Alliance group, which immediately went to a significant circulation. The presentation of the single took place in the popular Kiev club "Bingo", it was covered by all Ukrainian musical television channels and radio stations. After the video recording of the concert appeared on the air more than 10 times within 2 weeks.

In May 2006, Yalta film studio graduated from the installation of the new video clip of the head of the disk "Warning New World". Shooting this video took place on the Crimea Peninsula, in Yalta. Unfortunately, due to disagreements between the participants of the group and the recording studio, neither the video clip nor the album appeared at that time.

Until June, the participants prepare a concert program, and on June 17, 2006, the Technology Group will present it under the name "Impossible Communications". The musicians appeared in front of the audience in a fully renovated image, with powerful and hard electronic sound.

For the first time in many years, Igor Zhuravlev appeared on the stage, singing together with the group "Technology" Song "Give fire". Live performance lasted more than 1.5 hours, the musicians performed almost all popular hits and all singles from the new album.

In December 2006, the Technology Group performed with the legendary team "Camouflage". In early 2007, solo concerts were played around Russia. A year later in St. Petersburg, the presentation of the album "Idea carrier" was held.

June 2011 became the key to the group, as the release of a new disk dedicated to the anniversary of the human flight took place. The presentation of the "Chief of the Universe" disk was held on June 3 in one of the clubs in Moscow.

Group "Technology" now

Today the band continues to actively act. Based on the information in the official community of the social network "VKontakte", in 2018, a series of concerts of the tour begins, dedicated to the anniversary of the album "Sooner or Late". New compositions and loved hits have already been sounded in several cities, thousands of people looked at the show with the original video sequence. In the prepared program, in addition to the rest, legendary hits from the first album "click on the button", "half an hour" and "strange dances" are performed.


On May 26 in the South Primorsky Park, the Group spoke at a festive concert dedicated to the Day of the foundation of St. Petersburg. Over the past few years, the Technology Group has released 5 new singles and a mini-album "Latex E.R.".

In the social network "Instagram" there is a not verified collective account, which publishes photos with the upcoming events and video from the life of the group. The group also has an official website.


  • 1990 - "Click on the button"
  • 1990 - "Strange Dancing" ("Dancing together", "Dancing in the rain")
  • 1990 - "Joker"
  • 1990 - "Cold Track"
  • 1991 - "Songs of anything"
  • 1993 - "In memory of you"
  • 1993 - "Nuclear Jazz"
  • 2009 - "Warming New World"


  • 1991 - "All you want"
  • 1993 - "Sooner or later"
  • 1996 - "This is war"
  • 2009 - "ideas carrier"

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